Friday, February 6, 2009

Little Girl In the Raincoat

Okay everyone so this happened at an early age, around when I was 12.

My first encounter with the little girl in the raincoat was when I was sleeping one night. I slept on the top bunk and was usually sleeping facing the wall. For some reason I woke up at 3, the devils hour, facing the open room, and a young girl was floating by my bed about 4 feet away. She had ringlet curly hair and was a see through - grayish color. She had a rainhat on and a raincoat. she looked young maybe 7ish and then terrified I turned back over.

A month or two later I was playing on the computer. I had the door closed and my dad and sister were outside, therefore, I was the only one in the house. I heard a knocking on the door, faint but hearable. I said 'lil, come in!" calling for my sister and nobody came in. I turned back around and 5 minutes later it knocked again. I got up this time and opened the door but no one was there. I looked in the rooms near mine and nobody was there. This repeatedly happened, until I yelled "plz, plz, plz go away." and it never happened again. I believe they were the same spirit, but I haven't been bothered since. I think she was good but I never told for she never talked.

Sent in by Rozii, Copyright 2009

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