Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The Red Zig-Zagging Light
She was sitting in her chair in her room watching TV. and eating Cheeto's and all of a sudden this red looking laser light zig-zag all over her wall, and her family usually tricks her with many things, mostly lights, so by that, she thought it was her sister or her brother. But then she remembered that her sister was at softball practice and her brother was at baseball practice, then she remembered that her mom was outside gardening, and that her dad was working on his motorcycle/dirt bike.
She got up and zoomed outside to her mom, screaming at the top of her lungs, and her mom said "Faith, you're fine, nothing is wrong." But at that time my friend was still screaming at the top of her lungs, "MOM, SOMETHING IS IN MY ROOM. ALEX AND CULLEN ARE GONE AT PRACTICES!!!"
So her mom and her went inside and to her room, and they tried to figure out what could have caused it. Her mom thought it was her jeans, because they had all these different colors on them but she didn't have red, and at the time the red light zig-zagged, her legs weren't moving at all.
She said "No mom, that could not have been it." So they sat in there for about an hour to see if it would come back and all of a sudden her mom saw it. So her mom said "Okay Faith, it's gonna be alright." So they put up one of her church crosses, and from that day on it never came back.
But the night before any of this happened, her brother was in the basement shooting his shotgun and he looked in his scope and saw the exact same thing.
And you'd think that the scope had something wrong with it, but then her mom came downstairs and she looked at the target, and her mom saw it, and then she looked into the scope, and she still saw it, so her brother tried to fix the scope by cleaning it, thinking that it was the scope lenses that was broken, but now they know it was real and not the scope.
It hasn't ever came back to their house. It was a year ago when this happened.
Written by Kelsey 2009 copy right byhttp://www.ghost-space.com all rights reserved and no part of this story may be used with out permission
Sunday, October 14, 2012
The Shadow Man - What Am I dealing With?
I moved. I never saw the shadow man after that, but to this day he now haunts my sleep there is not one night that I don't wake up from fighting with him. I even talk in my sleep about him and people around me say that I literally carry on complete conversations. It has got to the point that I don't even sleep at night because for some reason he doesn't come to me in the day light.
Can anyone tell me what I am dealing with I am pagan and have talked to my pagan friends and they seem to think I need to confront this man and cast him away from me but I have tried and nothing works.
Sent in by deedadee
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Creepy Footsteps
I was in the 4th grade, now I am in the 6th grade. This is one of my true stories about my old house in Honesdale, PA.
It was a normal day, sunny, warm and in the summer. My dad drove me to school, and my brother Alex, but in the evening of the day at school, my brother wasn't feeling too well, and the school nurse decided to send him home to my dad. So my dad came home from his work early to come pick him up, I obviously stayed at school, and he took him home.
When they arrived at my dad's house, they relaxed on the couch and my dad got Alex some cold medicine. At that time, our cat, Shaggy, was on the couch with my dad and Alex while our dog, Butchey, was on his bed in front of the fire place sleeping. My step mom, Dane, was at her work.
It was about 11:00 when my dad and brother heard a noise of what sounded like someone walking upstairs on the wood floor with hard, metal soled shoes on. They were a little frighten, because at first they thought that maybe somebody broke into the house. My dad told Alex to stay at the bottom of the stairs, in case, whoever it was, came downstairs. My dad went up stairs to search all the rooms and hallways. He came down, and said he saw absolutely nothing, no people, nothing surprising. So they lied back down on the couch, thinking about what just happened.
My dad came later to my school, with Alex, to pick me up at 3:00.
They were pretty quiet, surprisingly. Alex was hesitant to tell me what happened at the house while I was in school, but my father stopped him every time he tried to tell me.
Later that night, Alex asked my dad if he could tell me, and my dad said alright, but not to scare me. I knew I wouldn't get scared, so he told me.
None of us still don't know why that happened, but it did. We try not to think about it a lot anymore, but I can still remember every little bit of that night...
This is a true story, don't get scared, but it is. I have lots more to tell, and I hope to read many other sorts of scary stories from others. My favorite holiday is Halloween, and my favorite stories are ghost stories.
Written By Lauren Sandercock copy right by Ghost-Space.com all rights reserved no part of this story may be used with put permission
Friday, August 10, 2012
The Vanishing Boston Terrier
I missed him and hated to be alone in my room because I felt like he was there. I knew it was him because I didnt have my two cats at the time. We had no animals and it broke my parents heart so we had to lay off the pets for a while.
so the story goes I was packing my bags for church camp, Moe used to sleep all the time on my parents bed. So my suitcase was open on thier bed. I turned away to answer a phone call, wrong number, I put the phone down and as I looked at the bed there was Moe, lying on the bed like he always did. He always laid on the edge of the bed. I blinked and he was gone. It shook me up pretty bad cause I knew Moe had passed on.
It was a hard reality to accept when Moe died because he was apart of my child hood, I was an only child and relied on Moe and Goldie our older pug for companionship. Moe was such a sweet dog. He was buried near my room by choice because I was the one he loved so much.
So this story is kind of in memory of sweet Moe.
Contributed by lacinda shantelle russell and Copyright © 2012 ghost-space.com all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission. Thank you lacinda shantelle russell
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
My School Is Haunted
My classmates were talking about ghost sightings. Especially since the school used to be a cemetery. There were quite a few spirits scattered around the school.
One was the tree spirit. It took form of an old tree that when disturbed, either by loud noise or misbehavior causing it disturbance. It is said that when it identifies you (by the ID) it will look for a chance to suck your spirit in and transform you into a part of it, whether it be a new leaf or branch. Which was the reason why some from the school wore their IDs backwards or not at all.
Another was the spirit of the stone. It stood out of the stone path because of it's red color and heart shape(very ironic). When disturbed (stepped on) it possesses the nearest living being, unfortunately, it was me. I didn't see it in my rush to get home and went on with my usual routine. It wasn't until night that I found out. And the night after that and so on. The spirit is said to 'filter' your dreams, taking the good ones out and the bad ones in. Every night I experienced those nightmares and felt the pulling feeling in my back. At long last, they stopped. I guess 'it' didn't want to join me halfway across the island.
The last I remember, were the spirits of the auditorium. They inhabited the auditorium(duh). There were three of them, one dressed in white, another in black and the last in red. When entering the auditorium alone, one of these 'sisters' will attack you. The one in red is said to burn you alive. The one in black melted you into the ground and the one in white would chop you up. Thankfully, I have never met these ghosts. But an unlucky batch did.
Thankfully, at twelve years I no longer believe in these 'spirits' but thought fans of the paranormal might like to hear about it.
Contributed by Nina and Copyright © 2012 ghost-space all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission. Thank you Nina
Thursday, July 19, 2012
I am not alone
I was in sixth grade when one day I was very very sick. I stayed in bed for almost two weeks, I missed school so much but nevertheless I was all alone in my house and my dad went to pick up my younger sister at school.
I was all alone. Well that's what I thought at first. When I got out of bed and I felt so cold and dizzy. I then laid in my bed again and I heard a bunch of noises coming from my ear saying "You are not Alone" it was many voices. I couldn't take it any longer I thought I was going crazy and I felt so scared. I had to go out of my house and go to the front store to buy something. Then I came back with this goosebumps all over me when I opened my front door of my house.
I stepped in and ran trough the stairs locking the door behind me. I sat down and ate my snack (Fruit Roll up) and once again I heard "You are not Alone", this made me scream because it sounded nonhuman and in a echoed way too.
And then started to laugh so hard it broke my house windows I cried on and on until I fainted.
When I woke up my dad and a couple of police officer where at my house and asking me questions. They asked me was anyone here besides me, I told them I really don't know if I was alone. They looked at me unreal. I went to sleep and in the middle of the night around exactly 3:00 am (I don't know why)the noises started again and I was about to call my dad when the door bell rang. When I saw two police officers arrive at our door and the noises stopped but when I answer the door They had no skin and nor eyes saying "you are not alone". I closed my door and screamed until my dad woke me up and told me I just had a nightmare. After few days later I watched the news and a police officers found two cops without their skins or eyes on them.
I felt cold again and this time I went to my dad's room to tell him but he was gone . Now I am only living with my aunt and uncle and my dad still missing. And about the house I was living in, my uncle some research on my old house, and found that a crazy guy that use to have a wife and kids that one day his wife left him and ever since he was alone and went insane he decided to kill himself. So was he or is he still haunting this house? Very Scary tail.
Contributed by Angel Z and Copyright © 2012 Ghost-Space all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission. Thank you Angel Z
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
My Scary Demon Encounters
Anyways after that experience after a week I was praying out loud and saying "thank you God, you are so wonderful, I am so glad you're my savior.." etc. and at that moment I heard this really ferocious growl. It sounded like some huge dog or something, but my Chihuahua dog was with my brother on a sleepover, and my cat was outside. So I shrugged it off as my imagination and decided to go to bed.
Around 3 am I woke up to growling, and I felt so scared and I felt like I was frozen and couldn't move. As soon as I could move, I ran to the living room and watched TV til the sun rose up.
I wonder if they just want to hurt you if you start getting a relationship or God.
Sent in by Terra, Copyright 2012
My Fathers Smiling Face
My mother was so uncooperative and vindictive at the time we barely got to see our father and if we did she would throw tyrannical rages when we would return. My father ended up taking a turn for the worse and was taken to Galveston Texas for care were he gave up his struggle and passed away.
My older sister had to come to my junior high to pick me up and to break the tragic news to me and my younger brother. We were devastated and blamed my mother for missing out on time we could have spent with him before his passing. She ranted and raved and berated us for speaking to her in such a manner and tensions were stretched to their limits, everything set us to arguing. It was during one of those arguments that I had stomped off to my room and slammed my door. I threw myself on my bed and was crying, when I got this whiff of my fathers aftershave lotion and I sat up and looked around expecting to see him standing there.
That evening we all went to sit with the body at the funeral home and told stories of our time spent with my father. Two days later we buried my father and my brother and me just laid on the casket not wanting him to be gone and had to be pried loose. The burial continued and afterward we went to my cousins to visit. The grown-ups went to the living room and all the kids went to the family room to horse around.
Someone decided we should have a séance to call my fathers spirit to see if he was ok ,and if he was happy. We all sat around this long table, with the lights off and a candle shining was our only light except the moon shining through the two windows facing me and my brother. We said a prayer and asked that my fathers spirit join us, everyone waited for a sign we were all breathing hard and more than a little scared when my brother and me looked straight ahead and saw the image of my father smiling through the window pane and nodding his head to let us know he was ok. My cousins looked at the window and at all at once there was screaming and chairs being thrown back and kids running to get away from the image of my father in the window pane, as my brother and me started to join them my fathers image nodded at us once again and smiled as he faded and was gone.
I have asked for him to return many times since I became and adult but he has never shown himself again.
Sent in by Elizabeth, Copyright 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Scary Experience When Alone in Family House
My name is Melissa and when I was 10, I had very bone chilling experiences only when I was alone. It was a family house, so I thought I was safe.
Before I get to the actual story, here are some strange and unexplainable things that had happened. I was in the kitchen with my sis and my dad and we were picking up crackers that my sister had dropped on the floor. All of a sudden, the light turned off by itself, we went into the living room where the family was sitting watching a baseball game. We asked them if any of them had turned off the light. They were confused and didnt know wat we were talking about. Then, the TV switched channels and went to a fuzzy channel. (the remote was sitting on the table and no one had touched it.)
Here is the Main Story
So I was home with my sister,(she was 4 at the time) and her name is Mya. Mya was sleeping on the couch and I was doing homework at the kitchen table. I heard a bang upstairs and I didn't think anything of it. Then I heard another, than another, than another. Almost as if someone was walking from one room to another upstairs.
Now let me remind you, I was home with only my sister and no one else. So I was kinda freaked out. Then I tried to concentrate on my homework and not the noises. So I turned on the T.V. and tried to block out the noises. It only made the noises louder. So I was officially creped out when I heard the bangs in the room above me then move to the room above the dining room. I called my father cell phone and he said that I should go upstairs and check it out. I got a baseball bat from the toy room then slowly crept up the stairs. I looked in all of the rooms. And there was no one there. Then I stopped for about 5 seconds and there was a bang right next to me. (I could even feel the vibration.) My sister then awoken from her sleep and there were no bangs at all.
A few weeks later, the same thing happened. But my sister wasnt there it was only me. The bangs were as loud as they ever had been and they were constantly going on. So I finally had enough of it and I said, "If theres anything here, make your presence known with a big bang" Then a few seconds later, there was a huge bang. It sounded like a dumster was thrown in the room on top of me. I was scared out of my mind!! I asked questions and it ansered thru bangs. It turns out it's a male who died here. He only makes himself known when I am the only one awake or the only one in the house.
Contributed by Hayley Connoly and Copyright © 2012 Ghost-Space.com all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission. Thank you Hayley Connoly
Sunday, June 17, 2012
The Crackling Noise
I also found out that the ladies who worked in housekeeping would also experience strange occurrences such as doors being slammed closed when they were cleaning the rooms, radios turning on by themselves, and stuff like that. So, when this noise kept going on and on, the second thing that came to my mind was there was some bothersome spirit in our room. Of course, I didn't tell my husband, because at the time, he didn't believe in such things as ghost and the paranormal, but he does now, though. So, I told him that it could be the heater system, because it was cold outside. He said that he would go to the foot of the stairs and call down to the guy at the front desk to bring us a flashlight, since we didn't have one. I told him that I would go instead (to tell you the truth, I didn't want to be alone with this apparent thing in the room bothering us).
Luckily, there were flood lights in the hallway and also that we were only on the second floor, so it wasn't too difficult to call down to the person behind the front desk. Of course, when I did call down, I'm sure that I woke everyone up with my big mouth. I didn't want to say that there was a "ghost" in our room (I didn't want anyone to think that I was crazy) so I said that I think that we have a "rat" in our room (which I'm sure would have scared a lot of people if they had heard that...LOL!) I asked him if he could please bring us a flashlight. He did, and when he walked into our room, the crackling noise just stopped. So, both he and my husband looked around the room and found nothing. So, the guy left to go back downstairs. Just as soon as he left, the crackling noise started up again. I went back to the foot of the stairs and called down to the guy again, to please come back with the flashlight. This time, he brought an extra flashlight with him. He came into the room, and as soon as he came in, the noise stopped again. This time, he turned off the flashlight, and the noise started up. So, he turned it back on again and gave use the extra flashlight. He shrugged his shoulders and said that it was a mystery and left. We kept the flashlight on for awhile, and then my husband said that this was crazy and turned it off. Of course, the crackling noise came on again and kept making the noise until it finally just stopped (maybe about twenty minutes or so).
It was a baffling mystery. Of course, looking back now, with the other experiences that I had encountered in our first townhouse that we had moved into, which I had wrote about awhile back (but of course I can't remember the title), I just figured it was one of those bothersome spirits. It's funny, though. I had experienced all this paranormal stuff in Japan, but, when we were stationed in Italy back in the mid 80s, the really only frightening thing that I had experienced over there, besides everyone driving faster than the speed of light and trying to squeeze into one lane (affectionately known as "Squeeze Alley." By the way, there was a "Squeeze Alley" at the foot of the hill where the hospital was located where I use to work.
Many babies were born in "Squeeze Alley" during rush hour on their way to the hospital to be born) was when I forgot to put the Tritico (which was the registration to the car) back into the glove compartment and my husband was stopped by the Italian military police on his way home from work one day (which they often did for the AFI "American Forces Italy" cars to make sure that the cars weren't stolen) and was surprised that the tritico was not there like it was suppose to be. If I remember correctly, I had taken the tritico out of the car for insurance purposes and had gotten busy with something else and just totally forgot to put it back. Luckily, the Italian police officer, who spoke very good English, said that he had a wife, too, and that he understood and let my husband go on. My husband was pretty angry with me, which he had all the right to be...LOL! Thank you for listening to one my, again, long winded stories. I look forward to any comments about what you all might think that crackling noise was. Have a great evening! Sent in by Bonnie, Copyright 2012 www.ghost-space.com
The Ghost on the Stairs Looked at Me
My grandparents house has been known to be haunted for at least 2 decades. In the past TV's have turned on and off at will, things move, black figures are seen at the corner of your eyes, muffled voices are heard, and the most famous paranormal activity of all is the sightings of what my cousins call, "The White Lady."
The White Lady is a ghost that my older cousins, who were at the time toddlers, used to talk about. Both my grandmother and grandfather are aware of the fact that there house might be haunted. There are many disturbing events that have happened in the past that many can not explain. I had always wondered if "The White Lady" was real. And in October of 2008 I believe I finally met her.
Many people have felt a strange presence when they travel up the stairs to the second floor. It's kinda hard to explain, but, it just has a eerie feeling that makes you feel uneasy. It's also quieter than the rest of the house when you start to descend the staircase. Anyway, to me this was the perfect place for me to see a ghost. Which I did. Right at the top of the stairs.
I was spending a night or two overnight at my grandparents house. There had been family problems in the past and it had been many years sense I slept there overnight. I just, wasn't close with them that much. So, my grandfather offered to sleep in the guest room while me and my grandmother slept in the master bedroom in a huge bed.
It had been a while where I was asleep, and for some reason I still don't understand, I randomly woke up and sat up in bed. I focused towards the bedroom door that was partly open because it would not fully close. I only starred at the door for maybe 10 seconds or less, when I saw a white apparition of a women standing at the top of the staircase. (When you look outside the master bedroom door you can look out directly at the top of the staircase.) Now, but I wasn't thinking then, I thought about the " White Lady." I feel I truly saw her.
The apparition was cloudy. Not see threw like I have heard in other ghost stories. She was a cloudy upright figure. She had no color anywhere. She was a almost perfect outline of a woman. I could see the outline of her hair, waist, head, her arms resting at her sides, and a ankle length dress. She had a very graceful walk. And to me, she seemed like a younger woman. Maybe very young. She was staring down the hallway where my grandfather was sleeping. She looked straight ahead for most of the time I saw her. But, what really startles me now, is that she looked at me. I saw her rather slowly move her head sideways and look right at me. She had no face. Just a flat slightly curved head.
I realize know why my cousin's called the phantom the " White Lady." Everything about her was white. She was a white apparition. It was pretty easy to see her. While she looked at me, I think know about that she looked at me longer than usual. She didn't just give me a glance and vanish. She looked at me for about 5-8 seconds, and formed into a mist like form and floated quickly into the next room. Then I went back to sleep. I haven't seen her sense then. But I want to so badly.
Ask me anything about my experience. Your opinions too.
Written by Haley Cook, Copyright 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Ghost Within
Looking out my bedroom window you can see trees and a few feet away is the road. Now the story is (according to the neighbors who lived in the area for a long time) someone found a dead body in the road near my bedroom, it was a female and she was raped and beaten badly. No one was found guilty of the crime. Sometimes when I come home around 1am or 2am from hanging out with friends I would hear these cries for help.
The sound seems to come from far away as I can barely hear it. Sometimes though it would be loud enough for me to plainly hear a woman crying for help. It freaked me out. I was alone in the house and you hear things like that in your bedroom, it would scare any adult let alone a teenager. I told this to my friends and they just shrug me off with over excited imagination. It became so frequent that I would hear it 3 times a week. What can I do? nothing.
So I would just cover my head with a pillow every time I went to bed, frightened. Every morning I would think why I never heard it before when my parents were around. I honestly have no idea why. A month had passed since I started hearing the cries for help. One afternoon a friend of mine invited me to a party. It was a lot of fun and took my mind off the eerie noise I hear at night. The party ended at around 10pm. Hung out with some friends before I finally went home. Time was around 12:40am. It was really hot so I went for a quick shower. I couldn't sleep right away because of it was so hot.
I was lying in my right side and wide awake. The lights were off but there was enough lights outside seeping in I could see around my bedroom. Then just like that I felt like a cold breeze, like someone opened a freezer door and letting all the cold out. I kept thinking, what the?? What's going on? I was about to turn to my left side and check the windows but halfway through my turn I froze at what I saw!. Right there at the foot of my bed was a ghost, it was floating, dressed in a long dirty white gown. I sat bolt upright! I couldn't comprehend what I was seeing! I was screaming but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I actually thought I was gonna die right there, that's how scared I was. Its gown was flowing, like wind was passing trough it. Then finally I managed to let out a cry for help, and I shouted at this "thing" to leave me alone and manage to throw one of my pillows at it. And just like that it vanished. I rushed out the house and straight to my uncle's house and started hammering my fists at the door. He was surprised to see me at that hour of the night. I told him what happened and I was so upset because he wouldn't believe me. I said, believe what you want but I aint going back in that house!
The following morning I did go back to the house, sat in my bed and kept thinking of what happened. I was actually at a lost for word. It felt so weird having witnessed that. I didn't know what to do, who to talk to or ask for help. I didn't sleep in my room ever since, my uncle was kind enough to let me sleep in their spare room. My uncle told my mom whom also did not believe me.
A neighbor a couple of days later heard my story and told me she saw it too one time when she was coming home late. She saw it by the road near my bedroom window. Instead of being relieved because someone finally believes me I got even more frightened. I never saw that ghost again, nor did I sleep in my own bedroom again but that experience I will never forget. who can?. The fear, I can never forget the fear I felt.
Sent in by Eddie V Copyright 2012 ghost-space.com
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Animal ghosts & strange behaviour
Apparently I come from a long line of mediums (my Gran tells me), but I haven't experienced any feelings or sensations, so I don't really look into it.
I do however love a good ghost story! I guess I believe in ghosts, but I'm not the type to assume that strange occurrences are ghosts, I firstly try to explain them away!
Some however cannot be explained away such as the few small experiences I've had with animals.
First when I was younger, about 8 I guess, I lived on a small holding (small farm) with my parents and grandparents. My grandparents had a few york shire terriers and I remember one day going downstairs to see them and one of the dogs, named Netty, was staring at something in the middle of the room just to the side of me. She stared and I called her name over and over and started to wave my hand in-front of her face. She just tried to look past my hand and kept staring. She then continued to follow something with her head past me and down the hallway.
I looked all this time to see what she was looking at but never saw anything, no cobwebs, moths, dust. The horrible thing was that her eyes were looking at something quite tall.
I can't quite remember weather that occasion was before or after my Uncle died, so I cant use that as an excuse really.
second: In a new place, I was around 16 or so. Just a short story, but I found it very odd. I will take this moment to say we have always owned cats! and I love them!
Setting with my parents watching T.V in the living room. I decided to go upstairs to my room and promptly got up and headed for the stairs. At this moment Rocky (my mums cat) decided to race me up. You know how animals have to be the first ones up and the first ones down the stairs if you own dogs and cats!
So I ran up the stairs after him when he stopped dead at the top! This was so sudden I nearly ran over him, stopped myself and nearly fell on him. He stood there looking into my bedroom door which was slightly open, but pitch black inside as it was night time and no lights were on. The fur rose on his back and he let out an almighty hiss, then turned around in an instant, nearly crashed into my legs, went under them and ran back down the stairs.
I watched him, then looked to my door pausing. Suddenly I didn't feel like going in there. Then I thought maybe it was just one of the other cats and he was just seeing things, I went into my room and searched but nothing was there.
Third: Moved again, this time with my sister and 'then' boyfriend (ex). I acquired a cat called Patches, she is (I still have her) white and ginger, her tail is all ginger.
I was in the living room with the door shut one night when I thought I saw patches go up the stairs through the glass. The door has that wavy glass in it you can see shapes through it.
I saw a white cat go up the first set of stairs slowly, so I naturally called out Patches name. I got up opened the door and went up the stairs, no cat, I searched everywhere but there was only one door open, my room, and she wasn't in there. She later came in that night.
I will also mention at this point that we had a magnetic cat-flap, so other cats cant get in (nor were there white cats around, only a couple of tabbies and a black one). Also you can hear it when a cat comes through it and it hadn't occurred to me that I hadn't heard the cat-flap.
Second time was when I was getting ready for work, I think this was January 2006. I was putting on my coat when I noticed again at the corner of my eye, a cat at the bottom of the stairs, wander from the kitchen into the living room. I called out Patches name again and thought I'd say goodbye, so I went to the living room and again no cat.
When I say 'out of the corner of my eye', I don't mean I think' I saw something, if you pick up a chocolate bar or anything, and put it beside you but don't look at it, you can still see it there, you know it's there at the corner of your eye. Well this is what its like. ESPECIALLY when that object happens to be moving!
Third time. I had my 13 year old cousin over. we were in a room where I kept some reptiles (used to keep lizards), he loved my bearded dragon and we have a lot in common. Anyway we decided to leave them in peace so my cousin left the room first and started playing with a wine cork on the banister at the top of the stairs.
I closed the door and saw again what I thought was my cat sat at the base of the stairs, it got up and lifted its tail as if it had been waiting and walked around the banister like it was going to climb the stairs to come and meet us.
I leaned over the banister (this looked down onto the hallway not the stairs) and called to her. I then walked around to the stairs where this cat had walked to and there was nothing on the stairs.
Since my cousin had witnessed me do this, I asked him if he'd seen a cat in the hallway, he said he hadn't.
It then occurred to me as I put the image back through my mind, that the cats tail I had seen was white, and my cats tail is ginger. So it couldn't have been her anyway!
Fourth time. Basically I was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I had rather a large hot dish I was holding onto with a cloth. I suddenly became aware my cat was in the middle of the kitchen floor as I turned, and I had to step over her to get to the over. Whilst I did this I was saying 'oh for crying out loud Patches, move it!'...
When I turned nothing was there, I would have plainly seen if she'd left the room, or even moved from that spot.
I started calling it ghost cat in the end, but that was the last time I saw it before I moved. I actually kinda miss experiencing this. But I'm sure its not the last time.
Recently I did think I saw a ginger cat jump off my parents wall as I walked past but when I looked of course it wasn't there, and I looked far too fast for it to disappear anywhere. But that could have been anything
There have been other small things, but I do tend to try and dismiss them. What I have said above happened, and I cant as easily dismiss it, so thought I'd share it instead.
My gran always sees a black dog around before one of her animals dies. She recalls it each time. The last time she saw it was before Netty died (2008), the dog in the first story.
She was very old, but the black dog appeared under her kitchen table, a week before Netty actually had to be put to sleep. She sees the dog the same way I saw that cat, at the corner of her eye, thinking its one of hers, then realizing its far too big to be a Yorkshire terrier, and no dog is ever there when she looks properly. I find it sad.
My gran has many stories to tell. I'm wondering if I'll have more, I kinda hope so, but dread it at the same time. hehe
Contributed by Penny and Copyright © 2012 Ghost-Space.com all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission. Thank you Penny
Friday, May 11, 2012
A True Ghost Story From Ireland
A ghost is the spirit of a dead person, or sometimes an animal, and sometimes manifests looking very much as they did in life, and is usually encountered in places the person spent a lot of time while they were corporeal. The word "ghost" is also used to reference any spirit or demon. Ghosts are usually found haunting the area in which they died.
According to parapsychological circles a ghost haunting is the nearly steady occurrence of supernatural phenomena associated with a particular area, like a house or a stretch of highway, and is attributed to the activities of a disembodied entity, or ghost. The haunting may include the physical appearance of a ghost, or some poltergeist activity, glowing orbs, disembodied voices, etc.
Ghosts are a strange phenomena that has fascinated mankind for ages. According a 2005 Gallup poll, about 32% of Americans believed ghosts exist. The word apparition is now used in the field of parapsychology, because the word ghost is thought to be too imprecise.
The belief in ghosts as the souls, or spirits of the person who has passed on is tied to the very old concept of animism, which teaches that everything in nature has a soul, including, animals, plants, human beings, rocks, trees, etc.
Ghosts, whether you believe in them or not, are a part of human history. For as long as man has sought for the meaning of his existence and the knowledge of what happens after a person dies, stories of encounters with the ghosts, or spirits, of loved ones have been told. For some, it is a comfort, a confirmation that there is life after death.
Here is a true ghost experience that was shared with me by a friend:
Well I remember when I was about 6 years of age my parents had bought a small hotel in the west of Ireland, I used to get very bad nightmares all the time from the time they moved in, one night I remember waking up in the middle of the night and the curtain on the window of the bedroom was suspended up in the air, and something said my surname, the window was shut and there was no breeze, I knew this was out of the ordinary and started roaring.
Anyway we had a live in barmaid from the country and she used to hear noises in the wardrobe at night, she would hop out of bed and open the wardrobe thinking it was mice or something, there was never anything there when she did open it, things progressed so that sometimes she would see the door knob of her bedroom door turning and she would open the door and there would be nobody there.
One Night she dreamt she was being smothered and woke up with a startle and saw a "habit" (the Robe they bury a dead person in) floating across the room and disappear through the wall. My dad did some enquiries with locals and it turned out that someone had hanged themselves in the barmaids bedroom.
Needless to Say we didn't stay too much longer after that!
There is definitely something out there!
Written by D Slone, Copyright 2009 Ghost-Space.com
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The Demon Zozo
By the end of the conversation he began to curse at us so we stopped playing. A few weeks later we used the board again, and instantly Oz was back and he was nasty. cursing at us, saying dark things, we stopped.
That summer my sister in law and I both went through series of unfortunate events, we couldn't catch a break, one thing after another, negativity loomed over us.
At the end of the summer we used the board one final time. It was him, and he said that he made all of those things happen to us and that he created the negativity that was following us. we never touched it again. a year later while I was at their house she told me she still had the board in the garage and she asked me to look on the computer for proper ways to get rid of the board. While doing this I realized their were endless websites and stories about ZOZO the Ouija demon. we were both scared and white as a ghost, as I was reading about him to her aloud, my nephew (her son)started running around the house screaming ZOZO ZOZO ZOZO!! and we frantically made him stop. I then read on a website that he will try to claim your first born son, I didn't actually believe that but it surely freaked me out. the next morning my nephew wakes me up and as were waking up he asks if we can go get breakfast so I put him in the car and pull out the driveway, not 2 minutes later a car runs a stop sign and slams in to us. now that could have been coincidence, but it was just too eerie for me to shrug off, ever since then I have developed anxiety and often feel panicky, and when I talk about him I feel the negativity pressing on my chest and my brain.
Written By Nynou 2012 Ghost-Space.Com
Zozo Is A Well Known Demon Who Takes Over
Information About Ouija Spirit Zozo
ZOZO Lied To Me And I Need Help!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Strange Happenings With The Paranormal
I believe my house is haunted, very haunted. No one seems to agree with me in this, because they haven't had as many experiences as I have had. This is my story.
I live in a big house that was rebuilt about seven years ago, we were the first to live in the residence, but the property was owned by some movie stars a long time ago. My mom and I loves antique stores, whenever we see one, we usually go into one, also estate sales. My mother went to an estate sale with my stepfather, and I trailed along. We got a huge rocking horse, with menacing eyes, that would stare at you the whole time. Since the horse has been in our basement, occasionally it starts to rock, and it is really hard to rock mind you, it glares at you, changes expressions, and it moves from one part of the basement, to the other. I usually refuse to go to the basement, for I see the horse is evil. I think a child ghost haunts the horse, but I am not sure about that.
In my neighborhood there was an old rotting house, it was very spooky. Sadly my mom had to go in and check out their stuff. Now we have a green baby carriage that could fall apart any second, I feel that it has the spirit of a deceased child or infant too. I will not go close to that carrige though, I've heard the wheels squeaking like a door creaking open in a run down house. The house was also rebuilt, like mine, but before that, it was a menacing house. Every time I would walk my dog Morgie he barked hysterically at the house, and every time I seemed to walk by it, I expected some person to be glaring at me from the windows, it was not a comforting feeling, so I stopped passing the house on walks.
One of the strangest things were that, a few times I went in my bathroom a man called out, "Irina Sinoirita" when no one was home. My family does not speak Spanish, mostly Engish, but my stepsister speaks french, and my mother speaks itallian sometimes, I am very fluent in french, although I started learning it this year.
In my house doors have swung open, lights have turned on and such, but no one seems to believe me. I think I have become sensitive with the paranormal, and I don't mind it, I'm mostly curious of what is happening in my house, I get a little scared with the horse and the carriage because I don't think they are particularly nice spirits. The activity seems to revolve around me because they know, I know that they are there, and I pay attention to them more.
The other day I went to a ghost tour, I didnt expect for anything out-of-the-ordinary was going to happen. Our four feet tall tourguide, who was an amazing and great at telling stories, very tense and suspenseful (I think his name was Larry, I will call him Larry anyways). Once when Larry was talking about a man named Victor who was very genorous to the county, donated loads of money but was very cruel, was hung. When Larry said "Right where you are standing, Victor had been hung" I felt a tap on my shoulder, I thought it was my best friend trying to scare me, but she was looking at Larry, I saw a leaf falling from the tree, but it hadn't reached my head yet. No other leaves were falling down, it is fall, but that tree was summery-green and very sturdy. And to be under where this man had his life taken from him, and possibly been tapped on the shoulder is a pretty frightening thought.
I thank these spirits though, because now I can learn more easily about history by being slightly sensitive to them. It is very wonderful, I hope you enjoyed hearing about my experiences.
Contributed by Irina and Copyright © 2009 Ghost-Space.com all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission. Thank you Irina
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Why we ride the Terror Train!!
''Don't you laugh when the hearse goes by
Or you will be the next to die
wrap you up in bloody sheets
And then they bury you six feet deep.......
-a childhood rhyme
Why we ride the Terror Train!!
[caption id="attachment_2676" align="alignright" width="185" caption="Something Under the Bed!"]
The scratching noise under the bed, the shuffling heard in the attic, the unknown, the dark, the chase, a face peering in at you through the window on a dark autumn night-these images can conjure up a sensation of icy fingers running up and down our spine! We can feel our hair standing on end and we tense up and forget to breathe. How much more exciting can it get?
As a horror writer I am always fascinated why some of us can not get enough of this genre, be it through books, film, games or any other medium. Why do we have an attraction to the things we fear most?!
We pack the movie theaters, can't wait to get our hands on the newest Stephen King
Take a look at 'Paranormal Activity'for example, which recently made over $100 million in box office receipts, and all we have to do is look at horror author Stephen King's 340 million book sales to realize this genre is far from dead.
Horror is all around us. One of my favorite Christmas movies, 'A Christmas Carol' contains horror elements. It has ghosts, clanking chains being hauled up a staircase by a spirit, and a man weeping upon seeing his own grave.
[caption id="attachment_2678" align="alignleft" width="145" caption="Frankenberry"]
Our cereal boxes carry names like 'Count Chocula' and 'Frankenberry.'
What would a campfire be without sharing a good ghost story or two.
Horror has endured since the beginning of time, in fact, longer than any other genre. Think back to the ancient Egyptians who created tales of spiritual revenge, in fact, all known societies have spoken about strange beasts, angry gods and other worlds.
I believe one of the reasons we enjoy this genre, which gives us the raw emotions of terror and horror is because it is far easier to face the fiction, than to face the real horrors of our world. We know that someone created this for us.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that dramatic portrayals gave the audience an opportunity to purge itself of certain negative emotions, a process he called, catharsis. If reading and especially watching horror lets us purge certain pent up negative emotions and aggression, it will reduce the probability of a person acting on these emotions.
Our blood pounds in our veins, our heat races, we are aroused-we are alive!!! This hormonal reaction we get by responding to a threatening situation motivates us to enjoy being afraid, no different than the Fight or Flight Response that is needed to guarantee our survival-as in primitive times.
Fear is an incredibly complex and universal emotion-and one of the strongest. Life is filled with too many horrific events-some unimaginable! We know real horror exists, but in real life-we wont find hideously looking beings hiding under our beds, flesh-eaters lurking in our bedroom closet, or our loved ones slithering out of their graves to gnaw on our bones.
I think we get a thrill from horror and knowing we are safe, our fears can be evoked without danger!
Only through fiction do we seek, and benefit from this wonderful genre called horror!
For those of you who like to take a ride on the terror train, I bid you sweet scream-mares!!!!
Written by Kim Corbett 2011, all rights reserved. No part of this story may be used without permission. ghost-space.com
Himuro (Himikyru) Mansion And It's Dark Past
Before you read any farther I have not a clue if any of this is true at all this is just things that I have managed to dig up from around our wonderful internet. There is a game that is called Fatal Frame; there has so far from what I have seen three games made from this story.
The Himikyru Mansion To many there is no such place to many others this place is real and holds so many secrets and has a dark past that scares so many. The place is falling apart and cities officials wants to burn it down but the remaining family has put up a fight to keep it in the family. It is located on the out skirts of Tokyo located through a forest. If you go near that place you can not miss it; it is huge even though it is buried with vines and things of the such you can still see it very well even in the broad day light. It is thought to be out side a small village that is called Choko Village. The mansion is said to be the home of an ancient shrine where there were rituals held every thirty years in December before the death of the girls ceremony had started. These were held for the same reasons as the girls ceremony was held for which was to keep the demons in their portals and keep the gates of hell closed.
I will tell you about some of the story's that follows this grizzly of a tale.
It is thought to be one of the most terrible things that has ever happen in Tokyo.
his is one of the first story's I have found that goes with this terrible story.
From What I can find there was murders there but most says it was a man that did do a ceremony but it went wrong so he killed his entire family and maids and so on in the house along with himself. It was as if he was possessed by some demon due to the mess up of this ceremony that took place. But this is what is said to have really happen.
The girl that he was going to sacrificed had in love and this tainted her blood because she was not pure any more and so when he found out about this he took his sword and killed her along with the rest of his family and all that resided with in the mansion even taking his own life in fear of what was going to happen so he thought he was saving them. Blood was slug all over the walls and floor due to the way he had killed these people. He had taken his sword and sliced all of them apart leaving body parts all over the mansion.
The girls were chosen at birth by the master of the house. She would be isolated from the out side world to keep her from having any ties to the out side world to make sure that when the ritual was done it went right.
On the day of the Strangling ritual the girl would be tied with rope around her ankles wrists and neck then she would be tied to oxes or maybe horses in all directions and was pulled till her limbs would rip off her body quartering her. After that the ropes used to bind her would be soaked in her blood and then laid across the gate in a symbol of some sort and this would keep the gate sealed for another half century.The bodies were then taken down to a cellar that was used as a burial place called the burial room. The thing of it is is they were just thrown down there not buried at all.
From what I can find there is only one member of the family still alive Not sure if the name is right but I found it on a forum the name is as is Hitomi Himuro. I am not even sure if this true about this person or if it is just some one playing games with people who loves things of the such. It all could be lies.There are so many different tales to this place.
From this person they tell what happen and how things were done during the ceremony that took so many lives of such young girls at the age of seven years old.
To these girls this ceremony was only a game to them and they did not know that they would be killed due to this game. It was a game of tag called Demon Tag there.
This ceremony was held every ten years. A woman would be blind folded and would be placed in the largest room of the mansion which at the time was located at the upper level. This woman would be introduced to the seven year old girls as the oni, she would then begin to chase them around the room til she caught one of them and then the one that was caught would then be blind folded and would she be the oni. She would then keep the game going by tagging another one. When she had done so she would then be taken out of the room and killed unknown to the other girls. It was thought that because the girls caught first was so easy to catch that she was blinded to the demons. This would keep going til the last one was tagged. The last girl to be tagged was thought to be very strong and she could see the demons and run away but before she could get away she would be locked away. She was the maiden selected And the ceremony would continue as follows.
She was considered to be the maiden of holy power and her powers would then be transferred to the demon that was behind hells gate.
After she was caught she would then be locked up in that same room for 3369 days this would mean that she would be held in this room for over nine years. She would be raised blind folded the whole time by the priests of the family. These priest were made to keep masks over their face and were warned not to get attached to the girls or they would be killed as well. The girl would be brought out on the 12th month and the 13th day to the moon shrine and then would undress and let the moon rays wash her body. The Moon Shrine no longer exist due to the fire that happen there in 1895. After she was cleansed this way the head Priest or the master of the ceremony and the family would come and get her. The ceremony then was taken to a place called the rope alter. She would then be hung after having parts of her body sliced open so the blood could run on the floor and to the portal that was to be kept closed.
The sacrifices were required to keep the portal closed that is thought to be one of the gates of hell its self.
There is a talisman that is said to be locked up there in the area of the attic and with in it is many demons locked away. There are stories of many men that has went in search of this talisman but only to lose their life in a horrible way. Some has said to have been found with rope burns on their necks indicated that they were hung and some were even dismembered and scattered about. There are three bodies that lie about the land of this place that has been dismembered and scattered about is thought to maybe some of the family that was digging to deep and was put a stop to by killing them. Maybe some that might have been trying to save the poor girls due to their constant cry for help.
The ones who has claimed to be to this mansion said that there are bloody hand prints on the walls and blood splattered all over the place. There are tunnels that leads under the house no one knows really where they came from. I would bet that they came from the girls that were locked up and maybe even some of them got away due to these tunnels. There is a window in this mansion that is said when a picture is taken you can see a little girl standing there with cloth over her eyes. Many spirits have been said to be on the lands as if they are in misery and seems lost calling out for help with every passing stranger. Many phenomenons happens in this place that can not be explained. Only that there has been many murders here for so many centuries.
The things said about this place has placed much fear in the people of Tokyo and some even thinks that any one living near this place will be cursed and will meet a fatal death and be lost to this mansion just as so many others has done so.
One more thing to throw into the mix it is rumored that one of the most well known serial killers of children lived in this mansion for a while before her arrest at the Children's Rainbow Center. Her name is Miyuki Ishikawa. No one can be sure of how many children she killed but it is thought to be at the least 103 but there were many more every one is sure of that the count is close to the 200 mark. One of the cases was in the Children's Rainbow Center.
She was a Japanese midwife after her prison sentence she then along with her husband moved to New Orleans. Every one said that she was heavy into black magic before she ever came to the states.
She worked as a hospital director in the Kotobuki maternity hospital (Kotobuki San-in) and was an experienced midwife. The death count that she did is more then any other serial killer in japan.
Wounder if there are any dead babies in the mansion from her that may be linked to a ceremony?
Once again I say that I do not know if any of this is true at all. There is even some thing going around that there are still people living in this mansion.
So is there any thing to this mystery or is it just some one who made a game and made this whole story up saying that it was based on a true story just to get more people interested in it and play it to make more money, who knows but what I have found is kinda scary and I could see this kind thing happening, things of the such has happen so many times even worse things has happen in the USA and all over the world. Just like the Lalaurie House that is a true story so maybe this one is true as well.
There seems not to be any records of any thing happening here at all. But just because we can not find any thing of the sort does not mean that it did not happen. Maybe the police reports has all been locked away to keep it quite and so on. It was said that the man had killed every living part of the family but that could not be true at all I am most assure of this. The tunnels leading out some one must have heard what was going and seen it then ran to the tunnels and escaped maybe even more then one. They began to talk some what or maybe even locked up in a physics ward and some one took what the people or person was saying to be true and started digging into this story we will never really know for a fact if this is real and if it is how did the story come about. Also from all that I have read things had been going on in this mansion for centuries so there were much more then seven lives lost in this place. It would be pretty cool to visit it and see if any place of the such is there in the area. This might just be an urban legend that some gamers picked up and made it come alive if so then cool but it this game is based on true events that is even better because it will help people to remember what happen to so many innocent people.
Written By Tasha Slone copy righted 2011 no parts of this may be used with out permission. Ghost-Space.com
The Old school house
My boyfriend and our two other friends were out at the ridge riding in the Hills of West Virginia when we came a cross an old church that had been turned into an old school house. This school house was clearly falling down around us. The floor had holes all in it and the walls had graffiti all over it. Soon as I went to turn around something hit me knocking me flat on my back!
My boyfriend was puzzled and helped me up. I kept saying, "Lets get out of here." Before I got those words out of my mouth our friend was pushed backwards and she hit the wall. Both men looked frightened.
"Lets go I repeated!" as I jerked on my boyfriends arm.
"I'm out."
My friend said as she ran past us for the door. The door slammed shut and for us there was know way out! "The window!" My boyfriend screamed. The guys helped us out and we fled out of there. Later we heard some stories about an old man who was a serial killer who killed victims there. I am never going to go back.
That place was scary!!!
Sent in by Jessica Gayle Morgan, Copyright 2012 ghost-space.com
The Teddy Bear
Dr. Glenn brought the girl into the Morgue Section, wiped off all the dirt and took the teddy bear that has been cuddled all the way by the girl, she covered the girl with white sheet, she placed the teddy bear on the instrument table and went to the sink to clean some soiled instruments when she suddenly heard the table move, she looked back but nobody was there, she noticed that the teddy bear was gone, she looked at the girl still covered with white sheet and was shocked to find the sheet bulging on the thoracic region, something is under the sheet other than the girl's body, shaped like a teddy bear. She moved close to the bed and slowly lowering the sheet then finally abruptly took it off, but nothing was there except the dead girl's body, her arms still straight on the sides, legs non flexed, and eyes closed, she looked back and saw the teddy bear on the instrument table, seemed unmoved, puzzled, she thought maybe she's just seeing things due to stress.
She went home later that night about 1 am, she had a shower, and prepared for bed, she was about to sit on the bed when all the lights suddenly shuts off, she took her penlight from her medical suit and went to check for the main switch which is about 4 feet higher than her so she got a stool to stand on, but it so happened that the stool's leg is rotten and finally broke when she stepped on it, she fell to the ground and bumped her head, she felt dizzy and saw her dark surroundings swirling. Before she passed out, she saw a black image just standing at a distance, then she blacked out. She was suddenly awakened and found herself on a hospital bed. She was calm for she knew what had happened earlier, she checked her wristwatch and was surprised to find the time exactly the time she went home, suddenly the lights begun to flicker until finally it went off.
Everything seemed to be silent, she looked around and noticed a dark image on a corner, getting closer and closer, she felt goosebumps as the dark image went up the bed but then she felt a soft hairy thing as the dark image placed something just above her breast, then she abruptly woke up. It was just a nightmare, but still found out that she's still on a hospital bed, a doctor beside her checking her chart greeted her and asked if she's feeling okay which she did answered, then she asked the doctor if there are new admitted patients and if it's okay for her to proceed to the doctor's quarter to get dressed. The doctor was puzzled by her statement and said, "I'd better check your MSE, it might suggest some complications brought by the car accident", Dr. Glenn was also confused and said, "wait, car accident? I fell from a chair and hit my head It was not a car accident", the doctor told her that she was brought to the hospital about 4 hours ago, unconscious but stable. The doctor continued, "The impact must have something to do with your mental status, miss, you're not a doctor, neither are you working here, and I'm sorry to inform you but your daughter didn't make it. I have her teddy bear at your bedside, must be the only thing left from her here. I'm so sorry", then the doctor went out.
Glenn who was not actually a doctor realized that she has been dreaming all the time, but that moment when she received the girl at the ER to the Morgue seemed real and as if it just happened earlier, the time she logged off duty and went home, the lights, the stool, the black image, everything seemed to have happened. She took the teddy bear, looked at it for a long time then suddenly, she remembered everything, she was driving her car, her daughter beside her, they were returning from a vacation when they met an accident on the road way to their house, the last scream she heard from her child was, "mommy!", she burst into tears and can't accept all the events, all this time, the black image, her daughter was trying to wake her up.,
Sent in by Monsendric, Copyright 2012 http://www.ghost-space.com
Monday, February 27, 2012
Waking in a Dream to Your Own Reality
My first experience with this was like unlocking the door that is supposed to be sealed.
I fell into a deep sleep and woke within the "dream" to see myself for two seconds and then pass out, again and again until I eventually woke up feeling dizzy and sick.
What I really want to tell you is about what I experienced five years ago.
I was reading an article on this site "the man in black is going to get you" and I could relate.
I fell into a deep sleep one night, to awake in my dream (I was fully aware that I was dreaming) I looked down to see myself on the bed and didn't think much of it. I looked at the clock, it had stopped, it was five minutes past two in the morning. I turned around to switch the light on and it didn't work. I remember at that time feeling a sense of panic that I needed to get out of the house, it came from nowhere.
I opened the door to see a "man" standing at the end of the passage, I knew immediately that he wanted to eat me. I ran to the kitchen, running past the window and seeing nothing outside, almost like I was forbidden to go there. I sat in the corner of the kitchen and heard his footsteps coming around the corner, at that moment, I remembered that it was a dream and willed myself awake. My eyes shot open, I sat up straight in a dizzy frenzy. I felt ill. I looked at the clock - it was five minutes past two. My house was cold and thick. I had many paranormal experiences before, but this was the first time I had actually ran and felt scared. He has followed me since.
Can anybody relate? If so, how did you deal with it? How can I get rid of it? This is desperate.
Sent in by Sun1que, Copyright 2012 Ghost-Space.com