This House was on the West Side of Gary near Chacharis Drive. I heard from a friend about his buddy named Arthur. Well this house was witness to a terrible train wreck. Most of the injured and dying were taken to the front porch. This was in about 1890. Afterwards to nearly recent times strange women in mourning were seen walking upon the upper second story stairs. Up to the modern times in the 60's. This family bought it. Here tragedy followed.
Arthur would invite people over, and suddenly be seized by an invisible force and have members thrown against the wall or floor. Later his father would commit suicide in the basement. No reason was found. He was doing quite well in the Mill, making good money and advancement. The basement was bricked up, contents and all. Arthur had a very valuable coin collection, and he didn't even retrieve it.
This story may seem strange as it is from second hand knowledge. I am sorry I didn't get to meet my friend's buddy Arthur, and get the information first hand. A key may be the train accident. It was on the Indiana Harbor Belt Line. Wrecks were bad back then. The wooden cars would often telescope into each other with horrific injury to the passengers. The year of this occurrence was from 1890 to 1910. It is in that time frame. This accident described was horrible. I am sure there is some historic archive that contains it, old photographs maybe pictures of the house that is in this true story.
Written by George. S. Romich, Copyright 2009
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