My Aunt and Uncle like a very old house in Denver. I've never asked how old but it's Victorian looking. When we were pretty small, still in feet pajamas, my Uncle became a believer.
When they moved into the house my Aunt immediately began seeing a little girl ghost. She was dressed in Victorian clothes. My Aunt would tell my Uncle about her but would not listen. He thought all the unusual noises were because the house was old. Although some noises and happenings he could not explain, he stuck to his story.
One night he woke up to what sounds like one of the kids walking up and down the stairs. He said it sounded like footed pj's on the wood stairs, you know that sliding sound. He asked me Aunt why the kids were up playing on the stairs. She told him the kids were all in their beds, it was the girl ghost. He refused to believe her. He got out of bed to check. When he came around the corner which put him directly at the top of the stairs he came face to face with the girl ghost. Now my Uncle is fairly dark skinned. My Aunt said he came back to bed, white as a sheet. After that he never argued with her about the noises and such, he didn't say a word.
Written by Sarah, Copyright 2009
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