Friday, January 23, 2009

The Dark Unknown

When my cousin was little she sometimes saw things. My aunt said that children could do special things before they hit a certain age. When my cousin was four years old, she was on her couch and was jumping off again and again. Well about the third time she did it, she actually took three steps in the air before going down. She wasn't high enough for anyone to do that.

Then our cousin, about two years old, went to the refrigerator and just stared at it and then it opened and he started walking to it and then my aunt went and closed it before he got to it.

Another time, Ray was about four also when she saw a black figure go down her hallway several times. She got tired of it and said, "mom what's that black thing?" and she didn't know what she was talking about. But the figure went through a wall in the hallway and it didn't come back.

Then her sister (when she was little) was playing with her toys and she all of a sudden looked up and started nodding her head and talking. We didn't know what it was. There have been a lot of encounters so I cant say I don't believe in ghosts.

Written by Ray, Copyright 2009

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