Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ghost In My My New Place

I moved into my apartment building last February. When my b/f and I moved in we were informed that the building was built in 1921. To give you an idea of the layout you walk in the front door and up some steps to the second story. Its kinda like a hotel a long hallway with doors on both sides. My mom lives on the second story, I live on the third.

Shortly after moving in my mom knocked on my door. She was white as a sheet and shaking. I asked what was wrong and she told me she had just seen a ghost in her dining room. I couldn't help believing her. So I got her calmed down and she went home. I forgot all about it until June.

My b/f had gone to work and I had my iPod on cleaning the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone standing there. I jumped and turned more towards what I was seeing. It vanished. I checked the whole apartment. Its not big since its a studio. When I didn't find anyone I was like ok.... time to go visit my mom.

Another time my b/f had gone to work and I was in the kitchen doing my makeup. I'm to short to see in my bathroom mirror. Anyway I heard a key in the door then it opened and shut. I asked what are you doing back. No answer, irritated I walked into the living room to find no one. I thought alright he's messing with me. I checked every where. Unless my cats have learned how to use keys and open doors I have a ghost.

Sometimes when I'm doing dishes I will hear a voice say hey. Or the water will go from hot to cold. That happens in my shower to. There have been times when I'm in bed and I feel someone touch my leg. My cats watch things that I cant see. Sometimes I nudge them with my foot, cause its freaky. That's it for now. I will keep you guys updated.

Sent in by TwoKittens

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