As I was laying in bed one night, and as I just started to fall asleep when all of a sudden I felt as though there was some one standing over me. I got up and turned on my light, the feeling was gone. I was feeling very scared at this moment so I didn't turn the light out until I had found my torch. I found my torch and then turned it on and turned my normal light out and then the feeling started to come back.
I hurriedly walked back to my bed trying not trip over my messy floor. As I got into my bed I pulled the blankets up to my eyes so I felt protected, but I still felt some one watching me. As my bed started to get too hot I put my arms out of the blankets beside me. I laid there and the feeling was gone, but it felt like my bed was cold as ice and then I felt something very cold and dead grab my hand and start to pull.
As I grabbed my torch with my free hand and quickly flicked it on and pointed it at my hand I saw a smoky outline grabbing my hand. Suddenly the smoky outline disappeared and I ran as fast as I could and turned my light on. Then I saw smoke leaking out from under my bed then fading away. I left my light on all night and stood at my door.
From that night on I have never had any of my limbs out of the covers and I never intend to. This is a very real very true story it is not made up.
Sent in by Ryon Connor, Copyright 2008
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