Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dear Rita

My story is a difficult one to tell, for several reason, so I shall have to start at the beginning.

I had never believed in ghost until what happened to me, happened to me. Several years ago, my girlfriend and I were having an argument about something stupid as usual, (I think it was about fixing a hole in the roof but it was so long ago I can't be sure.) After about 2 hours of screaming at each other I decided to get in my car and get as far away as I can.

I drove for most of the night and was traveling down a long and winding road, I was so tired that I closed my eyes just for a second, the next thing I know I was in a ditch by the side of the road. I started to twist and struggle while shouting for help but no one came by. I knew it was the end for me and once I accepted this I saw a bright light and I the moment I closed my eyes I felt a great weight lifted off of me and I knew I had died.

But I haven't pass onto the next life yet and I can only assume this is because I haven't resolved issues with Rita so I contacted a medium called Maxwell and asked to tell Rita I love and I miss her greatly. I also asked Maxwell to tell the world my story so no one makes the same mistake I did. Tell those you love how much you care for them, because you don't know if you will ever see them again.

Sent in by Stuart Sutcliffe, Copyright 2010

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, so who wrote the story? The Dead Guy or Maxwell?
