Well, I just moved to an old house built in the 1800s. The thing is the premonition was of that house and of the room that I had claimed when we moved in. I had always thought something was weird about our old trailer (we lived in it before we moved). I felt that I was never alone and my mom told me some strange stories from when I was little, like the time I was learning to walk and I would go up to people and sway back and forth humming and all you could see were the whites of my eyes and it creaped my parents out.
Well, one night I had a dream that I was in this house (the house I live in now). I was in a room (my room now nothing was the same as furnishings go). There was really loud music and I looked out the window and I saw an apple tree (the apple tree that is in my yard now). Under the apple tree was someone in a black cloak with the hood pulled up with an ax. So I ran and ran and that's when my mom woke me up. See, in the process of screaming in my dream I was actually screaming, the same with the running, my covers were across the room and for some reason I had tears running down my face. I mean I was freaked out.
I have always told my mom about my dreams, but that dream I just thought was best to be kept in my head because I was worried she would think I was crazy.
Then one night I looked out my window (three weeks ago) and saw my dad in a black winter coat with the hood up in the exact same spot. I just screamed because I had my music loud too and I looked down and noticed I was wearing the same thing that I was wearing in my dream.
I was freaked so I ran down stairs and in spite of what I though she would say she just sat down next to me and tried to calm me down. Then my dad walked through the door and asked what was wrong. My mom told him and he was shocked I had even went that long without telling my mom that dream so here I am completely freaked out!
Sent in by Mary Wentz, Copyright 2008
wow that was a good story u should check mine out, my nightmare vision of a past life, u may be surprised