I was around six years old when it happened. My Brother was asleep at our friends house next door. I was lying on the top bunk of my bunk bed as my stepdad was downstairs cleaning the dishes. I was just dozing off facing away from my window when all of a sudden someone was thumping against my window very hard as though they were trying to get in desperately. I did not dare turn around in case I would have nightmares, so I just stayed still pretending I was asleep hoping he or she or it would go away. When it stopped, I looked at my window to find lots of hand prints on my window. I rushed downstairs to tell my stepdad what had just happened but he told me I was just dreaming and to go back up to bed. (Typical) From this day on I never knew what went on there. I no longer live in that house though.
Another experience was a few months ago, I was walking to my friends house when I see a wedding vehicle drive down my street. There was a bald man wearing glasses driving it. Ten minutes later I'm walking up past Asda about half a mile away from my house when I see the same car with the same driver pull out of the opposite street. I thought it was maybe a coincidence and forgotten about it until I saw it again! About another half a mile up the road. Weird huh?
Sent in by Kieran Jobling, Copyright 2010
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