I have always been a believer of the supernatural, and always liked to research on things. One year, I believe my snooping went to far.
I was on my laptop, and was really tired, it was 1 in the morning, but I didn't want to go to bed. I was looking up demonic rituals, because they seem most interesting to me. After hours of looking I started to feel funny. At first I just shook off the feeling, but after awhile I realized I couldn't move. I got really scared, and tried to scream, but I couldn't. I closed my eyes, as I felt a weight on my legs. The weight moved up to my chest, like hands. I remember at this point starting to cry a little, I was so scared.
I wanted to yell for someone to come help me, but my parents were out at a party still. The weight stopped at my chest and got heavier. It didn't hurt, I could just feel the pressure. After what seemed like hours the weight eased up, and I could move again. After I could move, I ran and turned on my lights, and sat on my bed crying.
It has been a year since that, but don't think for a minute it is over. I have never been the same since that night. I am more angry all the time, and I cant go into a church anymore. Every time I try, I become sick, and throw up blood. I have even lashed out at people screaming things I never thought I knew of. I have woken up with scratches on my arm. If anyone wishes to help me, please reply soon, please. Thank you.
Sent in by Dan Rice, Copyright 2009
It sounds like you might have undergone a demon attack,but as far as being possesed...i doubt it.I'm thinking the majority of it was your tired over active imagination,but on the other hand if something like this happens again,you should get help from either clergy or a Demonolegist.