Monday, January 12, 2009

Ghost Dog in Mercersburg Pennsylvania

This story happened to my older sister when we lived in our old house on the outskirts of Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. My neighbors, who also happened to be my aunt and uncle, had a dog named Harley.

One day, he bit a delivery person and they had him put down. They buried him in the backyard and for awhile nothing happened. Then one day when my sister was laying in her room reading a book with the door shut, the door suddenly flew open and she heard a deep growl in the doorway, then it was over. Harley hated kids and wasn't to fond of my sister very much so I believe it was his ghost that had come to her.

For awhile after that, whenever I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth or something, I would feel like I was being watched by something that stood in the doorway or out in the hallway and watched me. Whether it was Harley or something else, I don't know, but it did scare me. And then we moved and I haven't experienced anything since.

The ghost of my old neighbor's dog seemed to have haunted us for awhile.

Written by Cassidy, Copyright 2009

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