Thursday, February 21, 2008

Nightmare In A Dementora Mansion

Here is a story of a blood clotting experience I've had during my last summer vacation. I had spent my last summer in a broken-down mansion near a cemetery. It may sound spooky but the terrorizing moments are yet to come.

As I said, the mansion being near the cemetery, created a spooky, weird and an exciting atmosphere. I had come with a friend who had lost a bet to her cousin and had to go through a night in this so called 'dementora' mansion.

The moment we set foot in that nightmare  we began going through deadly experiences. The caretaker who was with us helped us a lot. First I slipped and fell in a deep, cleanly finished pit, as if it had been dug knowing that I would be there. As my friend tried to help me out of it, she herself fell into it and lay there unconscious.

Then, finally somehow we got out. Then we also went through other scratches and bruises, including a bite from a dog. To avoid any other circumstances we went to sleep.

I awoke with a start hearing a loud scream. I ran following the scream. I came to a halt when I saw a deadly beast, covered in flowing robes, tearing the flesh from a lump of meat. Suddenly my heart beat stopped. I realized it was the caretaker who was with us. I let out a blood curling scream.

When I opened my eyes and founnd myself back in my bed. My friend thought that I had gone mad. She told me to go back to sleep and that we would be out of that place before the sunrise. Happy and convinced that it was only a dream, I forced myself to sleep.

In the morning, my friend woke me up. We went back to thank the caretaker for being with us, but we did not find him. A sudden thought flashed my mind. Could he really be dead? just to be sure, I crept slowly back to the place I had seen in my dreams. I stopped still, instead of screaming, I scanned the body of the caretaker fallen cold and dead.

Sent in by Aparna Menon, Copyright 2008

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