This has happened many times in my life - it started when I was 8.
My first experience with this was like unlocking the door that is supposed to be sealed.
I fell into a deep sleep and woke within the "dream" to see myself for two seconds and then pass out, again and again until I eventually woke up feeling dizzy and sick.
What I really want to tell you is about what I experienced five years ago.
I was reading an article on this site "the man in black is going to get you" and I could relate.
I fell into a deep sleep one night, to awake in my dream (I was fully aware that I was dreaming) I looked down to see myself on the bed and didn't think much of it. I looked at the clock, it had stopped, it was five minutes past two in the morning. I turned around to switch the light on and it didn't work. I remember at that time feeling a sense of panic that I needed to get out of the house, it came from nowhere.
I opened the door to see a "man" standing at the end of the passage, I knew immediately that he wanted to eat me. I ran to the kitchen, running past the window and seeing nothing outside, almost like I was forbidden to go there. I sat in the corner of the kitchen and heard his footsteps coming around the corner, at that moment, I remembered that it was a dream and willed myself awake. My eyes shot open, I sat up straight in a dizzy frenzy. I felt ill. I looked at the clock - it was five minutes past two. My house was cold and thick. I had many paranormal experiences before, but this was the first time I had actually ran and felt scared. He has followed me since.
Can anybody relate? If so, how did you deal with it? How can I get rid of it? This is desperate.
Sent in by Sun1que, Copyright 2012