Friday, November 21, 2014
My Ghostly Secret
You all know of my last story, My Ghostly Secret, well i am back to tell you more about my power. As i told you about Julia in my last story, this one is about another kid who died in my old house & his name was Benjamen, but i always called him Ben. His family where the second owners of the house. He told me how he was killed too. One night a man, no a murderer, snuck into his house & murdered everyone, his parents where able to cross over, but he wasn't . He stayed at my house with me & Julia, he was nice, & he likes to tell stories of his life & we listen, because his stories are fascinating. Well thats another ghost story come to an end, stay tuned to read my next one.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
A Haunting By My Brother
I was 17 my brother Josh passed away from a car accident. Josh and I were best friends, and always stuck together through the hard times, he was in his car one day and this drunk driver came from no where and swerved hitting my brother from the front. The other driver had claimed to see Josh not having a seat-belt on and my brother always put a seat-belt on, so I knew he was lying.
A year after he passed away I new something strange should happen, nothing would until one night. I was in sin the kitchen taking my depressing medicine and everybody else was asleep. it was just me, the way I liked it. I went to bed and I heard the sink turn on. I went to see if anything was there or if it was my family and sure enough it wasn't.
That night could of just bin me, I knew something was there.two nights after I woke up and stared in my room. when I looked at the TV I saw this figure that looked just like Josh but had bigger teeth and a huge head like George Lopez. I scream and when my dad could get in my bedroom it was gone. I had told him what I had saw that night but he didn't believe me.
After a few weeks I went to therapy. this haunting had gotten more enticed. I started to hear EVPs and started to see black figures walking around the house and this started to scare me badly.
It rolled around to my 19th birthday and I went into the bathroom with all of the lights on when all the sudden I heard Lizzy, Lizzy and before I could scream the lights went off and on and so followed the switch. No one was in there so I knew it was Josh.
When that night passed I had not gone to the bathroom since then but I don't care. I went into Joshes old bedroom and lying in the floor there was his clothes , and his body. I scream then went to get my dad and I said ( Why are you keeping his clothes and his body in his room, That's the reason he has come back to haunt me.) ,and then I went to his bedroom and got his body and clothes got in my car and took it to the police.
After I found his body and gave it to the police , they buried it. Nothing strange has happen anymore but that is still in terror from the things that happen to me. So I guess he was trying to scare me like in the old days . I will always miss him and remember him.
If you have any questions feel free to tell me.
Sent in by Lizzy, Copyright 2011
A year after he passed away I new something strange should happen, nothing would until one night. I was in sin the kitchen taking my depressing medicine and everybody else was asleep. it was just me, the way I liked it. I went to bed and I heard the sink turn on. I went to see if anything was there or if it was my family and sure enough it wasn't.
That night could of just bin me, I knew something was there.two nights after I woke up and stared in my room. when I looked at the TV I saw this figure that looked just like Josh but had bigger teeth and a huge head like George Lopez. I scream and when my dad could get in my bedroom it was gone. I had told him what I had saw that night but he didn't believe me.
After a few weeks I went to therapy. this haunting had gotten more enticed. I started to hear EVPs and started to see black figures walking around the house and this started to scare me badly.
It rolled around to my 19th birthday and I went into the bathroom with all of the lights on when all the sudden I heard Lizzy, Lizzy and before I could scream the lights went off and on and so followed the switch. No one was in there so I knew it was Josh.
When that night passed I had not gone to the bathroom since then but I don't care. I went into Joshes old bedroom and lying in the floor there was his clothes , and his body. I scream then went to get my dad and I said ( Why are you keeping his clothes and his body in his room, That's the reason he has come back to haunt me.) ,and then I went to his bedroom and got his body and clothes got in my car and took it to the police.
After I found his body and gave it to the police , they buried it. Nothing strange has happen anymore but that is still in terror from the things that happen to me. So I guess he was trying to scare me like in the old days . I will always miss him and remember him.
If you have any questions feel free to tell me.
Sent in by Lizzy, Copyright 2011
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
It's back
To understand exactly what is back, you may want to read my other story. Not So Friendly Ghosts
This is a really long story, that explains what I think I'm seeing now, 8 years later. I am now 16 years old, and until a few months ago, I thought I had escaped whatever was haunting me at my old house.
It all started the night after my friend got hit by a car. He wasn't killed, but simply fractured his back in several places. It was done on purpose, so naturally I was extremely nervous that something could happen again. I didn't sleep for about a week because I was so paranoid, and when I did sleep, I had nightmares of ghosts and demons haunting my boyfriend and I, violently killing my boyfriend. (I don't know how this is relevant to my friend being hurt, but somehow my being scared and not sleeping led to these nightmare I'm assuming.)
One morning, I was in the kitchen fixing something to eat. I glanced outside through my big glass French front doors, and saw a black shadow in the shape of a man. I looked back, and it was gone. I considered the fact that I hadn't slept in a few weeks, and simply ignored what I thought I had just seen.
The nightmares continued.
No more than a week after "seeing" the "shadowed man" as I call him, he was back. And this time I was sure. Everybody has those dreams where they are falling, or perhaps being grabbed, and they jump and wake up. I felt something grab my ankle, and I woke myself up from jumping so violently. I sat up to grab a drink of water from my nightstand, and when I looked back, there was a black shadow in the shape of a man near the foot of my bed, where my legs had been.
I blinked a few times and it was gone, but I remained frozen. It felt like an hour before I gathered the courage to turn on my lamp.
The shadowed man was gone, but I still felt as if I was being watched. Perhaps I was being paranoid, but when most people think that they may have experienced something, they say "It was like nothing I have ever felt before." but the thing is, I have had this feeling before. It feels just like when I was at my old house- the one I lived to prior to this one. I always felt as if I was being watched and felt unsafe if that makes any sense. It was the same feeling I had before.
I broke down crying, and needless to say, I did not sleep that night.
About two months passed, and nothing happened. I began to think that maybe what had happened was just a realistic nightmare. But I was quickly convinced that it wasn't. I was at my mom's boyfriends house, a few hours from where I live. We all slept in the same room. They were in their bed, and I was on the couch. I was sleeping rather good, when I suddenly woke up. I thought nothing of it because I wake up around 2 times a night to get something to drink or maybe go to the bathroom. I didn't feel like getting up, so I just laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Just as I was dozing off, something grabbed my shoulder. I was facing the back of the sofa, so without looking back I assumed it was my mom and muffled "Leave me alone. Go away. I'm sleeping." Then I heard "No. I'm never leaving." It was the most evil voice I have ever heard in my life. It was nothing like in the horror movies. It gives me the chills just thinking of the voice. It was a deep, growl.
That was about two months ago, and I have not seen the shadowed man. I have had dreams where I become possessed. I am laying in my bed violently shaking and moaning. I have woken myself up both times because I could feel myself shaking. I hope that this could be the end of whatever is going on, but my gut is telling me that this isn't over.
I talked to my priest and he said that it was because of fears that demons were taking advantage of me, but I can't think of what I could be scared of. In the beginning, yes, that would have made sense. I was scared for my friends life, but that is all done and taken care of. Why is the shadowed man still here?
Sent in by Hannah Marie, Copyright 2010
This is a really long story, that explains what I think I'm seeing now, 8 years later. I am now 16 years old, and until a few months ago, I thought I had escaped whatever was haunting me at my old house.
It all started the night after my friend got hit by a car. He wasn't killed, but simply fractured his back in several places. It was done on purpose, so naturally I was extremely nervous that something could happen again. I didn't sleep for about a week because I was so paranoid, and when I did sleep, I had nightmares of ghosts and demons haunting my boyfriend and I, violently killing my boyfriend. (I don't know how this is relevant to my friend being hurt, but somehow my being scared and not sleeping led to these nightmare I'm assuming.)
One morning, I was in the kitchen fixing something to eat. I glanced outside through my big glass French front doors, and saw a black shadow in the shape of a man. I looked back, and it was gone. I considered the fact that I hadn't slept in a few weeks, and simply ignored what I thought I had just seen.
The nightmares continued.
No more than a week after "seeing" the "shadowed man" as I call him, he was back. And this time I was sure. Everybody has those dreams where they are falling, or perhaps being grabbed, and they jump and wake up. I felt something grab my ankle, and I woke myself up from jumping so violently. I sat up to grab a drink of water from my nightstand, and when I looked back, there was a black shadow in the shape of a man near the foot of my bed, where my legs had been.
I blinked a few times and it was gone, but I remained frozen. It felt like an hour before I gathered the courage to turn on my lamp.
The shadowed man was gone, but I still felt as if I was being watched. Perhaps I was being paranoid, but when most people think that they may have experienced something, they say "It was like nothing I have ever felt before." but the thing is, I have had this feeling before. It feels just like when I was at my old house- the one I lived to prior to this one. I always felt as if I was being watched and felt unsafe if that makes any sense. It was the same feeling I had before.
I broke down crying, and needless to say, I did not sleep that night.
About two months passed, and nothing happened. I began to think that maybe what had happened was just a realistic nightmare. But I was quickly convinced that it wasn't. I was at my mom's boyfriends house, a few hours from where I live. We all slept in the same room. They were in their bed, and I was on the couch. I was sleeping rather good, when I suddenly woke up. I thought nothing of it because I wake up around 2 times a night to get something to drink or maybe go to the bathroom. I didn't feel like getting up, so I just laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Just as I was dozing off, something grabbed my shoulder. I was facing the back of the sofa, so without looking back I assumed it was my mom and muffled "Leave me alone. Go away. I'm sleeping." Then I heard "No. I'm never leaving." It was the most evil voice I have ever heard in my life. It was nothing like in the horror movies. It gives me the chills just thinking of the voice. It was a deep, growl.
That was about two months ago, and I have not seen the shadowed man. I have had dreams where I become possessed. I am laying in my bed violently shaking and moaning. I have woken myself up both times because I could feel myself shaking. I hope that this could be the end of whatever is going on, but my gut is telling me that this isn't over.
I talked to my priest and he said that it was because of fears that demons were taking advantage of me, but I can't think of what I could be scared of. In the beginning, yes, that would have made sense. I was scared for my friends life, but that is all done and taken care of. Why is the shadowed man still here?
Sent in by Hannah Marie, Copyright 2010
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Little Indian Boy In My Room
The other family had a beautiful daughter. They fell in love. He would sneak around to see her, to just be with her. He didn’t care if they were born enemies. He knew he loved her. He told his parents he was going to marry her, but they said no. So, at night he would sneak out to meet her, where he proposed. She said yes but she wanted to tell her parents. He told her she couldn’t, because he knew they wouldn’t approve.
So, they made a plan. They were going to run away together. The girl’s family found out. Her father went crazy, and grabbed his shotgun. He ended that relationship that night. He put a bullet through Little Bear Claw’s head.
He told me he’s waiting for her to come to him again, so they can be together forever more. I hope it comes true. After all he’s been through, he deserves to find her. Until then, he'll keep coming to me at three in the morning.
Again, do not take this lightly.
Sent in by Bella30164, Copyright 2010
Monday, November 17, 2014
HIM The Angel Of Evil
You want to talk to him, you have to talk to him. When he talks to you its never demanding it just listening like an old friend but the things you tell him you have never told anyone else and he delights in that. He cocks his head to the side smiles and he never stays longer than necessary just enough to unnerve you. Just enough to make you wonder why you told him those things you did. Sometimes he takes you to that deep dark secret and he feeds on the fact a part of you still likes what happen and would like it to happen again. Sometimes he will show you how people have called for him only to be deceived and tricked.
He likes groups to call for him those are his favorite because there is always one who believes in him totally. But sometime he comes and he is very unhappy because you have not came to him fast enough or don't believe so he will show you just who he is and ask you for a even trade. Sometimes he will knock on that dream window asks to come in and ask you for your commitment or tell you who he wants or needs.
You will smell him you will see him and you will pray harder than you ever had and beg for him to leave that person for just one more day and he will if your faith is strong. Crucifix, bibles, prayers have to be pure and from within to win against him. Sometimes he decides to walk this earth and when he does you will know him his face and eyes are dead but his smile isn't. I thought maybe it was just me that had that dream of him but there have been others let me know if you have seen him.
Unknown writer copyright
Sunday, November 16, 2014
My Black Figure That Haunts Me
I am currently 12, living in a townhouse that is over 100 years old. Everything started happening shortly after getting a cat.Well,about a week after getting a cat strange things would happen after my mom went to bed.I would usually be sitting on my computer playing games and stuff, when all of the sudden my cat would just disappear.
I don't know where he would go but when he did disappear and I would be all alone, strange things would happen. Some of the things that would happen were like hearing whispers,seeing shadows,and stuff like that.Well one day really strange things started to happen, whenever I would go to bed I would close my door all the way, I made sure my cat was in his room before I went to bed, I would just be watching TV or listening to my MP3 player when my door would open wide stay open for like 2 minutes and close back like somebody had came in and closed the door.
Well every since that it has happened. One night I got tired of it scaring me so I tried to do one of those evp thingy's with my phone and nothing came up.well the next night I got in bed the door opened and closed like always but something really freaky happened that night,my right leg was out from under the covers,well something rubbed up and down my leg. I was freaking out.
The next morning I got up to take a shower.I had turned on the hot water and left the room to go get my clothes, when I came back in there was a hand-print on the mirror.I was shaking all over, I went downstairs to ask my mom if she had went into the bathroom and she said no. I came back up and the mirror was smeared.I brushed it off and proceeded with my shower.later that night it was on the computer when my cat disappeared I had recently got this fish tank which we had put beside the computer, well all the fish were always in this one corner of the fish tank, my cat disappeared and they all quickly swam to the other side of the tank.then I herd whispers in my ear saying my name,then I gained enough courage to say what do you want.I heard a short laugh then out of nowhere my cat jumps out and tries to attack something that isn't there.well about 2 and a half months passed everything was some how normal when one day I was at the top of the stairs and something pushed me down the stairs.
Later that month my cat wasn't even 1 year old and had mysteriously died. About 4 weeks had passed nothing had happened. well my mom surprised me with a new cat. She is my current cat.well ever since I got here she has been also attacking air.recently I have seen is a soldier he sits at the bottom of my stairs gets up and walks right out my main door this happens ever 3 days.there or 3 more. One is a little girl who likes to mess with my cat.
Another is a black figure that's the one who keeps opening my door I think its a grown up. the last one sits and peeks out at me from the top of the stairs.I think its a little boy cause its hair style.recently the black figure has been coming downstairs and grabbing my legs, I think its a molester spirit.well its not the best story but its true and its still happening to I know I'm not crazy cause sometimes my mom will see the soldier when she is alone.
Sent in by Savannah, Copyright 2010
I don't know where he would go but when he did disappear and I would be all alone, strange things would happen. Some of the things that would happen were like hearing whispers,seeing shadows,and stuff like that.Well one day really strange things started to happen, whenever I would go to bed I would close my door all the way, I made sure my cat was in his room before I went to bed, I would just be watching TV or listening to my MP3 player when my door would open wide stay open for like 2 minutes and close back like somebody had came in and closed the door.
Well every since that it has happened. One night I got tired of it scaring me so I tried to do one of those evp thingy's with my phone and nothing came up.well the next night I got in bed the door opened and closed like always but something really freaky happened that night,my right leg was out from under the covers,well something rubbed up and down my leg. I was freaking out.
The next morning I got up to take a shower.I had turned on the hot water and left the room to go get my clothes, when I came back in there was a hand-print on the mirror.I was shaking all over, I went downstairs to ask my mom if she had went into the bathroom and she said no. I came back up and the mirror was smeared.I brushed it off and proceeded with my shower.later that night it was on the computer when my cat disappeared I had recently got this fish tank which we had put beside the computer, well all the fish were always in this one corner of the fish tank, my cat disappeared and they all quickly swam to the other side of the tank.then I herd whispers in my ear saying my name,then I gained enough courage to say what do you want.I heard a short laugh then out of nowhere my cat jumps out and tries to attack something that isn't there.well about 2 and a half months passed everything was some how normal when one day I was at the top of the stairs and something pushed me down the stairs.
Later that month my cat wasn't even 1 year old and had mysteriously died. About 4 weeks had passed nothing had happened. well my mom surprised me with a new cat. She is my current cat.well ever since I got here she has been also attacking air.recently I have seen is a soldier he sits at the bottom of my stairs gets up and walks right out my main door this happens ever 3 days.there or 3 more. One is a little girl who likes to mess with my cat.
Another is a black figure that's the one who keeps opening my door I think its a grown up. the last one sits and peeks out at me from the top of the stairs.I think its a little boy cause its hair style.recently the black figure has been coming downstairs and grabbing my legs, I think its a molester spirit.well its not the best story but its true and its still happening to I know I'm not crazy cause sometimes my mom will see the soldier when she is alone.
Sent in by Savannah, Copyright 2010
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Don't be Scared, Just Dealing With It
I can not say exactly when it all began, but all I know is that it has been happening as young as I can remember, and now I am in my twenties, and it still happens, I'll share one of the 100s of unexplained stuff that has happen/happening to me.
It all started in the house I grew up in Vancouver BC. I would have the same dream over and over again, so clear, as if I am living this scary movie:
I am sleeping in my room, in my bed when the door opens to my room.. It was closed before I went to bed I am thinking, I am glued to my bed, I can not move, talk, all I can do is see and feel scared. I hear it sliding towards me,I am thinking what is happening. The best way to describe it is a person dragging the weight of their own body on the ground with their arms slowly while picking up speed. Than it is at the foot of my bed, pulling over my covers over its body coming towards me slowly. Without seeing its face, I could tell its was tall as an 8-10 year old in height. It touches my feet, I never see its face but I feel its not human. Dream Over.
I wake up with a big tapping noise on my window but I refuse to open my eyes, it keeps on going, tap, tap, tap,getting louder each time. Okay now I am annoyed and I think its my sister trying to scare me, so I stop hiding underneath my covers to tell her to "stop it". The noise stops, and as you know it my bedroom door was wide open (even though I closed it before going to bed and the window is open about an inch. Now I am kind of startled.
You see I am scared of bugs so there is no way I left my window open, especially all night. Also I like my privacy so I like to have my room door closed at all times. My sister and I have our own separate rooms beside each other. My Mum, Dad and Sister claimed to have never have opened anything in my room. My cat and dog do not have opposable thumbs to unlock plus turn a door knob, let alone open a jammed sideways sliding window. So all is ruled out. It must be sleep paralysis.
This happen for years of my life, the same dream over again, more real each time. Than the night came which I would never forget, well I guess there is many but this is the one I am sharing with you all out there.
It was the summer before going into high-school, and I was having more free time hanging out with my friends, having sleep over's with my girlfriends, and my first boyfriend! So I was hardly at home and if I was at home I would be chitchatting on the phone.
You see I had so many new things going on in my life that I forgot about "what goes bump in the night".
I had a dream one of those summer nights,it was more real than before. This time I felt it touching my face my legs, the weight of it on me, but I still could not see it. I was trying to fight it off of me for the first time, I was fighting back. But it out powered me. I woke up with a big bang that morning and I was laying on my back facing the ceiling, (which I hardly do because I am a side sleeper). It felt as if I was placed like that..
When the blurriness of my eyes settled I noticed my ceiling was dirty, I looked closer to see the ceiling was covered in black chalky hand prints everywhere. I paused..what is this? Some kind of joke?? Someone took their time out to do this. This 10' by 10' box space room, was covered everywhere, like it got a bunch of high fives. Some hand prints were on the ceiling light and on the wall beside the door. But not by the window??
Anyways I ran speechless to my parents room, waking them up, I was in a panic even my pets could sense it too, I took them to my room to show them, and I demanded to know if my dad did this..
Because it was big hands, like a mans hands. He said he did not, and they believed I did that. I am a 5' tall gal and my ceilings were 10' high.
This is still to this day unsolved and my parents believe that I did that myself. I could not wash off the hand prints off, and it remind vivid for 2-3 years until my father repainted my room. We sold the house a year ago, but this thing whatever it is follows me till this day but never did that stunt again.. I hope it never does.
This is one true story I shared with you all. I wanted too because I just want to let you know that who ever it going through what I am, to not be scared or try not too show your fear. Whatever it is, it feeds off of fear, panic, whatever. It wont go away and it will probably follow you for the rest of your life like how it does to me. But you just have to learn to deal and ignore it. Its a learning experience each and every day of my life, maybe yours too, who knows maybe in 40, 50 years this can be explained, and hopefully solved.
Sent in by Shibly Sharma, all rights reserved copyright 2010
It all started in the house I grew up in Vancouver BC. I would have the same dream over and over again, so clear, as if I am living this scary movie:
I am sleeping in my room, in my bed when the door opens to my room.. It was closed before I went to bed I am thinking, I am glued to my bed, I can not move, talk, all I can do is see and feel scared. I hear it sliding towards me,I am thinking what is happening. The best way to describe it is a person dragging the weight of their own body on the ground with their arms slowly while picking up speed. Than it is at the foot of my bed, pulling over my covers over its body coming towards me slowly. Without seeing its face, I could tell its was tall as an 8-10 year old in height. It touches my feet, I never see its face but I feel its not human. Dream Over.
I wake up with a big tapping noise on my window but I refuse to open my eyes, it keeps on going, tap, tap, tap,getting louder each time. Okay now I am annoyed and I think its my sister trying to scare me, so I stop hiding underneath my covers to tell her to "stop it". The noise stops, and as you know it my bedroom door was wide open (even though I closed it before going to bed and the window is open about an inch. Now I am kind of startled.
You see I am scared of bugs so there is no way I left my window open, especially all night. Also I like my privacy so I like to have my room door closed at all times. My sister and I have our own separate rooms beside each other. My Mum, Dad and Sister claimed to have never have opened anything in my room. My cat and dog do not have opposable thumbs to unlock plus turn a door knob, let alone open a jammed sideways sliding window. So all is ruled out. It must be sleep paralysis.
This happen for years of my life, the same dream over again, more real each time. Than the night came which I would never forget, well I guess there is many but this is the one I am sharing with you all out there.
It was the summer before going into high-school, and I was having more free time hanging out with my friends, having sleep over's with my girlfriends, and my first boyfriend! So I was hardly at home and if I was at home I would be chitchatting on the phone.
You see I had so many new things going on in my life that I forgot about "what goes bump in the night".
I had a dream one of those summer nights,it was more real than before. This time I felt it touching my face my legs, the weight of it on me, but I still could not see it. I was trying to fight it off of me for the first time, I was fighting back. But it out powered me. I woke up with a big bang that morning and I was laying on my back facing the ceiling, (which I hardly do because I am a side sleeper). It felt as if I was placed like that..
When the blurriness of my eyes settled I noticed my ceiling was dirty, I looked closer to see the ceiling was covered in black chalky hand prints everywhere. I paused..what is this? Some kind of joke?? Someone took their time out to do this. This 10' by 10' box space room, was covered everywhere, like it got a bunch of high fives. Some hand prints were on the ceiling light and on the wall beside the door. But not by the window??
Anyways I ran speechless to my parents room, waking them up, I was in a panic even my pets could sense it too, I took them to my room to show them, and I demanded to know if my dad did this..
Because it was big hands, like a mans hands. He said he did not, and they believed I did that. I am a 5' tall gal and my ceilings were 10' high.
This is still to this day unsolved and my parents believe that I did that myself. I could not wash off the hand prints off, and it remind vivid for 2-3 years until my father repainted my room. We sold the house a year ago, but this thing whatever it is follows me till this day but never did that stunt again.. I hope it never does.
This is one true story I shared with you all. I wanted too because I just want to let you know that who ever it going through what I am, to not be scared or try not too show your fear. Whatever it is, it feeds off of fear, panic, whatever. It wont go away and it will probably follow you for the rest of your life like how it does to me. But you just have to learn to deal and ignore it. Its a learning experience each and every day of my life, maybe yours too, who knows maybe in 40, 50 years this can be explained, and hopefully solved.
Sent in by Shibly Sharma, all rights reserved copyright 2010
Friday, November 14, 2014
Haunted Cow Or a Playful Spirit
It started with my 12th birthday in March of 2009. I was inviting four of my friends to come over to my sleepover party. Everyone was sure it was going to be a blast - just like last year. But nobody had thought the "blast" part might include a playful ghost!
Just a week before my party, I was lucky enough (yeah, right) to win my school's magazine drive, my prize - a huge stuffed animal cow! Of course I carried it home with me on the school bus and placed it in my bedroom.
When all of my friends arrived, we watched a movie, had some popcorn, and played the Wii game Guitar Hero - a perfectly normal sleepover party.
I knew that three out of the four of my friends believed in ghosts and spirits and that kind of stuff, and I couldn't resist temptation of scaring them. So when one of my friends said she was going to get her pajamas in a minute, I slunk silently out of the room. I raced to my room where everyone's stuff was, grabbed my big cow, and placed it in front of the door with it's head facing it. Task finished, I snuck back without realizing I left.
Within moments, we heard a surprised scream over the blasting music. My frightened friend stumbled toward us, her expression wild as she explained her surprise and how she was sure something in my cow was haunted. But after a while, we all laughed it off.
Nearly an hour later, my friend that did NOT believe in ghosts went to my bedroom to grab her toothbrush. Suddenly, we heard another scream! The three others and I dashed as quickly as we could to our shaken friend, and comforted her as she told her story. We glanced at the cow worriedly, after all, I knew I hadn't done it this time.
Determinedly, we stuck the stuffed animal on the other side of the room and pretended to close the door, but left it open about an inch. We all piled on top of each other to get a good look if the cow moved.
The five of us were slowly relaxing when there was a huge crash of thunder overhead! Instinctively we glanced upward for no more than a few seconds and then returned our gaze to the cow. But it was no longer on the other side of the room. In the time of the few seconds we looked away, and with no one in the room, the cow had moved itself right beside the door, it's dark button eyes staring us down!
Of course we told my mom all of this right away, and though she must have thought we were crazy (who wouldn't if some people tried to convince you of a stuffed animal cow being moved by some playful spirit in your own daughter's bedroom), but she agreed to put it in the garage. But the night's events weren't over yet.
On the stroke of midnight, the door started rattling as if someone from the other side was trying to break it down. Creepy moans of "Let me in, Stefi" and "Help! I need help!" rang throughout our room. Even the lights started flickering. And we were dead scared! The entire time we hid beneath the covers until it ended around one and I'm sure that none of my friends and I got so much as a wink of sleep!
Is the cow truly haunted, or did we just scare ourselves? Did my immature prank wake something long asleep? And is this new ghost simply intent on mischief, or is it looking to harm?
Sent in by Stef, Copyright 2010
Just a week before my party, I was lucky enough (yeah, right) to win my school's magazine drive, my prize - a huge stuffed animal cow! Of course I carried it home with me on the school bus and placed it in my bedroom.
When all of my friends arrived, we watched a movie, had some popcorn, and played the Wii game Guitar Hero - a perfectly normal sleepover party.
I knew that three out of the four of my friends believed in ghosts and spirits and that kind of stuff, and I couldn't resist temptation of scaring them. So when one of my friends said she was going to get her pajamas in a minute, I slunk silently out of the room. I raced to my room where everyone's stuff was, grabbed my big cow, and placed it in front of the door with it's head facing it. Task finished, I snuck back without realizing I left.
Within moments, we heard a surprised scream over the blasting music. My frightened friend stumbled toward us, her expression wild as she explained her surprise and how she was sure something in my cow was haunted. But after a while, we all laughed it off.
Nearly an hour later, my friend that did NOT believe in ghosts went to my bedroom to grab her toothbrush. Suddenly, we heard another scream! The three others and I dashed as quickly as we could to our shaken friend, and comforted her as she told her story. We glanced at the cow worriedly, after all, I knew I hadn't done it this time.
Determinedly, we stuck the stuffed animal on the other side of the room and pretended to close the door, but left it open about an inch. We all piled on top of each other to get a good look if the cow moved.
The five of us were slowly relaxing when there was a huge crash of thunder overhead! Instinctively we glanced upward for no more than a few seconds and then returned our gaze to the cow. But it was no longer on the other side of the room. In the time of the few seconds we looked away, and with no one in the room, the cow had moved itself right beside the door, it's dark button eyes staring us down!
Of course we told my mom all of this right away, and though she must have thought we were crazy (who wouldn't if some people tried to convince you of a stuffed animal cow being moved by some playful spirit in your own daughter's bedroom), but she agreed to put it in the garage. But the night's events weren't over yet.
On the stroke of midnight, the door started rattling as if someone from the other side was trying to break it down. Creepy moans of "Let me in, Stefi" and "Help! I need help!" rang throughout our room. Even the lights started flickering. And we were dead scared! The entire time we hid beneath the covers until it ended around one and I'm sure that none of my friends and I got so much as a wink of sleep!
Is the cow truly haunted, or did we just scare ourselves? Did my immature prank wake something long asleep? And is this new ghost simply intent on mischief, or is it looking to harm?
Sent in by Stef, Copyright 2010
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Only One Experience Ouija Board
I've had one experience with a Ouija board, and I won't ever try it again. The reason? I don't need to.
My experience wasn't hurtful, angry, or frightening in any way. I know there are a lot of negative stories concerning Ouija boards, but I just wanted to leave one light story to remind everyone that not all Ouija boards want to kill your babies.
My mother, two sisters and I all bought a Ouija board, having stupidly done no research for it. We set it up, and before long, it had started to cooperate.
Now, I'm a total atheist, but the paranormal interests me no end. Do I believe in ghosts or spirits? Hard to say. But when we asked the name of the Ouija board spirit it revealed itself to be a woman named Avril, who'd lived in out house before we did. And she was nice. We asked her a couple of frivolous questions, about how old she was or when she's died, or whatever. The answers were straightforward, and direct.
We did not ask her if she was a good or bad spirit, or if she wanted to hurt us. We didn't goad her into becoming angry or vengeful. We did it in the middle of the afternoon, on the kitchen table, and before we asked her anything we told her that we were respectful and were only interested, not wanting to pry. As soon as she said 'Goodbye', we packed up the board and left it.
Handling Ouija boards, I think, is about handling whatever comes along with it. I suppose it did kind of convince me about the existence of spirits, because after a lot of close observation, I knew no one was pranking, and I didn't look scornfully or skeptically upon it. The trick is to be respectful, open minded, and take it as it comes.
Sent in by Your Spirit Guide, Copyright 2010
My experience wasn't hurtful, angry, or frightening in any way. I know there are a lot of negative stories concerning Ouija boards, but I just wanted to leave one light story to remind everyone that not all Ouija boards want to kill your babies.
My mother, two sisters and I all bought a Ouija board, having stupidly done no research for it. We set it up, and before long, it had started to cooperate.
Now, I'm a total atheist, but the paranormal interests me no end. Do I believe in ghosts or spirits? Hard to say. But when we asked the name of the Ouija board spirit it revealed itself to be a woman named Avril, who'd lived in out house before we did. And she was nice. We asked her a couple of frivolous questions, about how old she was or when she's died, or whatever. The answers were straightforward, and direct.
We did not ask her if she was a good or bad spirit, or if she wanted to hurt us. We didn't goad her into becoming angry or vengeful. We did it in the middle of the afternoon, on the kitchen table, and before we asked her anything we told her that we were respectful and were only interested, not wanting to pry. As soon as she said 'Goodbye', we packed up the board and left it.
Handling Ouija boards, I think, is about handling whatever comes along with it. I suppose it did kind of convince me about the existence of spirits, because after a lot of close observation, I knew no one was pranking, and I didn't look scornfully or skeptically upon it. The trick is to be respectful, open minded, and take it as it comes.
Sent in by Your Spirit Guide, Copyright 2010
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
The Flower Shop Ghost
I'm a former floral designer. A few years back I was employed by a local shop. Where I did floral design & deliveries.
It was summertime while I was employed there. And there where many occasion's when I would be standing at my workstation in shorts and I would hear fast paced footstep's behind me and actually feel a "breeze" on the back of my leg's when they went by. I brought this oddity up to my Boss and other employees. A couple of the other women had experienced similar things too. The Boss lady however tried to come up with excuses for it.
One of her favorite"explanations" was that it was the employee's in the business next door walking around. What I felt when this entity passed by was way to close to have came from the adjoining business next door. I could actually hear that these were fast paced footstep's on a carpeted floor.
One day after work I decided just to prove the Boss wrong. I decided to visited the business located next door. It was a Cellular Phone store. I walked in and low and behold hard wood flooring no carpet in sight anywhere! So therefore that proved my Bosses theory to be all wrong. There where many peculiar occurrences that happened to me while I was employed at the shop. Two days per week for about 3 hours I would be alone in the shop. Responsible for closing and locking up etc.One afternoon while there alone, with no customer's in the shop I went to the back to use the restroom.
We had a stock area in the back that you had to walk through to get there. We had a large basket of decorative Lawn Flag's like you decorate your yard with. When I came out of the restroom those flag's were scattered all over the stockroom floor!
Then on another day while I was alone in the shop I was designing an arrangement at my work station. And I had a bar stool sitting to the side of my table and on the end of the work table was a shelf. Which we kept candle's on. I walked to the stock room to get some supplie's and when
I came back there was a Lavender colored Votive candle sitting upright dead center in the middle of the stool seat. There's no way it could have rolled from the shelf it would have landed on the floor if that had been the case. It has been strategically placed where it was by "something".
Another day I had a sizeable delivery I had to make to a local Funeral Home. We had a fairly late model delivery van. I opened all the doors and began loading all of the arrangement's. I shut the doors one by one.
I opened the driver's door to get in and as soon as I shut the door the door's all locked by themselves. This scared me because I knew I hadn't hit any lock button. I started the van and said out loud "I guess whoever you are you wanna tag along with me today".
Upon returning after my delivery; I told the Boss about what had happened with the van's door's locking by themselves. And of course once again; she started trying to come up with excuses. She said she thought that the van had a electrical problem. And she followed me to the garage where she regularly took it for maintenance and repairs to have them check it out for a wiring problem. They couldn't find a thing wrong with it. I also would hear voice's in the shop's showroom, when there where no customer's, windchimes we sold chiming by themselves too. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the shop I worked at was haunted. The area it is in was all farmland years ago. So my assumption is that the entity is from a bygone era from many years ago. I believe the tiny fast paced footstep's were that of a young child spirit.
Sent in by Marlaina, Copyright 2010
It was summertime while I was employed there. And there where many occasion's when I would be standing at my workstation in shorts and I would hear fast paced footstep's behind me and actually feel a "breeze" on the back of my leg's when they went by. I brought this oddity up to my Boss and other employees. A couple of the other women had experienced similar things too. The Boss lady however tried to come up with excuses for it.
One of her favorite"explanations" was that it was the employee's in the business next door walking around. What I felt when this entity passed by was way to close to have came from the adjoining business next door. I could actually hear that these were fast paced footstep's on a carpeted floor.
One day after work I decided just to prove the Boss wrong. I decided to visited the business located next door. It was a Cellular Phone store. I walked in and low and behold hard wood flooring no carpet in sight anywhere! So therefore that proved my Bosses theory to be all wrong. There where many peculiar occurrences that happened to me while I was employed at the shop. Two days per week for about 3 hours I would be alone in the shop. Responsible for closing and locking up etc.One afternoon while there alone, with no customer's in the shop I went to the back to use the restroom.
We had a stock area in the back that you had to walk through to get there. We had a large basket of decorative Lawn Flag's like you decorate your yard with. When I came out of the restroom those flag's were scattered all over the stockroom floor!
Then on another day while I was alone in the shop I was designing an arrangement at my work station. And I had a bar stool sitting to the side of my table and on the end of the work table was a shelf. Which we kept candle's on. I walked to the stock room to get some supplie's and when
I came back there was a Lavender colored Votive candle sitting upright dead center in the middle of the stool seat. There's no way it could have rolled from the shelf it would have landed on the floor if that had been the case. It has been strategically placed where it was by "something".
Another day I had a sizeable delivery I had to make to a local Funeral Home. We had a fairly late model delivery van. I opened all the doors and began loading all of the arrangement's. I shut the doors one by one.
I opened the driver's door to get in and as soon as I shut the door the door's all locked by themselves. This scared me because I knew I hadn't hit any lock button. I started the van and said out loud "I guess whoever you are you wanna tag along with me today".
Upon returning after my delivery; I told the Boss about what had happened with the van's door's locking by themselves. And of course once again; she started trying to come up with excuses. She said she thought that the van had a electrical problem. And she followed me to the garage where she regularly took it for maintenance and repairs to have them check it out for a wiring problem. They couldn't find a thing wrong with it. I also would hear voice's in the shop's showroom, when there where no customer's, windchimes we sold chiming by themselves too. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the shop I worked at was haunted. The area it is in was all farmland years ago. So my assumption is that the entity is from a bygone era from many years ago. I believe the tiny fast paced footstep's were that of a young child spirit.
Sent in by Marlaina, Copyright 2010
Spookiest Night I've Ever Known
It was a dark, calm night when I had finally decided to go to sleep. I was only seven, and yet I didn't feel like going to bed early. I had just gotten my brother's room in the basement, since he was old enough to move out. I blinked and I saw a shadow moving near the window, then I blinked again and it was gone. Having no clue what it was, I remember I
laid down and pulled the covers over my head. That's when I began to hear rain outside my window. Hail was banging on the window pain, and I wondered why it had started raining so quickly. Even at my age I knew rain didn't fall that quickly. The thunder was beginning to get louder and louder. I couldn't even sleep! I sat up, trying to ignore the rain, but that's when I heard the thunder erupt. A very loud sound erupted, like it was telling me that my life was going to end. "Dun, Dun, Dun." Was what it sounded like, and after the last crack of thunder, all was quiet. I was so scared, that I was hiding in the corner of my room now.
Then there was that same figure that I had saw earlier. "Hahaha." I heard it laugh, and when I looked up, I saw the strangest shade of white in it's face. Then, all of sudden I was asleep I don't really remember anything after that, but I remembered that I dreamed that bugs were crawling all over me. Then when I woke up, there was banging sounds on my door. I still have my room in my basement, and soon enough I found out that the haunting I was getting was from one of my relatives in my past... I had described the figure to my mom. She told me the figure was my grandpa, he liked to play tricks on people... and he died on his way to our house... That was the spookiest night I could remember.
This really did happen, and I can remember it.
Sent In By Sakura copyright 2010
laid down and pulled the covers over my head. That's when I began to hear rain outside my window. Hail was banging on the window pain, and I wondered why it had started raining so quickly. Even at my age I knew rain didn't fall that quickly. The thunder was beginning to get louder and louder. I couldn't even sleep! I sat up, trying to ignore the rain, but that's when I heard the thunder erupt. A very loud sound erupted, like it was telling me that my life was going to end. "Dun, Dun, Dun." Was what it sounded like, and after the last crack of thunder, all was quiet. I was so scared, that I was hiding in the corner of my room now.
Then there was that same figure that I had saw earlier. "Hahaha." I heard it laugh, and when I looked up, I saw the strangest shade of white in it's face. Then, all of sudden I was asleep I don't really remember anything after that, but I remembered that I dreamed that bugs were crawling all over me. Then when I woke up, there was banging sounds on my door. I still have my room in my basement, and soon enough I found out that the haunting I was getting was from one of my relatives in my past... I had described the figure to my mom. She told me the figure was my grandpa, he liked to play tricks on people... and he died on his way to our house... That was the spookiest night I could remember.
This really did happen, and I can remember it.
Sent In By Sakura copyright 2010
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Be Careful What You Wish For
Ok, I was brought up around ghost stories. I've basically heard them all. When we were growing up my cousins and I used to trade them like baseball cards. So, when I was warned not to ever say "I wish you were dead!" I laughed it off. That is until..... one night.
You see I was around 12 years old and my sister and I shared a room. We also shared a bunk bed where I slept on the bottom and she on top. We are 11 months apart so it's not uncommon that we were always fighting over something. Well one night, I can't even remember why, we got into a really ugly argument that grew into an actual fight. Well we were pulled apart and I was so angry that I yelled out "I wish you were dead!" to my sister. My step dad warned me to take it back because "You are never suppose to wish death on someone." Of course being young, angry, and stubborn I refused.
We were sent to bed early for fighting. We glared at each other feeling that it was all the others fault. We eventually fell asleep. I was awakened later that night by a low noise. When I opened my eyes I was frozen with fear. I promise on everything I love I saw a black hooded figure looking down on my sister. It was standing right beside my feet. Its face was so pale with dark soul less eyes. Tears started to flow from my eyes. I felt hot and cold at the same time. My mouth was so dry. My heart raced. All I could do was pray. I prayed for her not to be taken. I prayed to God for her to be left alone. I begged. I promised to never wish death on anyone ever again. I prayed so hard. Now I know what you're thinking.... Duh!! Your step dad played a trick on you for wishing something so evil, but no. You see I never closed my eyes that night. It was like I was hypnotized. I guess I thought if I closed my eyes it would take my sister away. The thing vanished before my eyes. As soon as it was gone I jumped up and checked on her. She was alive. In the morning I told everyone what happened. They were all a little freaked out. I could tell they didn't really believe me. My step dad told me "You see. You need to be careful what you wish for. You just might get it." It has been my motto since.
But you know I didn't learn my lesson. I'll say about 5 years ago my cousins and my husband went out. I again was really angry and told them "I hope you get pulled over tonight OR you see the devil." They laughed, which got me even angrier. I slammed the door behind them and fell asleep watching t.v. on the couch. I was awaken later that night or very early that morning by them running in the house. They told me that as they were driving home a man was walking on the road. As they approached the man they slowed down as to not hit him on the narrow road. The look of this man scared them all.
Now they have seen drunks,even really bad drug abusers, and this was neither. I was told the man had a scary demon face. As they peeled out the man disappeared. I thought they were teasing me until I looked deeper at their features.Even the best actor in the world could not have pulled off the fear and paleness of their faces. Then one of them, I can't remember who, yelled at me. "It was because of you! You wanted us to see the devil and I think we did. Maybe not the devil himself but it was something evil!" In a way I felt bad, but I also thought well that's what you get. Next time ya'll won't go out. Everything I have written is true and its just the tip of the iceberg.
Sent in by aolvera, Copyright 2010
You see I was around 12 years old and my sister and I shared a room. We also shared a bunk bed where I slept on the bottom and she on top. We are 11 months apart so it's not uncommon that we were always fighting over something. Well one night, I can't even remember why, we got into a really ugly argument that grew into an actual fight. Well we were pulled apart and I was so angry that I yelled out "I wish you were dead!" to my sister. My step dad warned me to take it back because "You are never suppose to wish death on someone." Of course being young, angry, and stubborn I refused.
We were sent to bed early for fighting. We glared at each other feeling that it was all the others fault. We eventually fell asleep. I was awakened later that night by a low noise. When I opened my eyes I was frozen with fear. I promise on everything I love I saw a black hooded figure looking down on my sister. It was standing right beside my feet. Its face was so pale with dark soul less eyes. Tears started to flow from my eyes. I felt hot and cold at the same time. My mouth was so dry. My heart raced. All I could do was pray. I prayed for her not to be taken. I prayed to God for her to be left alone. I begged. I promised to never wish death on anyone ever again. I prayed so hard. Now I know what you're thinking.... Duh!! Your step dad played a trick on you for wishing something so evil, but no. You see I never closed my eyes that night. It was like I was hypnotized. I guess I thought if I closed my eyes it would take my sister away. The thing vanished before my eyes. As soon as it was gone I jumped up and checked on her. She was alive. In the morning I told everyone what happened. They were all a little freaked out. I could tell they didn't really believe me. My step dad told me "You see. You need to be careful what you wish for. You just might get it." It has been my motto since.
But you know I didn't learn my lesson. I'll say about 5 years ago my cousins and my husband went out. I again was really angry and told them "I hope you get pulled over tonight OR you see the devil." They laughed, which got me even angrier. I slammed the door behind them and fell asleep watching t.v. on the couch. I was awaken later that night or very early that morning by them running in the house. They told me that as they were driving home a man was walking on the road. As they approached the man they slowed down as to not hit him on the narrow road. The look of this man scared them all.
Now they have seen drunks,even really bad drug abusers, and this was neither. I was told the man had a scary demon face. As they peeled out the man disappeared. I thought they were teasing me until I looked deeper at their features.Even the best actor in the world could not have pulled off the fear and paleness of their faces. Then one of them, I can't remember who, yelled at me. "It was because of you! You wanted us to see the devil and I think we did. Maybe not the devil himself but it was something evil!" In a way I felt bad, but I also thought well that's what you get. Next time ya'll won't go out. Everything I have written is true and its just the tip of the iceberg.
Sent in by aolvera, Copyright 2010
Monday, November 10, 2014
Three Ghosts of Oldham Farm
This story is about three ghosts. Oldham farm was my great grandfathers house and now it belongs to my grandfather but when my great-grandfather lived there he went out and took his dog for a walk up his seven fields (each one three football pitches long) but when he got to the third one he could see an old white rusty caravan. He whistled his dog back and went back to get his double barreled shot gun.
He went back up there with two bullets only he knocked on the caravans door and no one answered. He waited about five minutes and they turned up with a dead cow, one of his. He aimed his gun at them and told them to get out of their car and they did. He told them to line up facing against the caravan and he put the two bullets in to it and BANG BANG they were both shot dead both in the head.
He tied a piece of rope to their feet and dragged them back to his back garden and dug two four feet deep holes and buried them. Now they did not rest because if you want the dead to rest in peace then you have to bury them six feet under the ground.
Now if you walk up the fields the caravan is still there not been moved its just got a holes in the side of it where the gun had so much power it blew two hole into it sometimes you will see the ghosts moving towards the caravan getting ready to be shot and then they will just vanish.
After my great-grandfather died he left the house to my grandfather and he still lives there now. During World War II the Germans bombed England and unfortunately for a German bomber he crashed into my grandfathers first field and survived. At the time my grandfather was having a cheese and pickle sandwich, all he heard was a loud bang. He grabbed a large knife and went out to the plane and he helped the German bomber to his legs. After that my grandfather started stabbing him in the heart and he nicked his gun.
Now if you go to my grandfathers house you will sometimes see on a nice average day a German soldier will walk around the house and bang on the windows and you can hear the ghost speaking German saying "geben Sie mir mein Gewehr," which is, "give me my gun" on a full moon night sometimes he is there as well opening and closing the windows.
Sent in by Darroch Millen, Copyright 2010
He went back up there with two bullets only he knocked on the caravans door and no one answered. He waited about five minutes and they turned up with a dead cow, one of his. He aimed his gun at them and told them to get out of their car and they did. He told them to line up facing against the caravan and he put the two bullets in to it and BANG BANG they were both shot dead both in the head.
He tied a piece of rope to their feet and dragged them back to his back garden and dug two four feet deep holes and buried them. Now they did not rest because if you want the dead to rest in peace then you have to bury them six feet under the ground.
Now if you walk up the fields the caravan is still there not been moved its just got a holes in the side of it where the gun had so much power it blew two hole into it sometimes you will see the ghosts moving towards the caravan getting ready to be shot and then they will just vanish.
After my great-grandfather died he left the house to my grandfather and he still lives there now. During World War II the Germans bombed England and unfortunately for a German bomber he crashed into my grandfathers first field and survived. At the time my grandfather was having a cheese and pickle sandwich, all he heard was a loud bang. He grabbed a large knife and went out to the plane and he helped the German bomber to his legs. After that my grandfather started stabbing him in the heart and he nicked his gun.
Now if you go to my grandfathers house you will sometimes see on a nice average day a German soldier will walk around the house and bang on the windows and you can hear the ghost speaking German saying "geben Sie mir mein Gewehr," which is, "give me my gun" on a full moon night sometimes he is there as well opening and closing the windows.
Sent in by Darroch Millen, Copyright 2010
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Ghost that Walked My Halls
I am the the oldest son in a family of four, plus two dogs. We have been living in this house now for three years and I personally have had some strange paranormal experiences. Keep in mind that this is a new house. We are the first family that lived here.
I was home alone, my brother was at his friends house and my parents were at work. I was hearing noises coming from upstairs. I thought it was a robber, so I was scared to go up the stairs, but eventually I did. I got to the top of the stairs and glanced into my moms room on the left. Nothing, I looked into the bathroom, straight ahead of the stairs and the toilet seat was fairly forcefully hitting the bowl. I was a believer in ghosts so I thought it was paranormal. I had an urge to turn to my room and there was a crystal clear image of my baby who had died two months ago leaning over my bed, looking where I would have been laying.
I called my mom and told her what was happening and she told me to call my Nan who lives about five minutes away. All of the sudden the phone died. At this time my dogs were crying and I didn't no what to do. I ran outside in my backyard with my dogs and looked into my brothers room. There was nothing odd but for some reason I couldn't look away. Then the light came on for about two seconds and turned back off. I forced my self to look away.
I then ran over to my neighbors house and asked if I could use their phone. I called my Nan and she came over. We went inside but the haunting was over.
Three days later me and my brother came over after school and the garage door was open. I was standing on my drive way telling him what had happened a few days before. Now I was in that scared mood. I forced myself to go in and what I saw was amazing. My computer (being a Mac) had photo booth on. I found a new video I had not made. I started to watch it. The room was dark then the light came on. Through the pane of my French doors I could see a face of a young boy. There was a loud ring that lasted for about three seconds then the screen went black and the video ended.
Now for a few months there was nothing happening and it was all out of my mind until. I woke up in the middle of the night to the smell of incense which reminded me of my baba's funeral. All of the sudden there was a huge bang that woke everybody up. My parents came running out to see what it was. Now my whole family witnessed this. My baba showed up in front of my room door and waved to us. She smiled then her expression changed. It looked like she was possessed and she threw my fan to the ground and disappeared.
From then to now I have not had another haunting, but I will always keep my eyes peeled.
Sent in by Ryan, Copyright 2010
I was home alone, my brother was at his friends house and my parents were at work. I was hearing noises coming from upstairs. I thought it was a robber, so I was scared to go up the stairs, but eventually I did. I got to the top of the stairs and glanced into my moms room on the left. Nothing, I looked into the bathroom, straight ahead of the stairs and the toilet seat was fairly forcefully hitting the bowl. I was a believer in ghosts so I thought it was paranormal. I had an urge to turn to my room and there was a crystal clear image of my baby who had died two months ago leaning over my bed, looking where I would have been laying.
I called my mom and told her what was happening and she told me to call my Nan who lives about five minutes away. All of the sudden the phone died. At this time my dogs were crying and I didn't no what to do. I ran outside in my backyard with my dogs and looked into my brothers room. There was nothing odd but for some reason I couldn't look away. Then the light came on for about two seconds and turned back off. I forced my self to look away.
I then ran over to my neighbors house and asked if I could use their phone. I called my Nan and she came over. We went inside but the haunting was over.
Three days later me and my brother came over after school and the garage door was open. I was standing on my drive way telling him what had happened a few days before. Now I was in that scared mood. I forced myself to go in and what I saw was amazing. My computer (being a Mac) had photo booth on. I found a new video I had not made. I started to watch it. The room was dark then the light came on. Through the pane of my French doors I could see a face of a young boy. There was a loud ring that lasted for about three seconds then the screen went black and the video ended.
Now for a few months there was nothing happening and it was all out of my mind until. I woke up in the middle of the night to the smell of incense which reminded me of my baba's funeral. All of the sudden there was a huge bang that woke everybody up. My parents came running out to see what it was. Now my whole family witnessed this. My baba showed up in front of my room door and waved to us. She smiled then her expression changed. It looked like she was possessed and she threw my fan to the ground and disappeared.
From then to now I have not had another haunting, but I will always keep my eyes peeled.
Sent in by Ryan, Copyright 2010
Saturday, November 8, 2014
House Ghosts
Hi I'm about to tell you a few things that I have seen and felt. I was at a friends house one day cause I was spending the night, we were in her room and my friend and I are in choir so we were singing one of our songs because we got bored. Well, when we were done in her closet we could her
little kids clapping. I asked her if she knew what that was and she told me that her closet and other places in the house are haunted. So I went over there and if you stand close to it my tummy started to hurt and I got dizzy. Later that night when we were getting ready for bed I felt a cold spot and then it felt like somebody touched me. We laid down then a few minutes later it felt like somebody laid down right beside me but only my friend was here beside me.
I also have had a few experiences in my own home. It was a school day and I was in my sisters room getting ready cause she was up too. She was standing by her door and it was warm in her room no windows were open but she felt a cold breeze go by her door and it would do it every ten seconds so she told me to put my foot by the door and I felt it to it was like somebody was walking by her door but nobody was there. We started talking and I felt a chill run down my back then it felt like somebody touched me and then I went in my room and it sounded like one of my cats were playing with it but none of my cats were in my room then I was laying in bed when it sounded like we have an upstairs but we don't but it sounded like somebody was walking in a room above mine.
One day I was in the kitchen doing dishes and I was the only
one home and my cats were in my moms room but it sounded like a cat hissed at me right behind me but there were no cats in the kitchen.
Written By Tabitha 2010
little kids clapping. I asked her if she knew what that was and she told me that her closet and other places in the house are haunted. So I went over there and if you stand close to it my tummy started to hurt and I got dizzy. Later that night when we were getting ready for bed I felt a cold spot and then it felt like somebody touched me. We laid down then a few minutes later it felt like somebody laid down right beside me but only my friend was here beside me.
I also have had a few experiences in my own home. It was a school day and I was in my sisters room getting ready cause she was up too. She was standing by her door and it was warm in her room no windows were open but she felt a cold breeze go by her door and it would do it every ten seconds so she told me to put my foot by the door and I felt it to it was like somebody was walking by her door but nobody was there. We started talking and I felt a chill run down my back then it felt like somebody touched me and then I went in my room and it sounded like one of my cats were playing with it but none of my cats were in my room then I was laying in bed when it sounded like we have an upstairs but we don't but it sounded like somebody was walking in a room above mine.
One day I was in the kitchen doing dishes and I was the only
one home and my cats were in my moms room but it sounded like a cat hissed at me right behind me but there were no cats in the kitchen.
Written By Tabitha 2010
Friday, November 7, 2014
Halloween Ouija Fun
A group of 6 friends and I were having a little fun on Halloween, first we went to this supposedly haunted road (and it was), and then we went back to one girl's house and took out a Ouija board. We were all kind of nervous about it, we Googled things you could ask and things that could make a spirit mad so we could avoid those things. There were 7 of us but three wanted nothing to do with the Ouija, so only four of us touched it at a time. We spoke with several spirits. The air in our room thickened when we spoke to a girl from our school that had died.
The last time we did it, something very strange happened. We started it like all the rest.
"We are looking for a good, honest spirit. Are you there?" The planchette darted to "yes" quicker than it had before.
"Are you a good spirit?" No
"Are you a bad spirit?" No
"Are you against labels?" Yes.
At this point, we were kind of laughing. It was nice to know this spirit is so down to Earth.
"What is your name?" It spelled most of its name before one member abruptly said "Goodbye". It took the rest of us a moment to realize why he had stopped so fast. Then we all looked at each other in horror. I didn't realize he could speak through a Ouija board. It had spelled:
The last time we did it, something very strange happened. We started it like all the rest.
"We are looking for a good, honest spirit. Are you there?" The planchette darted to "yes" quicker than it had before.
"Are you a good spirit?" No
"Are you a bad spirit?" No
"Are you against labels?" Yes.
At this point, we were kind of laughing. It was nice to know this spirit is so down to Earth.
"What is your name?" It spelled most of its name before one member abruptly said "Goodbye". It took the rest of us a moment to realize why he had stopped so fast. Then we all looked at each other in horror. I didn't realize he could speak through a Ouija board. It had spelled:
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Thursday, November 6, 2014
The Black Dog in Hawaiian Gardens
This is what my grandma told me about, she's told me others but this story is one of m favorites. She's about 67 years old and she told me this happened to her when she was a teenager. Which is a long time ago.
Its a creepy story, especially about out nature, I'll tell you this like if she were telling you.
It was way back then when I was a teenager. I always liked to take a walk out in the streets. I always liked to spend time with dogs, cats and other animals. I had went to my friends house to invite her to walk with me. She said yeah sure. So off we went.
We walked through the beautiful park, and the whole block. We came up a hill to a ditch. We both saw a big black dog that looked very friendly, and harmless. At first, but that didn't stop, it from doing something evil.
We both thought the dog was cute, so we went to pet it.
I felt something was wrong with that dog, like if it wasn't
like others. As I went to go pet him, I felt a cold wind on the back of my neck! Which is like a movie to me. The dog started to bark a little then stopped. I thought to myself that it was really weird. The dog stood still and then that's when it happened, the dogs eyes turned a glowing red. It barked, and drooled then he chased after us. I was ahead of my friend and that dog caught up to her and bit her leg, then her arm. I ran back to help her, then the
dog bit me. Me and my friend were both crying. It hurt so bad, my friend was bleeding more than me. The dog looked at me real hard and then it laid down. That's when I got up and took my friend to my house. I never saw that black dog again. Or encountered that ever again. That's when I learned not all animals are sweet and cute.
That's everything my grandma told me.
She has a mark from the bite from the dog, and she doesn't talk to her friend anymore.
This story really creep me out, by the way she told me
Written by Joshua 2010. All rights reserved
Its a creepy story, especially about out nature, I'll tell you this like if she were telling you.
It was way back then when I was a teenager. I always liked to take a walk out in the streets. I always liked to spend time with dogs, cats and other animals. I had went to my friends house to invite her to walk with me. She said yeah sure. So off we went.
We walked through the beautiful park, and the whole block. We came up a hill to a ditch. We both saw a big black dog that looked very friendly, and harmless. At first, but that didn't stop, it from doing something evil.
We both thought the dog was cute, so we went to pet it.
I felt something was wrong with that dog, like if it wasn't
like others. As I went to go pet him, I felt a cold wind on the back of my neck! Which is like a movie to me. The dog started to bark a little then stopped. I thought to myself that it was really weird. The dog stood still and then that's when it happened, the dogs eyes turned a glowing red. It barked, and drooled then he chased after us. I was ahead of my friend and that dog caught up to her and bit her leg, then her arm. I ran back to help her, then the
dog bit me. Me and my friend were both crying. It hurt so bad, my friend was bleeding more than me. The dog looked at me real hard and then it laid down. That's when I got up and took my friend to my house. I never saw that black dog again. Or encountered that ever again. That's when I learned not all animals are sweet and cute.
That's everything my grandma told me.
She has a mark from the bite from the dog, and she doesn't talk to her friend anymore.
This story really creep me out, by the way she told me
Written by Joshua 2010. All rights reserved
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Did I Just See A Weirdo Or The Hat Man?
This is a story that I happened up on and I contacted the person to ask if I could use his story of what happen to him 25 years ago.
Now there has been the story of what is called The Hat Man. Many people have reported that they have seen him. This person saw what he thinks may have been just that. If you have not ever heard of this type of being, then I would invite you to go to two web sites and read up on it. The first one is a forum for the paranormal
The next one is about a woman who has spent many years researching and learning all that she can about them. Her name is Heidi Hollis and she was the first to give the name Shadow people the name we call them today. You can also go to your search engine and type in Hat Man and get loads of information on this subject and read about many sightings of him. It is very fascinating if you ask me.
Ok now to the story.
I would describe myself as someone who is open to the possibility of paranormal I guess, but I am not a full believer of it.
What I am about to tell you happen 25 years ago and to this day it is still so clear in my head that it seems like it just happened yesterday.
I was driving in Torrington, CT. As my wife and I were driving up a crummy industrial street, I looked ahead to see how the street was twisting. Then about 100 yards ahead of me, on the sidewalk that was by the drivers side , I saw a figure moving along the side walk. I could tell he or she was dark, tall, and they seemed to be walking very fast, as if they were in a hurry to get somewhere.
My wife was in the car with me at the time this happen. I kept my eyes on this person or thing the whole time. As I approached him or her, perhaps within, 30 yards, it suddenly whipped around quickly, and it was looking straight at me. By this time I could see the entire figure.
It seemed to be dressed almost all in black with what seemed to be a black floppy leather hat, a black suit with a white shirt, and what appeared to be a red string tie, and a black cape over the suit with black pointy boots of shoes. I could tell by this time it was a male.
He was over '6' "6" tall, and extremely thin. He had a very long and thin face with a jutting jaw and huge dark protruding eyes and heavy brows but the feature that stood out the most on his face was his incredibly long skinny nose it like it was not real or some thing
He had a grin on his face the whole time he was staring at me and it was an evil grin like he was saying he had me or some thing. As I drove past him it seemed as though he was only starring at me, not my wife nor the car just me, this how it made me feel
After I had driven past him I looked in the review mirror and he was still starring at me and his grin was so wide I can not remember to good but I think it was as if he was laughing at me or something. I kept driving until he was out of my sight.
At the time my wife confirmed that what I had saw was real but now days she says that she is not sure of just what I saw that day.
Was this just some one who was a weirdo that enjoyed scarring people or was it indeed the hat man?
Now after this had happen to me I started reading lots of things about him and shadow people creatures and some things that I seen matches but some does not for he was not shadowy his features were clear as day and it was day time when this happen also.
I was filled with dread when I first saw him and I am not the type of person that gets shaken up to easily. I have sen weirdos before and I just teed to feel sorry for them but not this one he was evil there was just some thing every sinister about this character and I for some reason his face and features got burned into my head and has been there for 25 years and will be there till I die. He has never showed up again to me so thank God that he did not follow me like most people has reported and I am thankful for that because I could not handle that.
I know that the way I have described this it seems like there was nothing at all to be freaked out about, but if you have seen it as I did you would have been terrified just as I was of him.
The simple truth is that I was scared of him and to this day I really don't know why and may never know why.
If any one has ever seen some thing like this and had the feeling of dread I would like to hear your story and it may help me to understand what I saw that day and to know weather or not I am making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Thanks for any advice and I am looking forward to hearing form you
Written By Nick, rewritten by TLS all rights reserved
Now there has been the story of what is called The Hat Man. Many people have reported that they have seen him. This person saw what he thinks may have been just that. If you have not ever heard of this type of being, then I would invite you to go to two web sites and read up on it. The first one is a forum for the paranormal
The next one is about a woman who has spent many years researching and learning all that she can about them. Her name is Heidi Hollis and she was the first to give the name Shadow people the name we call them today. You can also go to your search engine and type in Hat Man and get loads of information on this subject and read about many sightings of him. It is very fascinating if you ask me.
Ok now to the story.
I would describe myself as someone who is open to the possibility of paranormal I guess, but I am not a full believer of it.
What I am about to tell you happen 25 years ago and to this day it is still so clear in my head that it seems like it just happened yesterday.
I was driving in Torrington, CT. As my wife and I were driving up a crummy industrial street, I looked ahead to see how the street was twisting. Then about 100 yards ahead of me, on the sidewalk that was by the drivers side , I saw a figure moving along the side walk. I could tell he or she was dark, tall, and they seemed to be walking very fast, as if they were in a hurry to get somewhere.
My wife was in the car with me at the time this happen. I kept my eyes on this person or thing the whole time. As I approached him or her, perhaps within, 30 yards, it suddenly whipped around quickly, and it was looking straight at me. By this time I could see the entire figure.
It seemed to be dressed almost all in black with what seemed to be a black floppy leather hat, a black suit with a white shirt, and what appeared to be a red string tie, and a black cape over the suit with black pointy boots of shoes. I could tell by this time it was a male.
He was over '6' "6" tall, and extremely thin. He had a very long and thin face with a jutting jaw and huge dark protruding eyes and heavy brows but the feature that stood out the most on his face was his incredibly long skinny nose it like it was not real or some thing
He had a grin on his face the whole time he was staring at me and it was an evil grin like he was saying he had me or some thing. As I drove past him it seemed as though he was only starring at me, not my wife nor the car just me, this how it made me feel
After I had driven past him I looked in the review mirror and he was still starring at me and his grin was so wide I can not remember to good but I think it was as if he was laughing at me or something. I kept driving until he was out of my sight.
At the time my wife confirmed that what I had saw was real but now days she says that she is not sure of just what I saw that day.
Was this just some one who was a weirdo that enjoyed scarring people or was it indeed the hat man?
Now after this had happen to me I started reading lots of things about him and shadow people creatures and some things that I seen matches but some does not for he was not shadowy his features were clear as day and it was day time when this happen also.
I was filled with dread when I first saw him and I am not the type of person that gets shaken up to easily. I have sen weirdos before and I just teed to feel sorry for them but not this one he was evil there was just some thing every sinister about this character and I for some reason his face and features got burned into my head and has been there for 25 years and will be there till I die. He has never showed up again to me so thank God that he did not follow me like most people has reported and I am thankful for that because I could not handle that.
I know that the way I have described this it seems like there was nothing at all to be freaked out about, but if you have seen it as I did you would have been terrified just as I was of him.
The simple truth is that I was scared of him and to this day I really don't know why and may never know why.
If any one has ever seen some thing like this and had the feeling of dread I would like to hear your story and it may help me to understand what I saw that day and to know weather or not I am making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Thanks for any advice and I am looking forward to hearing form you
Written By Nick, rewritten by TLS all rights reserved
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
An old friend's Spirt That Stays With Me
Hi there! I believe in ghosts 100%, well I should because I live with one!
The first time I suspected that their was a ghost in my house was that there was these weird markings on the wall. I just woke up early in the morning and as I was walking down the stairs at the corner of my eye these weird white markings as if someone has been scratching at the wall. "Mum, what are these?" I asked. My mum just blamed it on me and grounded me! Everyday I saw them, more and more markings appeared.
A few months later, words appeared. Random words. F M B L. Was this a code? I wrote the letters down and thought all night, suddenly the table was wobbling I was so scared, I ran upstairs and noticed that the words changed again. "B M F L" I gasped.. B M F L - Best Mates For Life.
I was so shocked that I started crying. "Cat?" I asked.
Cat was my old best friend, who died last year. Maybe, at the funeral, her spirit followed me. Why though? Why me? Did she hate me so much that she haunted me?
No, it wasn't possible. Still now, I see markings, words, scratches. I decided to end this and figure out this mystery
I took pictures, all over the house. Then, I plucked up the courage and took a picture of the wall. "Oh my god.." The picture was the wall, but in the corner, a bright white color was their, in shape of a head. I shivered. Every night, every time I walk past the wall, my whole body gets covered in goosebumps, then one horrible night, I walked into my bedroom then slam! the door slammed shut. I started too sweat. "oh god, what's happening?" I managed too spit out. I couldn't move. I felt as if someone was wrapping their arms around my legs. I cried so much. As soon as I could move I went straight too bed. Then, late in the night, it happened again. oh please not again I shouted inside my head.
After that night I've been haunted by books flying across the room, hearing feet running up and down the hallway. Every night, I hear the same thing. But still, its nice too know that cat has been with me all these years.
Written By Jack 2010 all rights reserved
The first time I suspected that their was a ghost in my house was that there was these weird markings on the wall. I just woke up early in the morning and as I was walking down the stairs at the corner of my eye these weird white markings as if someone has been scratching at the wall. "Mum, what are these?" I asked. My mum just blamed it on me and grounded me! Everyday I saw them, more and more markings appeared.
A few months later, words appeared. Random words. F M B L. Was this a code? I wrote the letters down and thought all night, suddenly the table was wobbling I was so scared, I ran upstairs and noticed that the words changed again. "B M F L" I gasped.. B M F L - Best Mates For Life.
I was so shocked that I started crying. "Cat?" I asked.
Cat was my old best friend, who died last year. Maybe, at the funeral, her spirit followed me. Why though? Why me? Did she hate me so much that she haunted me?
No, it wasn't possible. Still now, I see markings, words, scratches. I decided to end this and figure out this mystery
I took pictures, all over the house. Then, I plucked up the courage and took a picture of the wall. "Oh my god.." The picture was the wall, but in the corner, a bright white color was their, in shape of a head. I shivered. Every night, every time I walk past the wall, my whole body gets covered in goosebumps, then one horrible night, I walked into my bedroom then slam! the door slammed shut. I started too sweat. "oh god, what's happening?" I managed too spit out. I couldn't move. I felt as if someone was wrapping their arms around my legs. I cried so much. As soon as I could move I went straight too bed. Then, late in the night, it happened again. oh please not again I shouted inside my head.
After that night I've been haunted by books flying across the room, hearing feet running up and down the hallway. Every night, I hear the same thing. But still, its nice too know that cat has been with me all these years.
Written By Jack 2010 all rights reserved
Monday, November 3, 2014
Clara the Ghost
Ever since I was a little girl, I been obsessed with the supernatural. Me and my best friend often saw and heard things together, and thought they were cool rather than scary. Experiencing these things runs in both our families (my dad and brother and me only experience it, rather than my mum or other brother). At the time we lived in some apartments. I walked across the street to her apartment like I did everyday. I was planning on spending the night at her house, like usual. Her mom always set blankets and pillows down for us in the living room where it was more spacious for us to sleep.
At night, when one of us had to use the bathroom, we always woke the other up so we could accompany each other. But one night, at maybe 2 or 3 in the morning, my friend woke me up and stated she was going to the bathroom. She did not ask me to accompany her. She merely got up and left. There was a hallway, but the bathroom was right next to the living room. I sat up on the floor, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes wondering why she hadn't asked me to go with her. For some reason I had a strange urge to look into the television. I did so, but I saw nothing except my reflection. But when I turned around to look at the hallway, I saw somebody standing there.
It was a girl. She was pale white, had black hair and an old-style ruffled dress. I could only stare at her, and after a few seconds she vanished. I grabbed my teddy bear and told myself there was nobody there with me, and my best friend came out from the bathroom. I explained to her what happened.
After that, we experienced many more interesting things in her apartment. We would often exchange stories about our homes, because it seemed mine was haunted as well. We had evidence such as photographs with ghosts in them and everything. There was a few different spirits that lived in her apartment. One of them was the little girl I saw. My friend began seeing her more and more often, usually in the bathroom, and once said she'd seen the girl behind her in the bathtub. She always described her the same way I did. She said she thought the girl's name was Clara.
I moved out of the apartments in late 2004 but my friend remained. I visited constantly, and still the girl ghost appeared to be living there. My friend into some new apartments about two years ago. She says that Clara remained back in the old apartments, but there's a new ghost in her place.
I don't know about her, but I kind of miss Clara. She was never intimidating, and felt like a friend rather than something evil.
Sent in by Arii Z, Copyright 2010, all rights reserved
At night, when one of us had to use the bathroom, we always woke the other up so we could accompany each other. But one night, at maybe 2 or 3 in the morning, my friend woke me up and stated she was going to the bathroom. She did not ask me to accompany her. She merely got up and left. There was a hallway, but the bathroom was right next to the living room. I sat up on the floor, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes wondering why she hadn't asked me to go with her. For some reason I had a strange urge to look into the television. I did so, but I saw nothing except my reflection. But when I turned around to look at the hallway, I saw somebody standing there.
It was a girl. She was pale white, had black hair and an old-style ruffled dress. I could only stare at her, and after a few seconds she vanished. I grabbed my teddy bear and told myself there was nobody there with me, and my best friend came out from the bathroom. I explained to her what happened.
After that, we experienced many more interesting things in her apartment. We would often exchange stories about our homes, because it seemed mine was haunted as well. We had evidence such as photographs with ghosts in them and everything. There was a few different spirits that lived in her apartment. One of them was the little girl I saw. My friend began seeing her more and more often, usually in the bathroom, and once said she'd seen the girl behind her in the bathtub. She always described her the same way I did. She said she thought the girl's name was Clara.
I moved out of the apartments in late 2004 but my friend remained. I visited constantly, and still the girl ghost appeared to be living there. My friend into some new apartments about two years ago. She says that Clara remained back in the old apartments, but there's a new ghost in her place.
I don't know about her, but I kind of miss Clara. She was never intimidating, and felt like a friend rather than something evil.
Sent in by Arii Z, Copyright 2010, all rights reserved
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Sweet Sixteenth Ghost
It was my 16th birthday and I was excited. I woke up and quickly went to the restroom to get ready for my party. I took a shower, curled my hair, put my clothes on and set up party decorations. My party was 6 hours later though. After putting up decorations, I went in my room and watched T.V.
The lights in my room started to flicker on and off. So I went downstairs to look for my daddy. No one was downstairs, so I decided to call. I dialed my mom's cell phone number and surprisingly, I heard the ring. I turned around looking for it and I gasped at what I saw. Going upstairs, I saw a girl. She had long blonde straight hair with a thick bang that touched her eyelids.
She had on a bright blue sparkling dress with sequins. The dress was short, about 5 inches above her knees. She had on bright blue heels with a silver rose. She was pretty and familiar. I took off my heels and tiptoed behind her. About half way up the stairs, she stopped and turned around. She smiled and her pearly white teeth sparkled. " Hey, Tristyn!" she said. Her blue eyes widened up. She looked so familiar. She reminded me of Jessica Anne, the girl my parents adopted before I was born. She had died at the age 16, the night of her sweet sixteen. Brutally murdered by her best friend Sherry. " Who are you ?" I asked." C'mon, I'm your big sis, don't act like you don't remember me!" she laughed. I was right, but what was she doing here. When Jess Anne was alive she was the perfect child and the perfect sister. Nice, pretty, smart good role-model. All that ended because of a jealous B.F.F."
Jess, what are you doing here?" I asked. " I missed you, plus I want revenge on Sherry!" she cackled. I started to cry and Jessica put her arms around me. " You know me, I don't want revenge, I came back to see you, I missed you. We hugged and talked for at least 30 minutes.
Hours later the party begun and I was the only one not having a good time. So I went up to my room and my sis was there waiting for me. She came to my party and she took care of me. Now, I'm 18 and off at college, GUESS WHAT?! She's here too! I have a private dorm and she practically lives there with me. I love my sister.
Wrote by Tristyn 2010
The lights in my room started to flicker on and off. So I went downstairs to look for my daddy. No one was downstairs, so I decided to call. I dialed my mom's cell phone number and surprisingly, I heard the ring. I turned around looking for it and I gasped at what I saw. Going upstairs, I saw a girl. She had long blonde straight hair with a thick bang that touched her eyelids.
She had on a bright blue sparkling dress with sequins. The dress was short, about 5 inches above her knees. She had on bright blue heels with a silver rose. She was pretty and familiar. I took off my heels and tiptoed behind her. About half way up the stairs, she stopped and turned around. She smiled and her pearly white teeth sparkled. " Hey, Tristyn!" she said. Her blue eyes widened up. She looked so familiar. She reminded me of Jessica Anne, the girl my parents adopted before I was born. She had died at the age 16, the night of her sweet sixteen. Brutally murdered by her best friend Sherry. " Who are you ?" I asked." C'mon, I'm your big sis, don't act like you don't remember me!" she laughed. I was right, but what was she doing here. When Jess Anne was alive she was the perfect child and the perfect sister. Nice, pretty, smart good role-model. All that ended because of a jealous B.F.F."
Jess, what are you doing here?" I asked. " I missed you, plus I want revenge on Sherry!" she cackled. I started to cry and Jessica put her arms around me. " You know me, I don't want revenge, I came back to see you, I missed you. We hugged and talked for at least 30 minutes.
Hours later the party begun and I was the only one not having a good time. So I went up to my room and my sis was there waiting for me. She came to my party and she took care of me. Now, I'm 18 and off at college, GUESS WHAT?! She's here too! I have a private dorm and she practically lives there with me. I love my sister.
Wrote by Tristyn 2010
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Could It Could Be A Gift?
I was reading a story on here earlier and I had experienced the same thing the other writer did. I'm not sure if this is a gift I have or if I could possibly be losing my sanity.
I'm not sure why, but I have deja vue all the time and I know exactly what you're thinking right now; "Well you aren't the only one." But, it's incredibly weird. It seems that I can predict what's going to happen or what people are feeling.
For example, my friend once was telling me a story that had just happened to her and I was like, "Yeah, yeah I know, I know. You were walking home with your cousin and you passed a few guys on the street and they started following you."
She was quiet for a second, just giving me a blank stare. I looked at her questionably and asked, "What's wrong?" She shook her head. "Nothing..just..did Amanda tell you this already?" I shook my head. " already told me this though."
She continued to stare at me. "No, this just happened to me Leigh." That wasn't the first incident either. It's incredibly weird and when I try to talk to my parents or some other family member, they simply laugh at me and tell me how "crazy" I am or they tell me I'm good at telling stories but the sad thing is, I'm not. I know these things and I don't like it.
Another incident was the four hours before two of my dearest friends had died. I was sitting in class, fourth period (my last class to be exact) and I suddenly became terribly saddened. I didn't care about anything that was happening at that moment. I was depressed, torn...hurt. For the rest of class, I was quiet and let me tell you, I'm one of the most talkative people ever. Eventually my teacher looked at me and jokingly asked, "Ah, well class seems awkwardly quiet, Leigh, don't you have anything to say for once?" I whipped a tear and walked out of the classroom. Moments later, my friend walked out of the room and asked me what was wrong. She too was a close friend of Miles and Zach's (my friends who passed). I sighed. "They're going to get hurt...terribly. It's going to be a crash and they won't survive." I cried. She looked at me questionably. After I walked back into the classroom, I went to the counselor and told them I was just upset.
Once the day was over and I was home, I was working on my homework. Once I finished, I took a shower and when I got out (7:12pm), my mom called for me to come into the living room. She beckoned for me to sit down on the couch then exhaled and said, "I'm sorry honey." I looked at her questionably. "Okay...about what?" "There was a crash..." I froze as she continued. "It was Zach and Miles." She said. "Are they okay?" I asked through tears. She shook her head with her eyes watering. "They died on the spot."
I don't know...maybe I am losing my sanity.
Wrote By Ashleigh 2010
I'm not sure why, but I have deja vue all the time and I know exactly what you're thinking right now; "Well you aren't the only one." But, it's incredibly weird. It seems that I can predict what's going to happen or what people are feeling.
For example, my friend once was telling me a story that had just happened to her and I was like, "Yeah, yeah I know, I know. You were walking home with your cousin and you passed a few guys on the street and they started following you."
She was quiet for a second, just giving me a blank stare. I looked at her questionably and asked, "What's wrong?" She shook her head. "Nothing..just..did Amanda tell you this already?" I shook my head. " already told me this though."
She continued to stare at me. "No, this just happened to me Leigh." That wasn't the first incident either. It's incredibly weird and when I try to talk to my parents or some other family member, they simply laugh at me and tell me how "crazy" I am or they tell me I'm good at telling stories but the sad thing is, I'm not. I know these things and I don't like it.
Another incident was the four hours before two of my dearest friends had died. I was sitting in class, fourth period (my last class to be exact) and I suddenly became terribly saddened. I didn't care about anything that was happening at that moment. I was depressed, torn...hurt. For the rest of class, I was quiet and let me tell you, I'm one of the most talkative people ever. Eventually my teacher looked at me and jokingly asked, "Ah, well class seems awkwardly quiet, Leigh, don't you have anything to say for once?" I whipped a tear and walked out of the classroom. Moments later, my friend walked out of the room and asked me what was wrong. She too was a close friend of Miles and Zach's (my friends who passed). I sighed. "They're going to get hurt...terribly. It's going to be a crash and they won't survive." I cried. She looked at me questionably. After I walked back into the classroom, I went to the counselor and told them I was just upset.
Once the day was over and I was home, I was working on my homework. Once I finished, I took a shower and when I got out (7:12pm), my mom called for me to come into the living room. She beckoned for me to sit down on the couch then exhaled and said, "I'm sorry honey." I looked at her questionably. "Okay...about what?" "There was a crash..." I froze as she continued. "It was Zach and Miles." She said. "Are they okay?" I asked through tears. She shook her head with her eyes watering. "They died on the spot."
I don't know...maybe I am losing my sanity.
Wrote By Ashleigh 2010
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Evil Spirits and a Scary Slumber Party
I've had a quite a few possible paranormal experiences throughout my life, starting when I was as young as three. Most of which can be easily explained away by some mundane explanation or other. But the story I'm about to share is one that I have yet to find any rational explanation for, and that is why I'm posting it here. I'm hoping someone reading this will be able to tell me exactly what might have happened. Don't get me wrong, I think I may already know what happened but I'd like to get some sort of a verification from someone who knows more about the paranormal.
Before I begin I'd like to mention that I've changed the names of everyone in this story, including my own, because I don't want this story to haunt me 'til the day I die (pun not necessarily intended).
The beginning of my senior year of high school I had a falling out with my group of friends. Even though I had been close to those girls for roughly seven years, I didn't mind the break;it was a long time coming. So I kind of did the independent thing for a few months and it was incredibly liberating, but ultimately I decided I didn't like being a complete loner. But instead of crawling back to my old clique I started hanging out with another group entirely.
These new friends were a better fit for me, I was able to be myself around them. One of the girls - I'll call her Rachelle - was a kindred spirit. Rachelle, a junior at the time, was new and said she was an exchange student from Canada (I kid you not. And yes, I live in the States) and, as it turns out, incredibly popular. Everyone wanted to be friends with the very pretty, outgoing and hilarious Rachelle.
Like I said, Rachelle and I were BFF almost from the first time we met, so we were always together. We even rearranged our class schedules so we could have a few classes together. Anyway, it became apparent that she wasn't telling the truth about the whole exchange student thing. Yes, she was from Canada, but not with any official exchange student program. The couple she was staying with were actually long time friends of her parents, and they arranged the whole thing. She told me that she just had to get away from her hometown for a while but was somewhat evasive as to why. And though she never expressly asked me to not mention it to anyone, I could tell that she didn't want me to so I never did.
One time when we were on our way to meet up with a few of our friends - across town - we started talking about scary stories. Right before we got to where we were going she told me the oddest thing. She told me to never see a certain scary movie that I'm not going to mention for reasons I'll explain later, because it messed with your head.
I hadn't seen the movie she was talking about so I asked her how it messed with your head, but she didn't answer immediately. After an uncomfortable pause she finally said "I don't know... it's just messed up. It makes you want to practice witchcraft." And then abruptly changed the subject, but not before a creepy feeling set in around us (I'm talking the hair on the back of my neck standing on end, chills, a general feeling of unease).
Of course I thought it was a weird comment because it's not like we were even talking about witchcraft, per say. And even then, it's not like a preppy-type like Rachelle would be into that sort of thing. And because of the weirdness of the whole situation, I never brought it up again.
Fast-forward a week or two and Rachelle and I are on our way to a party. It's Friday night and we're ready to have a good time. The thing is we were having a difficult time finding the street the party was on (this is before everyone had cellphones. I don't even know if map quest was invented back then - it was 1996-1997), so we were just driving around the area the party was supposed to be, looking for a street lined with familiar cars.
I don't know what we were talking about at the time - something totally mundane I'm sure, since it became clear she wasn't cool with talking about anything out of the ordinary - but all of a sudden I get the feeling that someone was watching us. And it's not like we were driving in a creepy neighborhood where we would be in any danger - we were smack dab in the middle of the 'burbs, we were safe. But just the same, I was glad the doors were locked and the windows were shut.
All of a sudden an immense feeling of dread engulfed my car - like pure evil - and because I was driving at the time I slammed on the brakes, look over at Rachelle and start screaming. Funny thing is she looked over at me the exact same time I looked at her and she was screaming too. The most terrifying part is that she didn't look like herself, exactly. Sure, she had a look of terror on her face, but there was something else, something not her--almost alien, is how I can best describe it. We literally sat there, in the middle of a residential street, just staring wide-eyed at each other, screaming - like a couple of banshees. It was insane.
We did that for approximately thirty seconds, and then suddenly, as quickly as the immense feeling of dread set in, it disappeared. Nothing like that had ever happened to me, I was terrified!
I asked her what had just happened and she said she didn't know. But to this day, I wonder if she did know but just wouldn't say. Also, even though I wasn't aware of it, I had a death grip on Rachelle's arm. I didn't remember grabbing her arm, and I certainly don't know why I would grab her arm, but I did. Anyway, it was weird. We were both really shaken-up afterward and I told her to forget the party; I wanted to go home.
So I took Rachelle to her house and I sped to my home so I, a semi-rebellious seventeen-year-old, could spend a Friday night with parents - I needed to feel comfort and warmth.
This same thing happened one other time in my life, and of course Rachelle was the only one with me at the time. Except the second time it happened Rachelle got out of the car and ran away from me. Later I asked her if she was running from me but she said she hadn't been. She said she didn't like the feeling in the car at the time, but that there was nothing wrong with the car. I was confused. I didn't understand, and of course, she didn't really offer more information. But it didn't matter because nothing scary happened again, until the night before our Junior/Senior Prom.
We were totally psyched for the Prom, had been excited for months, and we decided to have a huge sleepover at a mutual friend's house - one of the girls I had a falling out with at the beginning of the school year. At that point I'd made nice with my old friends and there wasn't any bad blood between us anymore, but things were never the same between us. Anyway, like I said, a group of girls - some old friends of mine, some new ones - met up at my old friend's house (I'll call her Francesca) to get ready for Prom; Put our hair in curlers, do facials, paint our nails. Whatever.
Rachelle and Francesca thought it would be fun to watch a scary movie and so, at their request, I brought over The Shining.
In all, six of us stayed the night at Francesca's house. And at first, we had a lot of fun. Things got weird right after I put in the movie, approximately nine o'clock. That's when I suddenly got incredibly tired, all of a sudden. This is weird because I was the night owl in the group. I was the one who stayed up the latest, every time we had a sleepover. So yeah, me falling asleep around nine at night was odd, to say the least. The weirdest part is I passed out on a wood floor, in front of the fireplace. Apparently I was curled up like a cat. What happened next is hard to describe since I wasn't necessarily conscious most of that time. The story I'm about to tell you was pieced together through what I can remember and the little Rachelle told me, and what I eventually got Francesca to tell me (two years after the fact).
About halfway through the movie Francesca and Rachelle found that they were the only ones still wide awake. They were giving themselves French manicures and not even paying attention to the movie. I guess they were just talking. One of them commented on how weird it was that I had passed out so early and then the other mentioned that it was weird that everyone else was already asleep too. And, the way Francesca put it, out of nowhere Francesca felt like someone was watching them. Rachelle turned to Francesca and, out of nowhere, asked if she (Francesca) 'knew how to cast out evil spirits, just in case'.
Obviously this is an odd question, for anyone to ask 'just in case', but Rachelle asked it. Francesca, coming from a religious background, said that yes, she knew how. She told Rachelle that in Jesus' name you demand the spirit to leave. Apparently that reassured Rachelle and she continued to paint her nails. Francesca felt more uneasy after that; the feeling of dread only growing stronger. This is when I started to wake up.
What I remember is waking up feeling really frightened - no, not just frightened, I was completely terrified. I heard Rachelle and Francesca talking to me, saying "Leia, what are you doing?" and they were giggling as if I was doing something funny, and it was their talking and their laughter that woke me up. Since I was in the fetal position on the floor I got up on all fours. Before I could get up on my feet, or even open my eyes, that feeling of dread - complete evil - surrounded me. I was drowning in it. And so, with my eyes still closed, I quickly crawled across the room over to where I - strangely enough - knew where Francesca and Rachelle were. Halfway there I started emitting a very loud, high-pitched squeal, that, even I knew wasn't natural sounding. I remember reaching the couch but after that I lost time. What I mean is, I don't know what happened for a period of time.
When I gain awareness, I'm sitting on the couch Francesca and Rachelle were sitting on. I'm sitting up with a freakishly unnatural posture (I've never had good posture, particularly when I'm sitting) at one end of the couch. Francesca and Rachelle are huddled together at the other end of the couch, both obviously horrified. Both of them are looking at me as if I'm some sort of monster. At the time I was thinking something scary was right behind me, so I tried to scoot closer to them since I was scared. I remember Rachelle lurching away from me and huddling in close to Francesca, sort of screaming. I lose time again.
The next thing I remember is standing by the other end of the couch - the side Rachelle and Francesca were huddled previously - and I'm looking down at the two of them still huddled together, but on the opposite end of the couch (so it's sort of like I switched places with them). Rachelle is turned away from me, huddled into Francesca and shaking. Francesca is looking right at me, but not in the eyes.
I may or may not have said something to them - I really can't remember. The point is, something happened to make Francesca try to meet my gaze and ask, "Leia? Are you there? Leia?"
I don't remember responding, but I must have since Francesca proceeded to peel Rachelle off of her then got up and walked over to me. She stood right in front of me, studying me, as if she was trying to find some indication everything is alright. She even touched my face, trying to get me to open my eyes wider. And the last thing I remember is her face right in front of mine saying, "Leia?"
The next morning I woke to an unnerving silence. And I was laying on the couch (the same one my friends where huddled on the night before) covered with blankets, with a pillow under my head. Francesca and Rochelle are no where in sight. The other girls that were at the party are all still asleep.
I felt... To this day I really can't explain it, but I guess the best way to describe how I felt would be peaceful. But see, that isn't the right description, exactly. I was still really terrified, but I felt like everything was okay. I don't know...
Francesca and Rachelle ended up sleeping in Francesca's room on the second floor.
Because I knew some weird crap went down, and that I was involved somehow, I pretty much left as soon as I could. I was freaked out, and I didn't want to talk about it with anyone. Later that night, however, me, Francesca, Rachelle and one of the other girls that was at the party the night before, were in the bathroom together (freshening up for our prom dates or whatever) and talking.
By that time I had convinced myself that it was all just a weird nightmare, but I just needed to make sure, so I asked them what happened the night before. Francesca and Rachelle look at each other and then at me and then Francesca asked me why I was crawling around on the floor like a cat - kind of a graceful kitty-type crawl and stretching, they said - and why did I suddenly scream and crawl towards them. I told them I don't remember crawling or stretching like a cat - just regular crawling - and that I didn't know why I was even doing that to begin with. I told them that it was their talking to me and giggling that woke me up, though.
When I said that, Rachelle and Francesca looked at each other again, confused expressions on their faces. Then Rachelle asked, "What do you mean?" And I told her that I heard them talking to me, saying stuff like, "Leia? What are you doing?" and giggling, a lot. Rachelle's face went white and Francesca said "We didn't say anything to you. Nothing at all, at least not at that point. And we definitely didn't giggle." At that, we all ran out of the bathroom needing to be around other people.
We didn't really speak about it again after that. What I mean is, I did attempt to bring it up a couple of times, and so did some of the other girls who slept through the whole ordeal, but Francesca and Rachelle just flat-out refused to talk about it.
At the end of the school year, Francesca and I graduated and Rachelle went back to Canada. We stayed in contact with Rachelle for a few years but she eventually disappeared off the radar.
It wasn't until a few years later - almost three to be exact - that I was finally able to get Francesca to talk about it. She was crying the whole time, totally freaked out. Other then my memory of them giggling and talking to me, Francesca totally confirmed the parts I just shared. She also said it felt like a spell was on her house that night, that there was no other explanation for all that happened.
First off, her parents were extremely light sleepers and she said that she didn't understand why my screaming didn't wake them up, because it really was insanely loud. But she also didn't understand why any of the other girls didn't wake up. They were right there in the room with us, sleeping like the dead.
She said that I was acting strangely for hours, doing really weird things. She said that I was me, but obviously not me. And she said that I wasn't sleepwalking (and anyway, we've been friends since we were ten, so she knew that I don't sleep walk, let alone go to sleep early at any sleepover party).
She said that there was a feeling of evil in that room, while I was acting strangely. She said that things, like picture frames, were falling off shelves by themselves.
That's all I could get out of her. She said she was purposely being vague about what happened exactly because she said she didn't want to invite evil spirits by talking about it too much. She hasn't talked about it since. Nor, do I think she ever will again.
What do I think happened? Possible possession? I guess. But you see, nothing like that has happened to me since. Not entirely - I mean, there was a period in my life (for three or four years following this incident) when I had really hideous (demonic) nightmares but I don't have them anymore. And anyway, how would such a thing happen - the possible possession, I mean. We didn't mess with things that shouldn't be messed with. And I've only played with a Ouija board once in my life (when I was thirteen. And no, nothing super evil/totally freaky had happened to me between the time I was thirteen and seventeen). I wonder if Rachelle's presence had anything to do with what happened to me. Like maybe she was messing with stuff that she shouldn't have and it somehow attacked me? Is that even possible? Does anyone know?
Please, I really want to understand what happened to me and I'd like some answers. Thank you.
Sent in by Leia, Copyright 2010
Read More Scary Sleep Over Stories !
Before I begin I'd like to mention that I've changed the names of everyone in this story, including my own, because I don't want this story to haunt me 'til the day I die (pun not necessarily intended).
The beginning of my senior year of high school I had a falling out with my group of friends. Even though I had been close to those girls for roughly seven years, I didn't mind the break;it was a long time coming. So I kind of did the independent thing for a few months and it was incredibly liberating, but ultimately I decided I didn't like being a complete loner. But instead of crawling back to my old clique I started hanging out with another group entirely.
These new friends were a better fit for me, I was able to be myself around them. One of the girls - I'll call her Rachelle - was a kindred spirit. Rachelle, a junior at the time, was new and said she was an exchange student from Canada (I kid you not. And yes, I live in the States) and, as it turns out, incredibly popular. Everyone wanted to be friends with the very pretty, outgoing and hilarious Rachelle.
Like I said, Rachelle and I were BFF almost from the first time we met, so we were always together. We even rearranged our class schedules so we could have a few classes together. Anyway, it became apparent that she wasn't telling the truth about the whole exchange student thing. Yes, she was from Canada, but not with any official exchange student program. The couple she was staying with were actually long time friends of her parents, and they arranged the whole thing. She told me that she just had to get away from her hometown for a while but was somewhat evasive as to why. And though she never expressly asked me to not mention it to anyone, I could tell that she didn't want me to so I never did.
One time when we were on our way to meet up with a few of our friends - across town - we started talking about scary stories. Right before we got to where we were going she told me the oddest thing. She told me to never see a certain scary movie that I'm not going to mention for reasons I'll explain later, because it messed with your head.
I hadn't seen the movie she was talking about so I asked her how it messed with your head, but she didn't answer immediately. After an uncomfortable pause she finally said "I don't know... it's just messed up. It makes you want to practice witchcraft." And then abruptly changed the subject, but not before a creepy feeling set in around us (I'm talking the hair on the back of my neck standing on end, chills, a general feeling of unease).
Of course I thought it was a weird comment because it's not like we were even talking about witchcraft, per say. And even then, it's not like a preppy-type like Rachelle would be into that sort of thing. And because of the weirdness of the whole situation, I never brought it up again.
Fast-forward a week or two and Rachelle and I are on our way to a party. It's Friday night and we're ready to have a good time. The thing is we were having a difficult time finding the street the party was on (this is before everyone had cellphones. I don't even know if map quest was invented back then - it was 1996-1997), so we were just driving around the area the party was supposed to be, looking for a street lined with familiar cars.
I don't know what we were talking about at the time - something totally mundane I'm sure, since it became clear she wasn't cool with talking about anything out of the ordinary - but all of a sudden I get the feeling that someone was watching us. And it's not like we were driving in a creepy neighborhood where we would be in any danger - we were smack dab in the middle of the 'burbs, we were safe. But just the same, I was glad the doors were locked and the windows were shut.
All of a sudden an immense feeling of dread engulfed my car - like pure evil - and because I was driving at the time I slammed on the brakes, look over at Rachelle and start screaming. Funny thing is she looked over at me the exact same time I looked at her and she was screaming too. The most terrifying part is that she didn't look like herself, exactly. Sure, she had a look of terror on her face, but there was something else, something not her--almost alien, is how I can best describe it. We literally sat there, in the middle of a residential street, just staring wide-eyed at each other, screaming - like a couple of banshees. It was insane.
We did that for approximately thirty seconds, and then suddenly, as quickly as the immense feeling of dread set in, it disappeared. Nothing like that had ever happened to me, I was terrified!
I asked her what had just happened and she said she didn't know. But to this day, I wonder if she did know but just wouldn't say. Also, even though I wasn't aware of it, I had a death grip on Rachelle's arm. I didn't remember grabbing her arm, and I certainly don't know why I would grab her arm, but I did. Anyway, it was weird. We were both really shaken-up afterward and I told her to forget the party; I wanted to go home.
So I took Rachelle to her house and I sped to my home so I, a semi-rebellious seventeen-year-old, could spend a Friday night with parents - I needed to feel comfort and warmth.
This same thing happened one other time in my life, and of course Rachelle was the only one with me at the time. Except the second time it happened Rachelle got out of the car and ran away from me. Later I asked her if she was running from me but she said she hadn't been. She said she didn't like the feeling in the car at the time, but that there was nothing wrong with the car. I was confused. I didn't understand, and of course, she didn't really offer more information. But it didn't matter because nothing scary happened again, until the night before our Junior/Senior Prom.
We were totally psyched for the Prom, had been excited for months, and we decided to have a huge sleepover at a mutual friend's house - one of the girls I had a falling out with at the beginning of the school year. At that point I'd made nice with my old friends and there wasn't any bad blood between us anymore, but things were never the same between us. Anyway, like I said, a group of girls - some old friends of mine, some new ones - met up at my old friend's house (I'll call her Francesca) to get ready for Prom; Put our hair in curlers, do facials, paint our nails. Whatever.
Rachelle and Francesca thought it would be fun to watch a scary movie and so, at their request, I brought over The Shining.
In all, six of us stayed the night at Francesca's house. And at first, we had a lot of fun. Things got weird right after I put in the movie, approximately nine o'clock. That's when I suddenly got incredibly tired, all of a sudden. This is weird because I was the night owl in the group. I was the one who stayed up the latest, every time we had a sleepover. So yeah, me falling asleep around nine at night was odd, to say the least. The weirdest part is I passed out on a wood floor, in front of the fireplace. Apparently I was curled up like a cat. What happened next is hard to describe since I wasn't necessarily conscious most of that time. The story I'm about to tell you was pieced together through what I can remember and the little Rachelle told me, and what I eventually got Francesca to tell me (two years after the fact).
About halfway through the movie Francesca and Rachelle found that they were the only ones still wide awake. They were giving themselves French manicures and not even paying attention to the movie. I guess they were just talking. One of them commented on how weird it was that I had passed out so early and then the other mentioned that it was weird that everyone else was already asleep too. And, the way Francesca put it, out of nowhere Francesca felt like someone was watching them. Rachelle turned to Francesca and, out of nowhere, asked if she (Francesca) 'knew how to cast out evil spirits, just in case'.
Obviously this is an odd question, for anyone to ask 'just in case', but Rachelle asked it. Francesca, coming from a religious background, said that yes, she knew how. She told Rachelle that in Jesus' name you demand the spirit to leave. Apparently that reassured Rachelle and she continued to paint her nails. Francesca felt more uneasy after that; the feeling of dread only growing stronger. This is when I started to wake up.
What I remember is waking up feeling really frightened - no, not just frightened, I was completely terrified. I heard Rachelle and Francesca talking to me, saying "Leia, what are you doing?" and they were giggling as if I was doing something funny, and it was their talking and their laughter that woke me up. Since I was in the fetal position on the floor I got up on all fours. Before I could get up on my feet, or even open my eyes, that feeling of dread - complete evil - surrounded me. I was drowning in it. And so, with my eyes still closed, I quickly crawled across the room over to where I - strangely enough - knew where Francesca and Rachelle were. Halfway there I started emitting a very loud, high-pitched squeal, that, even I knew wasn't natural sounding. I remember reaching the couch but after that I lost time. What I mean is, I don't know what happened for a period of time.
When I gain awareness, I'm sitting on the couch Francesca and Rachelle were sitting on. I'm sitting up with a freakishly unnatural posture (I've never had good posture, particularly when I'm sitting) at one end of the couch. Francesca and Rachelle are huddled together at the other end of the couch, both obviously horrified. Both of them are looking at me as if I'm some sort of monster. At the time I was thinking something scary was right behind me, so I tried to scoot closer to them since I was scared. I remember Rachelle lurching away from me and huddling in close to Francesca, sort of screaming. I lose time again.
The next thing I remember is standing by the other end of the couch - the side Rachelle and Francesca were huddled previously - and I'm looking down at the two of them still huddled together, but on the opposite end of the couch (so it's sort of like I switched places with them). Rachelle is turned away from me, huddled into Francesca and shaking. Francesca is looking right at me, but not in the eyes.
I may or may not have said something to them - I really can't remember. The point is, something happened to make Francesca try to meet my gaze and ask, "Leia? Are you there? Leia?"
I don't remember responding, but I must have since Francesca proceeded to peel Rachelle off of her then got up and walked over to me. She stood right in front of me, studying me, as if she was trying to find some indication everything is alright. She even touched my face, trying to get me to open my eyes wider. And the last thing I remember is her face right in front of mine saying, "Leia?"
The next morning I woke to an unnerving silence. And I was laying on the couch (the same one my friends where huddled on the night before) covered with blankets, with a pillow under my head. Francesca and Rochelle are no where in sight. The other girls that were at the party are all still asleep.
I felt... To this day I really can't explain it, but I guess the best way to describe how I felt would be peaceful. But see, that isn't the right description, exactly. I was still really terrified, but I felt like everything was okay. I don't know...
Francesca and Rachelle ended up sleeping in Francesca's room on the second floor.
Because I knew some weird crap went down, and that I was involved somehow, I pretty much left as soon as I could. I was freaked out, and I didn't want to talk about it with anyone. Later that night, however, me, Francesca, Rachelle and one of the other girls that was at the party the night before, were in the bathroom together (freshening up for our prom dates or whatever) and talking.
By that time I had convinced myself that it was all just a weird nightmare, but I just needed to make sure, so I asked them what happened the night before. Francesca and Rachelle look at each other and then at me and then Francesca asked me why I was crawling around on the floor like a cat - kind of a graceful kitty-type crawl and stretching, they said - and why did I suddenly scream and crawl towards them. I told them I don't remember crawling or stretching like a cat - just regular crawling - and that I didn't know why I was even doing that to begin with. I told them that it was their talking to me and giggling that woke me up, though.
When I said that, Rachelle and Francesca looked at each other again, confused expressions on their faces. Then Rachelle asked, "What do you mean?" And I told her that I heard them talking to me, saying stuff like, "Leia? What are you doing?" and giggling, a lot. Rachelle's face went white and Francesca said "We didn't say anything to you. Nothing at all, at least not at that point. And we definitely didn't giggle." At that, we all ran out of the bathroom needing to be around other people.
We didn't really speak about it again after that. What I mean is, I did attempt to bring it up a couple of times, and so did some of the other girls who slept through the whole ordeal, but Francesca and Rachelle just flat-out refused to talk about it.
At the end of the school year, Francesca and I graduated and Rachelle went back to Canada. We stayed in contact with Rachelle for a few years but she eventually disappeared off the radar.
It wasn't until a few years later - almost three to be exact - that I was finally able to get Francesca to talk about it. She was crying the whole time, totally freaked out. Other then my memory of them giggling and talking to me, Francesca totally confirmed the parts I just shared. She also said it felt like a spell was on her house that night, that there was no other explanation for all that happened.
First off, her parents were extremely light sleepers and she said that she didn't understand why my screaming didn't wake them up, because it really was insanely loud. But she also didn't understand why any of the other girls didn't wake up. They were right there in the room with us, sleeping like the dead.
She said that I was acting strangely for hours, doing really weird things. She said that I was me, but obviously not me. And she said that I wasn't sleepwalking (and anyway, we've been friends since we were ten, so she knew that I don't sleep walk, let alone go to sleep early at any sleepover party).
She said that there was a feeling of evil in that room, while I was acting strangely. She said that things, like picture frames, were falling off shelves by themselves.
That's all I could get out of her. She said she was purposely being vague about what happened exactly because she said she didn't want to invite evil spirits by talking about it too much. She hasn't talked about it since. Nor, do I think she ever will again.
What do I think happened? Possible possession? I guess. But you see, nothing like that has happened to me since. Not entirely - I mean, there was a period in my life (for three or four years following this incident) when I had really hideous (demonic) nightmares but I don't have them anymore. And anyway, how would such a thing happen - the possible possession, I mean. We didn't mess with things that shouldn't be messed with. And I've only played with a Ouija board once in my life (when I was thirteen. And no, nothing super evil/totally freaky had happened to me between the time I was thirteen and seventeen). I wonder if Rachelle's presence had anything to do with what happened to me. Like maybe she was messing with stuff that she shouldn't have and it somehow attacked me? Is that even possible? Does anyone know?
Please, I really want to understand what happened to me and I'd like some answers. Thank you.
Sent in by Leia, Copyright 2010
Read More Scary Sleep Over Stories !
Monday, September 22, 2014
A Hotel Haunting Or So I Think
It was a school trip and we all had to stay in a hotel. We were all so excited. We only spent one night there, but the night felt like 3 nights.
"Come on children, off too bed!" the teacher yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Then, in the middle of the night, "Help!" I heard screaming and crying. "What the in the world was that?" me and my friend, Jordan, stepped outside of our room, nearly the whole year was outside, all crying. The teacher came up and told us to get back to bed. then again, we heard tapping on the doors and windows. But the weird thing was, all the doors were acting weird, opening then shutting. I starting screaming. Then the windows were tapping and then my friends bed sheet got pulled off. "What the..?" He yelled then I passed out. I woke up, walked into the dining area. Everyone was there. All stained with tears and bags under their eyes. I sat down with my friends. "What was going on last night?" "I don't know, but I'm sure our room had the worst." My best friend, Rebecca said " We heard banging on our walls, and the radiator was making weird noises, as if someone was tapping on it with a pen or something and we had a bookshelf in our room. And all the books fell down. We were going to sleep in the hall way."
Ever since, (3 years ago) I have been fascinated in ghosts and been reading books about them, visiting haunted houses. Even when I do pee myself with fear when I visit a haunted house, its still so much fun!
Written By Jack 2010 all rights reserved
"Come on children, off too bed!" the teacher yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Then, in the middle of the night, "Help!" I heard screaming and crying. "What the in the world was that?" me and my friend, Jordan, stepped outside of our room, nearly the whole year was outside, all crying. The teacher came up and told us to get back to bed. then again, we heard tapping on the doors and windows. But the weird thing was, all the doors were acting weird, opening then shutting. I starting screaming. Then the windows were tapping and then my friends bed sheet got pulled off. "What the..?" He yelled then I passed out. I woke up, walked into the dining area. Everyone was there. All stained with tears and bags under their eyes. I sat down with my friends. "What was going on last night?" "I don't know, but I'm sure our room had the worst." My best friend, Rebecca said " We heard banging on our walls, and the radiator was making weird noises, as if someone was tapping on it with a pen or something and we had a bookshelf in our room. And all the books fell down. We were going to sleep in the hall way."
Ever since, (3 years ago) I have been fascinated in ghosts and been reading books about them, visiting haunted houses. Even when I do pee myself with fear when I visit a haunted house, its still so much fun!
Written By Jack 2010 all rights reserved
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Don't Even Whisper Bloody Mary!
A couple Internet friends and I were telling stories on December 22 2009, and one of them got this super long Bloody Mary story. The suspense and terror was nearly enough to kill me! I love scary stories so I decided to whisper it as I read it to make even more scary.
I got to the point where the characters in the story said "Bloody Mary" 6 times, I imagined my self spinning every time they said the name. About 10 minutes later I had this sensation that something was on my head, I figured it was just my headband. Then I thought " Wait, didn't I just take that headband off?" Then I felt something wet and warm dripping down my head and piercing pain. This was not a fun scary, this was terrible!
I spun my head around to see that a green fog/haze seemed to be lurking behind me. I tried to scream but it seemed as if I couldn't. I looked back at my screen only to find that every thing was black except one little Verizon wireless ad...
It felt like something was pulling me towards the add, like I had to look at it for one more second - maybe another, or another. Then the ad went away, I expected it to come back and start again but it didn't. I stared at the white rectangle in the right side of my black screen for what seemed like hours. Then the ad turned black again, but in the middle of the dark ad was a lady. She had blond hair with silver streaks, she seemed pretty until I saw her eyes. Her eyes were bloody holes that seemed to be stretched wide in fear. Suddenly she opened her mouth like she was screaming, but no sound came out. Then as soon as her mouth opened I heard a woman laughing, a male violent laughter. In the black screen I saw The same lady standing over me. She held a bloody knife and the "me" she was standing over was dead with the eyes clawed out.
Too scared to turn around I shut down the computer and closed my eyes. I had no religion to turn to, no prayers to say. I was stranded with my eyes closed and some lady with a knife above me. As soon as I closed my eyes all the glass is my room shattered making horrible noises as if they were being round together.
I sat there in my chair until my mom came in, she prodded me in a joking way as if to see if I was still alive. She must have thought I was asleep because she walked out.
When I finally gathered enough courage to open my eyes I found that the glass had not shattered and that the computer was back to normal showing its start up safari page, and the many email my friends had sent asking me what happened. It turns out I had been staring at the blank ad for hours.
Over the past days I have been working on trying get rid of my habit of reading aloud, my lips were pressed together in a thin line the whole time I was writing this.
I hope that none of you ever read a Bloody Mary story aloud, it will not result in good. This IS a true story.
Sent in by Clair, Copyright 2010
I got to the point where the characters in the story said "Bloody Mary" 6 times, I imagined my self spinning every time they said the name. About 10 minutes later I had this sensation that something was on my head, I figured it was just my headband. Then I thought " Wait, didn't I just take that headband off?" Then I felt something wet and warm dripping down my head and piercing pain. This was not a fun scary, this was terrible!
I spun my head around to see that a green fog/haze seemed to be lurking behind me. I tried to scream but it seemed as if I couldn't. I looked back at my screen only to find that every thing was black except one little Verizon wireless ad...
It felt like something was pulling me towards the add, like I had to look at it for one more second - maybe another, or another. Then the ad went away, I expected it to come back and start again but it didn't. I stared at the white rectangle in the right side of my black screen for what seemed like hours. Then the ad turned black again, but in the middle of the dark ad was a lady. She had blond hair with silver streaks, she seemed pretty until I saw her eyes. Her eyes were bloody holes that seemed to be stretched wide in fear. Suddenly she opened her mouth like she was screaming, but no sound came out. Then as soon as her mouth opened I heard a woman laughing, a male violent laughter. In the black screen I saw The same lady standing over me. She held a bloody knife and the "me" she was standing over was dead with the eyes clawed out.
Too scared to turn around I shut down the computer and closed my eyes. I had no religion to turn to, no prayers to say. I was stranded with my eyes closed and some lady with a knife above me. As soon as I closed my eyes all the glass is my room shattered making horrible noises as if they were being round together.
I sat there in my chair until my mom came in, she prodded me in a joking way as if to see if I was still alive. She must have thought I was asleep because she walked out.
When I finally gathered enough courage to open my eyes I found that the glass had not shattered and that the computer was back to normal showing its start up safari page, and the many email my friends had sent asking me what happened. It turns out I had been staring at the blank ad for hours.
Over the past days I have been working on trying get rid of my habit of reading aloud, my lips were pressed together in a thin line the whole time I was writing this.
I hope that none of you ever read a Bloody Mary story aloud, it will not result in good. This IS a true story.
Sent in by Clair, Copyright 2010
Saturday, September 20, 2014
I am being Watched and Followed
I never really thought something would come to haunt me. But, I guess you never really always get what you want. I especially didn't want this.
I always feel like I'm being watched. Better yet, I know I'm being watched. I can feel it everywhere I go. I can't go to sleep at night without feeling uncomfortable, like I'm being watched. I'm not sure if this thing is nice or evil, but no matter what it is, I want it to go away. This thing does not hurt me, but it lets me know that it's here.
My first experience was when I was with my friend. This experience happened at my grandparents house, a couple of months ago. Actually, I am back, and I'm in the room that this happened in.
One day my friend and I were on my laptop, which I am on now. All of a sudden, my cell phone, which was next to the computer, started going through and playing all my ring tones. My friend and I freaked out, and ran out of my room. When we calmed down, we went back in, and my cell phone was right where we left it, except it was turned around. I'm not sure how to explain that, but it scared me.
My second experience was in the room I am in right now. This experience happened a couple days after my first. I was sitting in a chair, on my laptop when these things hanging in front of my door started moving by themselves. They just started swooshing back and forth. I just sat there, staring at it. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do. The swooshing stopped, and I calmed down. The swooshing could not have been caused by an air vent, because there is none in the area. I don't know what it was, but I think y'all do.
My third experience was a picture. I was in Colonial Williamsburg on their Tavern Ghost walk. We were walking on the street when my Nana wanted to take a picture. I was up front with the tour guide, holding the lantern, with a candle in it, while my Nana was in back. My Nana pulled out her cell phone and took a picture of me and the tour guide lady. The picture didn't turn out at all like it was supposed to. On the picture, it was black, and the only non black spots were the candle light, which was blurred along the picture. My nana showed this to the tour guide and the guide said on the street where my nana took the picture, a girl was run over by a carriage and killed, right on the spot my nana took the picture on.
My fourth experience. I was in my home in Oklahoma. It was around 12:30am and everyone else in the house was sleeping. I was awake, on my computer, when I heard a TV or radio being turned on. Thinking somebody couldn't sleep, I didn't think much about it, and went back to my book on my computer. Around 1am, I decided I wanted to go to sleep. I walked out of my room to see who was up when I noticed nobody was up, but something was turned on. I realized that the radio was on. It had come on by itself. I got my dad to turn it off cause I was scared. He turned it off, and said that my 2 year old sister might have accidentally set the alarm. The thing was, the radio was too high for her to reach. No one would set the alarm on it, cause the radio is an antique sort of. I went to bed. I was about to fall asleep when I noticed a noise. I sat up in my bed, and saw the freakiest thing ever. I saw that my bathroom door was closing itself! I sat there in shock, when the door started to open itself!
Let's just say it took me awhile to go to sleep that night.
I know my stories do not explain that something is following me, but I have had much more experiences than what I wrote down. I need y'all to tell me what to do, cause I have no idea. Thanks for reading.
Copy right all rights reserved
I always feel like I'm being watched. Better yet, I know I'm being watched. I can feel it everywhere I go. I can't go to sleep at night without feeling uncomfortable, like I'm being watched. I'm not sure if this thing is nice or evil, but no matter what it is, I want it to go away. This thing does not hurt me, but it lets me know that it's here.
My first experience was when I was with my friend. This experience happened at my grandparents house, a couple of months ago. Actually, I am back, and I'm in the room that this happened in.
One day my friend and I were on my laptop, which I am on now. All of a sudden, my cell phone, which was next to the computer, started going through and playing all my ring tones. My friend and I freaked out, and ran out of my room. When we calmed down, we went back in, and my cell phone was right where we left it, except it was turned around. I'm not sure how to explain that, but it scared me.
My second experience was in the room I am in right now. This experience happened a couple days after my first. I was sitting in a chair, on my laptop when these things hanging in front of my door started moving by themselves. They just started swooshing back and forth. I just sat there, staring at it. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do. The swooshing stopped, and I calmed down. The swooshing could not have been caused by an air vent, because there is none in the area. I don't know what it was, but I think y'all do.
My third experience was a picture. I was in Colonial Williamsburg on their Tavern Ghost walk. We were walking on the street when my Nana wanted to take a picture. I was up front with the tour guide, holding the lantern, with a candle in it, while my Nana was in back. My Nana pulled out her cell phone and took a picture of me and the tour guide lady. The picture didn't turn out at all like it was supposed to. On the picture, it was black, and the only non black spots were the candle light, which was blurred along the picture. My nana showed this to the tour guide and the guide said on the street where my nana took the picture, a girl was run over by a carriage and killed, right on the spot my nana took the picture on.
My fourth experience. I was in my home in Oklahoma. It was around 12:30am and everyone else in the house was sleeping. I was awake, on my computer, when I heard a TV or radio being turned on. Thinking somebody couldn't sleep, I didn't think much about it, and went back to my book on my computer. Around 1am, I decided I wanted to go to sleep. I walked out of my room to see who was up when I noticed nobody was up, but something was turned on. I realized that the radio was on. It had come on by itself. I got my dad to turn it off cause I was scared. He turned it off, and said that my 2 year old sister might have accidentally set the alarm. The thing was, the radio was too high for her to reach. No one would set the alarm on it, cause the radio is an antique sort of. I went to bed. I was about to fall asleep when I noticed a noise. I sat up in my bed, and saw the freakiest thing ever. I saw that my bathroom door was closing itself! I sat there in shock, when the door started to open itself!
Let's just say it took me awhile to go to sleep that night.
I know my stories do not explain that something is following me, but I have had much more experiences than what I wrote down. I need y'all to tell me what to do, cause I have no idea. Thanks for reading.
Copy right all rights reserved
Friday, September 19, 2014
Some Thing In The Woods
Well my story takes place in northern Manitoba in a little reserve called Norway house. It was just an ordinary day out with my friends at first we were skateboarding and got bored so we got some hot dogs and had a wiener roast. It was just me, Melissa, Heather, Brain, Greg, Travis, Jordan, and Marissa.
It was spring and there was three feet of snow left but it was still chilly and cold out. We were hanging out on a rock behind a few trees so people would not see us to much or bother us in any way. The rock we were on was beside a river.
Well after we had hot dogs we sat around on this rock. Just hanging out playing on the ice. After a while it got dark out but we stayed anyways just to hang out alittle longer. But one of my friends, Brain had to go home because he was not aloud to stay out late because of his grandpa, so he went home. A few hours later when things started to happen it was around 10pm.
At first it was lights moving all over the place, so we got freaked out and decided to leave. We put out the fire and started our walk through the woods. Once we finally came to the road Jordan,Melissa,and Greg forgot the skateboards so Jordan and Greg left to get them. We told them that we will wait on the rock that was close to the road. A little while later we felt like we were being watched and it was hard to breath then Jordan and Greg started yelling for us to met them in the middle so Melissa and Travis went and left me and Marissa there.
Five minutes later my sister and cousin showed up looking for us. We got kind of annoyed because the other group didn't show up yet so I called Melissa and asked where they were and she told me they were on the trail coming to us so I said ok and hung up. A few minutes later we started walking on the trail to meet them but didn't meet up with them then all of a sudden Greg came running up the hill looking freaked out of his mind and he was scared of us and ran away.
Then as soon as he was far off something started throwing sticks and rocks at us at first we thought it was the other group so we started yelling at them to stop at that same moment Melissa phoned me and asked where we were so I told her and asked where she was and she told she was at the road and I could hear everyone in the background laughing and yelling and yet these objects were still being thrown so we got all freaked out and I told Melissa what was going on so they said to stay on the trail that they were coming to meet us and to see what was going on.
Before she hung up I asked her if Greg was with her and she said yes why? But I asked if he left her at all and she answered no so I said ok just get out of here now!
And we all just ran but some how we all got split up and I was alone. So I tried to find a trail out of the woods then Greg appeared so I asked where everyone is and he told me they were all waiting for us at the rock so I said ok lets go then he just stood there looking at me all strange then out of no where he screamed and ran away. That terrified me so I kept walking and yelling for anyone to help me. Suddenly two weird looking things came in front of me and moved around in the weirdest way making whispering sounds to each other.
Written by Jessica Menow, Copyright 2010
It was spring and there was three feet of snow left but it was still chilly and cold out. We were hanging out on a rock behind a few trees so people would not see us to much or bother us in any way. The rock we were on was beside a river.
Well after we had hot dogs we sat around on this rock. Just hanging out playing on the ice. After a while it got dark out but we stayed anyways just to hang out alittle longer. But one of my friends, Brain had to go home because he was not aloud to stay out late because of his grandpa, so he went home. A few hours later when things started to happen it was around 10pm.
At first it was lights moving all over the place, so we got freaked out and decided to leave. We put out the fire and started our walk through the woods. Once we finally came to the road Jordan,Melissa,and Greg forgot the skateboards so Jordan and Greg left to get them. We told them that we will wait on the rock that was close to the road. A little while later we felt like we were being watched and it was hard to breath then Jordan and Greg started yelling for us to met them in the middle so Melissa and Travis went and left me and Marissa there.
Five minutes later my sister and cousin showed up looking for us. We got kind of annoyed because the other group didn't show up yet so I called Melissa and asked where they were and she told me they were on the trail coming to us so I said ok and hung up. A few minutes later we started walking on the trail to meet them but didn't meet up with them then all of a sudden Greg came running up the hill looking freaked out of his mind and he was scared of us and ran away.
Then as soon as he was far off something started throwing sticks and rocks at us at first we thought it was the other group so we started yelling at them to stop at that same moment Melissa phoned me and asked where we were so I told her and asked where she was and she told she was at the road and I could hear everyone in the background laughing and yelling and yet these objects were still being thrown so we got all freaked out and I told Melissa what was going on so they said to stay on the trail that they were coming to meet us and to see what was going on.
Before she hung up I asked her if Greg was with her and she said yes why? But I asked if he left her at all and she answered no so I said ok just get out of here now!
And we all just ran but some how we all got split up and I was alone. So I tried to find a trail out of the woods then Greg appeared so I asked where everyone is and he told me they were all waiting for us at the rock so I said ok lets go then he just stood there looking at me all strange then out of no where he screamed and ran away. That terrified me so I kept walking and yelling for anyone to help me. Suddenly two weird looking things came in front of me and moved around in the weirdest way making whispering sounds to each other.
Written by Jessica Menow, Copyright 2010
Thursday, September 18, 2014
The Cries That I Hear In My House
About 7 months ago me and my ex got into a really bad argument and I would cry, and I'd try to constantly get him to forgive me. For what? I had no idea. All I knew was he was mad at me. He was my best friend ever, and I swore if we were ever friends again I would never go back out with him.
So now we're friends again. And before we fought he would come over and we would hang out under a small section that almost looked like a house without walls. It had a swinging bench and our friend Justin would put a chair on top of the table and sit on it. Now Keep in mind neither of them are dead. They're very much alive. When me and Johnny were fighting I would sit on the bench and wait for him to come back. Sometimes I saw him perfectly clear next to me. But he didn't say anything. So I started staying in my room more. I would cry myself to sleep sometimes.
I finally calmed down about 4 months into the fights. And I wouldn't cry anymore. But I was angrier than ever. I would sit in my room and stare at the floor. One night I heard someone calling my name in Johnny's voice. I thought he was outside, so I went outside to check. I saw him sitting on the chair that was on top of the table. It was around 6 in the morning though. I knew for a fact he never got up so early. But aside from that, why was he here? I walked over to sit by him and when I looked back up he was gone. About a month later I went to school and there he was standing. Me and Justin were joking around. Now, Justin was mine and Johnny's best friend. So we had to "Share" or something like that. So he stayed his distance around me and Justin. He called my name to get my attention though. I didn't know if I should trust him, or even believe it was him. He started crying though and he said how sorry he was. And he said that he tried to get me to come outside about 2 months ago but my mom told him to never try to come back again. I instantly hugged him and told him everything that happened.
He didn't let go of me, but I knew he thought I was crazy. I told him how I saw him everyday, and I heard his voice. How I cried for months. He told me it was his dream. He was always there questioning if he should come back. Later that night I heard crying while I was home alone. It made an echo noise almost, so I went outside to look around everywhere. I went to Justin's house asking if everything was okay, and did the same to my other friend's house Lizzie. They both said everything was fine. So I went back home. I heard people talking. I checked all the TVs, the phones, computers, and the radio. All was off. I heard it through the whole house. So I started checking closets, then the vents. I could hear people crying in the vents. I asked who was there. (None of this really surprises me anymore, I've lived in so many haunted houses.)
Nothing has happened since that day it was the last thing that's happened that I could connect to this story. I think it might have made me a little crazy. Or it could have just been a great obsession. Who knows, I just want an answer from someone who wont turn me into a Mental Hospital.
Written by Jessica Menow, Copyright 2010
So now we're friends again. And before we fought he would come over and we would hang out under a small section that almost looked like a house without walls. It had a swinging bench and our friend Justin would put a chair on top of the table and sit on it. Now Keep in mind neither of them are dead. They're very much alive. When me and Johnny were fighting I would sit on the bench and wait for him to come back. Sometimes I saw him perfectly clear next to me. But he didn't say anything. So I started staying in my room more. I would cry myself to sleep sometimes.
I finally calmed down about 4 months into the fights. And I wouldn't cry anymore. But I was angrier than ever. I would sit in my room and stare at the floor. One night I heard someone calling my name in Johnny's voice. I thought he was outside, so I went outside to check. I saw him sitting on the chair that was on top of the table. It was around 6 in the morning though. I knew for a fact he never got up so early. But aside from that, why was he here? I walked over to sit by him and when I looked back up he was gone. About a month later I went to school and there he was standing. Me and Justin were joking around. Now, Justin was mine and Johnny's best friend. So we had to "Share" or something like that. So he stayed his distance around me and Justin. He called my name to get my attention though. I didn't know if I should trust him, or even believe it was him. He started crying though and he said how sorry he was. And he said that he tried to get me to come outside about 2 months ago but my mom told him to never try to come back again. I instantly hugged him and told him everything that happened.
He didn't let go of me, but I knew he thought I was crazy. I told him how I saw him everyday, and I heard his voice. How I cried for months. He told me it was his dream. He was always there questioning if he should come back. Later that night I heard crying while I was home alone. It made an echo noise almost, so I went outside to look around everywhere. I went to Justin's house asking if everything was okay, and did the same to my other friend's house Lizzie. They both said everything was fine. So I went back home. I heard people talking. I checked all the TVs, the phones, computers, and the radio. All was off. I heard it through the whole house. So I started checking closets, then the vents. I could hear people crying in the vents. I asked who was there. (None of this really surprises me anymore, I've lived in so many haunted houses.)
Nothing has happened since that day it was the last thing that's happened that I could connect to this story. I think it might have made me a little crazy. Or it could have just been a great obsession. Who knows, I just want an answer from someone who wont turn me into a Mental Hospital.
Written by Jessica Menow, Copyright 2010
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Old Man
I believe I was 12 when this happened. I always lived in the same house, the same neighborhood. My mom and I were sleeping in the same room (that night I was scared because I had a bad nightmare) all of a sudden we hear a knock on the door. It was 3:00 am, I said to myself ,"Who would be knocking on the door at this hour?" So I got up with my mom to see who it was.
My mom opened the door and we both saw a 55 year old man, he had some hair and he was clean shaven. The old man said, "Sorry to bother you at this hour but can I stay here for a couple of weeks?" My mom said, "Why?" The old man said, "I was in a crash two hours ago and my home is very far." So my mom accepted his request and showed him where the bathroom was and lucky for us we had a guest room. So we gave him a blanket and a pillow. The old man said, "Thank you, both of you." He gave my mom and I a hug and we went to sleep.
The next day we woke up and we made some coffee for the old man who has not awake yet. Suddenly we hear knocking on the door. There standing outside our door was my mom's friend (Who lived somewhat close to us). My mom's friend had said that there was a car accident near his house and that he saw an old man and a woman so he went to check up on them. The young woman was fine but the old man had no sign of life (no heartbeat, not breathing). So he called the police and when the police arrived they told him to go home. My mom and I looked at each other and my mom says, "Honey can you go check the guest room for me." So I ran to the room and no one was there, everything was neatly folded and there was no sign of him.
Another time when I saw the old man was when I was walking to the store (which was across the street) to get some milk for my mom. When I was in the store I saw the old man, he had a gallon of milk in his hands and he walked up to me and said, "here." I got scared and went to the cashier and gave him the money. As I was walking down the street a truck was coming at me (I think the truck driver did not seem to notice me at that time) someone grabbed me and took me to the other side of the sidewalk. When I looked up there was the old man and he said to me, "Hey you better be careful next time." He gave me a hug and he smiled at me. When I got back I told my mom the whole story and she was not surprised she saw the whole thing.
Sent in by John, Copyright 2010
My mom opened the door and we both saw a 55 year old man, he had some hair and he was clean shaven. The old man said, "Sorry to bother you at this hour but can I stay here for a couple of weeks?" My mom said, "Why?" The old man said, "I was in a crash two hours ago and my home is very far." So my mom accepted his request and showed him where the bathroom was and lucky for us we had a guest room. So we gave him a blanket and a pillow. The old man said, "Thank you, both of you." He gave my mom and I a hug and we went to sleep.
The next day we woke up and we made some coffee for the old man who has not awake yet. Suddenly we hear knocking on the door. There standing outside our door was my mom's friend (Who lived somewhat close to us). My mom's friend had said that there was a car accident near his house and that he saw an old man and a woman so he went to check up on them. The young woman was fine but the old man had no sign of life (no heartbeat, not breathing). So he called the police and when the police arrived they told him to go home. My mom and I looked at each other and my mom says, "Honey can you go check the guest room for me." So I ran to the room and no one was there, everything was neatly folded and there was no sign of him.
Another time when I saw the old man was when I was walking to the store (which was across the street) to get some milk for my mom. When I was in the store I saw the old man, he had a gallon of milk in his hands and he walked up to me and said, "here." I got scared and went to the cashier and gave him the money. As I was walking down the street a truck was coming at me (I think the truck driver did not seem to notice me at that time) someone grabbed me and took me to the other side of the sidewalk. When I looked up there was the old man and he said to me, "Hey you better be careful next time." He gave me a hug and he smiled at me. When I got back I told my mom the whole story and she was not surprised she saw the whole thing.
Sent in by John, Copyright 2010
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
My Strange Dream About My Late uncle
My uncle has passed away on June 2, 2008. He was like my best friend and I was hurt for his absence in my life now. When I was at his funeral I was hurt and sad. I told him in a low sad voice that sounded like I had a knot in my throat (which I did) I told him, "you promised me you was going to be here for me no matter what when I needed you, and I need you right now."
After that I let out the tears I was holding back. I felt like he was there right beside me I wanted him to break open the coffin and say he was alive but I knew deep down that wasn't going to happen.
Days later it was his birthday, June 22nd. We went to the cemetery and everyone in my family had an orange or black balloon (orange was his favorite color) and we all wrote messages on it and let them go saying happy birthday. I cried as I let mine go. I am now crying as I type this. He was my favorite uncle and I loved him very much. He was always there for me.
Well I never really believed about life after death but somehow I do now. I had a dream of him one night and I woke up with tears running down my face. My dream was of him down in the basement of my grandmas house (which there is no basement there) so I am confused but I am positive it was my grandmas house.
Well my grandmother sent me to get some warm water from downstairs and I begged her not to send me. But she still did and she gave me a lit candle and a bucket. (I still don't understand my dream) but I still begged her not to send me down there she said why. I told her because my uncle is down there and he tries to pull me down the stairs with him. She didn't believe me and I went down there crying and there he was waiting and trying to grab me by my legs. I couldn't go down there. I awoke from my dream and I questioned my dream to my self. perhaps he needed to tell me something but I don't know.
Written by Nezza, Copyright 2010
After that I let out the tears I was holding back. I felt like he was there right beside me I wanted him to break open the coffin and say he was alive but I knew deep down that wasn't going to happen.
Days later it was his birthday, June 22nd. We went to the cemetery and everyone in my family had an orange or black balloon (orange was his favorite color) and we all wrote messages on it and let them go saying happy birthday. I cried as I let mine go. I am now crying as I type this. He was my favorite uncle and I loved him very much. He was always there for me.
Well I never really believed about life after death but somehow I do now. I had a dream of him one night and I woke up with tears running down my face. My dream was of him down in the basement of my grandmas house (which there is no basement there) so I am confused but I am positive it was my grandmas house.
Well my grandmother sent me to get some warm water from downstairs and I begged her not to send me. But she still did and she gave me a lit candle and a bucket. (I still don't understand my dream) but I still begged her not to send me down there she said why. I told her because my uncle is down there and he tries to pull me down the stairs with him. She didn't believe me and I went down there crying and there he was waiting and trying to grab me by my legs. I couldn't go down there. I awoke from my dream and I questioned my dream to my self. perhaps he needed to tell me something but I don't know.
Written by Nezza, Copyright 2010
Monday, September 15, 2014
My friends Haunting story
I was fifteen and I had one really good friend. Her name was Kesha. We'd been good friends since we were in nursery and then we were living in a hotel with my parents as her parents had passed away.
One night me and Kesha went to bed at about 9:30 because we were really tired. It was midnight now and I was fast asleep when I got woke up by Kesha screaming. I asked what the matter was. She said she was having a nightmare of her parents coming to haunt her in the night. She really didn't get on with her parents as they used to be nasty to her. So I got out of bed and turned the light on. Kesha was now shaking and she went pale. She started to cry. So I went and fetched my mum and dad.
When we returned into the room we saw Kesha. She was rolling around on the floor. We asked her what she was doing. She didn't reply so my mum called the ambulance. When the ambulance arrived they said it might not be anything we could sort out. My dad asked them what they were on about. They said they were talking about calling a medium.
The next day we went to see a medium and she said that Kesha was being paralyzed by her parents in her dreams and she would have to sleep with a little lamp by her bed. The following night we did as the medium had said to do but it didn't work at all. In fact Kesha wasn't paralyzed in her dreams it was for real. I was exhausted so I had my ear plugs in and my night mask on so I couldn't hear or see anything.
The next morning Kesha had told us that she had a nightmare again. She told us all about it that she heard some talking in the night so she opened her eyes and there stood two ghostly figures. She started to scream but the shadows wouldn't let her. She said the male like figure put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming while the female like figure grabbed one arm and one leg and started to pull her out of bed.
While me and Kesha were getting dressed I noticed a couple of bruises on her body. I asked her where they were from. She said she didn't know and both me and Kesha had never seen them on her before.
We see now that that night was actually real but Kesha thought it was just a bad dream as all the others she's had.
Written by Miley Gladwin, Copyright 2010
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