Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mirror Mirror

I was 'ghost hunting' with friends and we were going to look at a house that one of us had lived in. She and her relatives had several stories of sightings and interacting with the spirits in the house.

All ghosts with a cold nature, not cold as in mean, but as in benign. All but one, who inhabited a room on the upper level, one thing about the house is that the roof is caving in, the worst part being exactly where the 'evil' spirit resides.

I was told by the girl who lived there and her sister "Do NOT go into that room."

But of course, I'm a fool, and curious.

So I went into the room and I looked into the mirror on the wall.

At first it seemed 'normal', then as I looked at my face, I realized that MY face and HIS face were different.

HIS face looked confused (I'm sure I did too after watching HIS face change), but then he looked scared, not scared like freaked out, but scared like he was witnessing something unexplainable, something horrific, and then the face changed to an indescribable blank. The face looked emotionless and the eyes looked empty. HIS face was dead and I stood there in awe of what was happening before me.

I told this to the girl and her older sibling who had lived in the house and I found out that two other people had encountered a similar experience, very similar. Perhaps even identical to my own.

I'm haunted by that face and HIS emptiness.

Sent in by Xe

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