Ghost Space
Friday, November 21, 2014
My Ghostly Secret
You all know of my last story, My Ghostly Secret, well i am back to tell you more about my power. As i told you about Julia in my last story, this one is about another kid who died in my old house & his name was Benjamen, but i always called him Ben. His family where the second owners of the house. He told me how he was killed too. One night a man, no a murderer, snuck into his house & murdered everyone, his parents where able to cross over, but he wasn't . He stayed at my house with me & Julia, he was nice, & he likes to tell stories of his life & we listen, because his stories are fascinating. Well thats another ghost story come to an end, stay tuned to read my next one.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
A Haunting By My Brother
I was 17 my brother Josh passed away from a car accident. Josh and I were best friends, and always stuck together through the hard times, he was in his car one day and this drunk driver came from no where and swerved hitting my brother from the front. The other driver had claimed to see Josh not having a seat-belt on and my brother always put a seat-belt on, so I knew he was lying.
A year after he passed away I new something strange should happen, nothing would until one night. I was in sin the kitchen taking my depressing medicine and everybody else was asleep. it was just me, the way I liked it. I went to bed and I heard the sink turn on. I went to see if anything was there or if it was my family and sure enough it wasn't.
That night could of just bin me, I knew something was there.two nights after I woke up and stared in my room. when I looked at the TV I saw this figure that looked just like Josh but had bigger teeth and a huge head like George Lopez. I scream and when my dad could get in my bedroom it was gone. I had told him what I had saw that night but he didn't believe me.
After a few weeks I went to therapy. this haunting had gotten more enticed. I started to hear EVPs and started to see black figures walking around the house and this started to scare me badly.
It rolled around to my 19th birthday and I went into the bathroom with all of the lights on when all the sudden I heard Lizzy, Lizzy and before I could scream the lights went off and on and so followed the switch. No one was in there so I knew it was Josh.
When that night passed I had not gone to the bathroom since then but I don't care. I went into Joshes old bedroom and lying in the floor there was his clothes , and his body. I scream then went to get my dad and I said ( Why are you keeping his clothes and his body in his room, That's the reason he has come back to haunt me.) ,and then I went to his bedroom and got his body and clothes got in my car and took it to the police.
After I found his body and gave it to the police , they buried it. Nothing strange has happen anymore but that is still in terror from the things that happen to me. So I guess he was trying to scare me like in the old days . I will always miss him and remember him.
If you have any questions feel free to tell me.
Sent in by Lizzy, Copyright 2011
A year after he passed away I new something strange should happen, nothing would until one night. I was in sin the kitchen taking my depressing medicine and everybody else was asleep. it was just me, the way I liked it. I went to bed and I heard the sink turn on. I went to see if anything was there or if it was my family and sure enough it wasn't.
That night could of just bin me, I knew something was there.two nights after I woke up and stared in my room. when I looked at the TV I saw this figure that looked just like Josh but had bigger teeth and a huge head like George Lopez. I scream and when my dad could get in my bedroom it was gone. I had told him what I had saw that night but he didn't believe me.
After a few weeks I went to therapy. this haunting had gotten more enticed. I started to hear EVPs and started to see black figures walking around the house and this started to scare me badly.
It rolled around to my 19th birthday and I went into the bathroom with all of the lights on when all the sudden I heard Lizzy, Lizzy and before I could scream the lights went off and on and so followed the switch. No one was in there so I knew it was Josh.
When that night passed I had not gone to the bathroom since then but I don't care. I went into Joshes old bedroom and lying in the floor there was his clothes , and his body. I scream then went to get my dad and I said ( Why are you keeping his clothes and his body in his room, That's the reason he has come back to haunt me.) ,and then I went to his bedroom and got his body and clothes got in my car and took it to the police.
After I found his body and gave it to the police , they buried it. Nothing strange has happen anymore but that is still in terror from the things that happen to me. So I guess he was trying to scare me like in the old days . I will always miss him and remember him.
If you have any questions feel free to tell me.
Sent in by Lizzy, Copyright 2011
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
It's back
To understand exactly what is back, you may want to read my other story. Not So Friendly Ghosts
This is a really long story, that explains what I think I'm seeing now, 8 years later. I am now 16 years old, and until a few months ago, I thought I had escaped whatever was haunting me at my old house.
It all started the night after my friend got hit by a car. He wasn't killed, but simply fractured his back in several places. It was done on purpose, so naturally I was extremely nervous that something could happen again. I didn't sleep for about a week because I was so paranoid, and when I did sleep, I had nightmares of ghosts and demons haunting my boyfriend and I, violently killing my boyfriend. (I don't know how this is relevant to my friend being hurt, but somehow my being scared and not sleeping led to these nightmare I'm assuming.)
One morning, I was in the kitchen fixing something to eat. I glanced outside through my big glass French front doors, and saw a black shadow in the shape of a man. I looked back, and it was gone. I considered the fact that I hadn't slept in a few weeks, and simply ignored what I thought I had just seen.
The nightmares continued.
No more than a week after "seeing" the "shadowed man" as I call him, he was back. And this time I was sure. Everybody has those dreams where they are falling, or perhaps being grabbed, and they jump and wake up. I felt something grab my ankle, and I woke myself up from jumping so violently. I sat up to grab a drink of water from my nightstand, and when I looked back, there was a black shadow in the shape of a man near the foot of my bed, where my legs had been.
I blinked a few times and it was gone, but I remained frozen. It felt like an hour before I gathered the courage to turn on my lamp.
The shadowed man was gone, but I still felt as if I was being watched. Perhaps I was being paranoid, but when most people think that they may have experienced something, they say "It was like nothing I have ever felt before." but the thing is, I have had this feeling before. It feels just like when I was at my old house- the one I lived to prior to this one. I always felt as if I was being watched and felt unsafe if that makes any sense. It was the same feeling I had before.
I broke down crying, and needless to say, I did not sleep that night.
About two months passed, and nothing happened. I began to think that maybe what had happened was just a realistic nightmare. But I was quickly convinced that it wasn't. I was at my mom's boyfriends house, a few hours from where I live. We all slept in the same room. They were in their bed, and I was on the couch. I was sleeping rather good, when I suddenly woke up. I thought nothing of it because I wake up around 2 times a night to get something to drink or maybe go to the bathroom. I didn't feel like getting up, so I just laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Just as I was dozing off, something grabbed my shoulder. I was facing the back of the sofa, so without looking back I assumed it was my mom and muffled "Leave me alone. Go away. I'm sleeping." Then I heard "No. I'm never leaving." It was the most evil voice I have ever heard in my life. It was nothing like in the horror movies. It gives me the chills just thinking of the voice. It was a deep, growl.
That was about two months ago, and I have not seen the shadowed man. I have had dreams where I become possessed. I am laying in my bed violently shaking and moaning. I have woken myself up both times because I could feel myself shaking. I hope that this could be the end of whatever is going on, but my gut is telling me that this isn't over.
I talked to my priest and he said that it was because of fears that demons were taking advantage of me, but I can't think of what I could be scared of. In the beginning, yes, that would have made sense. I was scared for my friends life, but that is all done and taken care of. Why is the shadowed man still here?
Sent in by Hannah Marie, Copyright 2010
This is a really long story, that explains what I think I'm seeing now, 8 years later. I am now 16 years old, and until a few months ago, I thought I had escaped whatever was haunting me at my old house.
It all started the night after my friend got hit by a car. He wasn't killed, but simply fractured his back in several places. It was done on purpose, so naturally I was extremely nervous that something could happen again. I didn't sleep for about a week because I was so paranoid, and when I did sleep, I had nightmares of ghosts and demons haunting my boyfriend and I, violently killing my boyfriend. (I don't know how this is relevant to my friend being hurt, but somehow my being scared and not sleeping led to these nightmare I'm assuming.)
One morning, I was in the kitchen fixing something to eat. I glanced outside through my big glass French front doors, and saw a black shadow in the shape of a man. I looked back, and it was gone. I considered the fact that I hadn't slept in a few weeks, and simply ignored what I thought I had just seen.
The nightmares continued.
No more than a week after "seeing" the "shadowed man" as I call him, he was back. And this time I was sure. Everybody has those dreams where they are falling, or perhaps being grabbed, and they jump and wake up. I felt something grab my ankle, and I woke myself up from jumping so violently. I sat up to grab a drink of water from my nightstand, and when I looked back, there was a black shadow in the shape of a man near the foot of my bed, where my legs had been.
I blinked a few times and it was gone, but I remained frozen. It felt like an hour before I gathered the courage to turn on my lamp.
The shadowed man was gone, but I still felt as if I was being watched. Perhaps I was being paranoid, but when most people think that they may have experienced something, they say "It was like nothing I have ever felt before." but the thing is, I have had this feeling before. It feels just like when I was at my old house- the one I lived to prior to this one. I always felt as if I was being watched and felt unsafe if that makes any sense. It was the same feeling I had before.
I broke down crying, and needless to say, I did not sleep that night.
About two months passed, and nothing happened. I began to think that maybe what had happened was just a realistic nightmare. But I was quickly convinced that it wasn't. I was at my mom's boyfriends house, a few hours from where I live. We all slept in the same room. They were in their bed, and I was on the couch. I was sleeping rather good, when I suddenly woke up. I thought nothing of it because I wake up around 2 times a night to get something to drink or maybe go to the bathroom. I didn't feel like getting up, so I just laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. Just as I was dozing off, something grabbed my shoulder. I was facing the back of the sofa, so without looking back I assumed it was my mom and muffled "Leave me alone. Go away. I'm sleeping." Then I heard "No. I'm never leaving." It was the most evil voice I have ever heard in my life. It was nothing like in the horror movies. It gives me the chills just thinking of the voice. It was a deep, growl.
That was about two months ago, and I have not seen the shadowed man. I have had dreams where I become possessed. I am laying in my bed violently shaking and moaning. I have woken myself up both times because I could feel myself shaking. I hope that this could be the end of whatever is going on, but my gut is telling me that this isn't over.
I talked to my priest and he said that it was because of fears that demons were taking advantage of me, but I can't think of what I could be scared of. In the beginning, yes, that would have made sense. I was scared for my friends life, but that is all done and taken care of. Why is the shadowed man still here?
Sent in by Hannah Marie, Copyright 2010
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Little Indian Boy In My Room
The other family had a beautiful daughter. They fell in love. He would sneak around to see her, to just be with her. He didn’t care if they were born enemies. He knew he loved her. He told his parents he was going to marry her, but they said no. So, at night he would sneak out to meet her, where he proposed. She said yes but she wanted to tell her parents. He told her she couldn’t, because he knew they wouldn’t approve.
So, they made a plan. They were going to run away together. The girl’s family found out. Her father went crazy, and grabbed his shotgun. He ended that relationship that night. He put a bullet through Little Bear Claw’s head.
He told me he’s waiting for her to come to him again, so they can be together forever more. I hope it comes true. After all he’s been through, he deserves to find her. Until then, he'll keep coming to me at three in the morning.
Again, do not take this lightly.
Sent in by Bella30164, Copyright 2010
Monday, November 17, 2014
HIM The Angel Of Evil
You want to talk to him, you have to talk to him. When he talks to you its never demanding it just listening like an old friend but the things you tell him you have never told anyone else and he delights in that. He cocks his head to the side smiles and he never stays longer than necessary just enough to unnerve you. Just enough to make you wonder why you told him those things you did. Sometimes he takes you to that deep dark secret and he feeds on the fact a part of you still likes what happen and would like it to happen again. Sometimes he will show you how people have called for him only to be deceived and tricked.
He likes groups to call for him those are his favorite because there is always one who believes in him totally. But sometime he comes and he is very unhappy because you have not came to him fast enough or don't believe so he will show you just who he is and ask you for a even trade. Sometimes he will knock on that dream window asks to come in and ask you for your commitment or tell you who he wants or needs.
You will smell him you will see him and you will pray harder than you ever had and beg for him to leave that person for just one more day and he will if your faith is strong. Crucifix, bibles, prayers have to be pure and from within to win against him. Sometimes he decides to walk this earth and when he does you will know him his face and eyes are dead but his smile isn't. I thought maybe it was just me that had that dream of him but there have been others let me know if you have seen him.
Unknown writer copyright
Sunday, November 16, 2014
My Black Figure That Haunts Me
I am currently 12, living in a townhouse that is over 100 years old. Everything started happening shortly after getting a cat.Well,about a week after getting a cat strange things would happen after my mom went to bed.I would usually be sitting on my computer playing games and stuff, when all of the sudden my cat would just disappear.
I don't know where he would go but when he did disappear and I would be all alone, strange things would happen. Some of the things that would happen were like hearing whispers,seeing shadows,and stuff like that.Well one day really strange things started to happen, whenever I would go to bed I would close my door all the way, I made sure my cat was in his room before I went to bed, I would just be watching TV or listening to my MP3 player when my door would open wide stay open for like 2 minutes and close back like somebody had came in and closed the door.
Well every since that it has happened. One night I got tired of it scaring me so I tried to do one of those evp thingy's with my phone and nothing came up.well the next night I got in bed the door opened and closed like always but something really freaky happened that night,my right leg was out from under the covers,well something rubbed up and down my leg. I was freaking out.
The next morning I got up to take a shower.I had turned on the hot water and left the room to go get my clothes, when I came back in there was a hand-print on the mirror.I was shaking all over, I went downstairs to ask my mom if she had went into the bathroom and she said no. I came back up and the mirror was smeared.I brushed it off and proceeded with my shower.later that night it was on the computer when my cat disappeared I had recently got this fish tank which we had put beside the computer, well all the fish were always in this one corner of the fish tank, my cat disappeared and they all quickly swam to the other side of the tank.then I herd whispers in my ear saying my name,then I gained enough courage to say what do you want.I heard a short laugh then out of nowhere my cat jumps out and tries to attack something that isn't there.well about 2 and a half months passed everything was some how normal when one day I was at the top of the stairs and something pushed me down the stairs.
Later that month my cat wasn't even 1 year old and had mysteriously died. About 4 weeks had passed nothing had happened. well my mom surprised me with a new cat. She is my current cat.well ever since I got here she has been also attacking air.recently I have seen is a soldier he sits at the bottom of my stairs gets up and walks right out my main door this happens ever 3 days.there or 3 more. One is a little girl who likes to mess with my cat.
Another is a black figure that's the one who keeps opening my door I think its a grown up. the last one sits and peeks out at me from the top of the stairs.I think its a little boy cause its hair style.recently the black figure has been coming downstairs and grabbing my legs, I think its a molester spirit.well its not the best story but its true and its still happening to I know I'm not crazy cause sometimes my mom will see the soldier when she is alone.
Sent in by Savannah, Copyright 2010
I don't know where he would go but when he did disappear and I would be all alone, strange things would happen. Some of the things that would happen were like hearing whispers,seeing shadows,and stuff like that.Well one day really strange things started to happen, whenever I would go to bed I would close my door all the way, I made sure my cat was in his room before I went to bed, I would just be watching TV or listening to my MP3 player when my door would open wide stay open for like 2 minutes and close back like somebody had came in and closed the door.
Well every since that it has happened. One night I got tired of it scaring me so I tried to do one of those evp thingy's with my phone and nothing came up.well the next night I got in bed the door opened and closed like always but something really freaky happened that night,my right leg was out from under the covers,well something rubbed up and down my leg. I was freaking out.
The next morning I got up to take a shower.I had turned on the hot water and left the room to go get my clothes, when I came back in there was a hand-print on the mirror.I was shaking all over, I went downstairs to ask my mom if she had went into the bathroom and she said no. I came back up and the mirror was smeared.I brushed it off and proceeded with my shower.later that night it was on the computer when my cat disappeared I had recently got this fish tank which we had put beside the computer, well all the fish were always in this one corner of the fish tank, my cat disappeared and they all quickly swam to the other side of the tank.then I herd whispers in my ear saying my name,then I gained enough courage to say what do you want.I heard a short laugh then out of nowhere my cat jumps out and tries to attack something that isn't there.well about 2 and a half months passed everything was some how normal when one day I was at the top of the stairs and something pushed me down the stairs.
Later that month my cat wasn't even 1 year old and had mysteriously died. About 4 weeks had passed nothing had happened. well my mom surprised me with a new cat. She is my current cat.well ever since I got here she has been also attacking air.recently I have seen is a soldier he sits at the bottom of my stairs gets up and walks right out my main door this happens ever 3 days.there or 3 more. One is a little girl who likes to mess with my cat.
Another is a black figure that's the one who keeps opening my door I think its a grown up. the last one sits and peeks out at me from the top of the stairs.I think its a little boy cause its hair style.recently the black figure has been coming downstairs and grabbing my legs, I think its a molester spirit.well its not the best story but its true and its still happening to I know I'm not crazy cause sometimes my mom will see the soldier when she is alone.
Sent in by Savannah, Copyright 2010
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Don't be Scared, Just Dealing With It
I can not say exactly when it all began, but all I know is that it has been happening as young as I can remember, and now I am in my twenties, and it still happens, I'll share one of the 100s of unexplained stuff that has happen/happening to me.
It all started in the house I grew up in Vancouver BC. I would have the same dream over and over again, so clear, as if I am living this scary movie:
I am sleeping in my room, in my bed when the door opens to my room.. It was closed before I went to bed I am thinking, I am glued to my bed, I can not move, talk, all I can do is see and feel scared. I hear it sliding towards me,I am thinking what is happening. The best way to describe it is a person dragging the weight of their own body on the ground with their arms slowly while picking up speed. Than it is at the foot of my bed, pulling over my covers over its body coming towards me slowly. Without seeing its face, I could tell its was tall as an 8-10 year old in height. It touches my feet, I never see its face but I feel its not human. Dream Over.
I wake up with a big tapping noise on my window but I refuse to open my eyes, it keeps on going, tap, tap, tap,getting louder each time. Okay now I am annoyed and I think its my sister trying to scare me, so I stop hiding underneath my covers to tell her to "stop it". The noise stops, and as you know it my bedroom door was wide open (even though I closed it before going to bed and the window is open about an inch. Now I am kind of startled.
You see I am scared of bugs so there is no way I left my window open, especially all night. Also I like my privacy so I like to have my room door closed at all times. My sister and I have our own separate rooms beside each other. My Mum, Dad and Sister claimed to have never have opened anything in my room. My cat and dog do not have opposable thumbs to unlock plus turn a door knob, let alone open a jammed sideways sliding window. So all is ruled out. It must be sleep paralysis.
This happen for years of my life, the same dream over again, more real each time. Than the night came which I would never forget, well I guess there is many but this is the one I am sharing with you all out there.
It was the summer before going into high-school, and I was having more free time hanging out with my friends, having sleep over's with my girlfriends, and my first boyfriend! So I was hardly at home and if I was at home I would be chitchatting on the phone.
You see I had so many new things going on in my life that I forgot about "what goes bump in the night".
I had a dream one of those summer nights,it was more real than before. This time I felt it touching my face my legs, the weight of it on me, but I still could not see it. I was trying to fight it off of me for the first time, I was fighting back. But it out powered me. I woke up with a big bang that morning and I was laying on my back facing the ceiling, (which I hardly do because I am a side sleeper). It felt as if I was placed like that..
When the blurriness of my eyes settled I noticed my ceiling was dirty, I looked closer to see the ceiling was covered in black chalky hand prints everywhere. I paused..what is this? Some kind of joke?? Someone took their time out to do this. This 10' by 10' box space room, was covered everywhere, like it got a bunch of high fives. Some hand prints were on the ceiling light and on the wall beside the door. But not by the window??
Anyways I ran speechless to my parents room, waking them up, I was in a panic even my pets could sense it too, I took them to my room to show them, and I demanded to know if my dad did this..
Because it was big hands, like a mans hands. He said he did not, and they believed I did that. I am a 5' tall gal and my ceilings were 10' high.
This is still to this day unsolved and my parents believe that I did that myself. I could not wash off the hand prints off, and it remind vivid for 2-3 years until my father repainted my room. We sold the house a year ago, but this thing whatever it is follows me till this day but never did that stunt again.. I hope it never does.
This is one true story I shared with you all. I wanted too because I just want to let you know that who ever it going through what I am, to not be scared or try not too show your fear. Whatever it is, it feeds off of fear, panic, whatever. It wont go away and it will probably follow you for the rest of your life like how it does to me. But you just have to learn to deal and ignore it. Its a learning experience each and every day of my life, maybe yours too, who knows maybe in 40, 50 years this can be explained, and hopefully solved.
Sent in by Shibly Sharma, all rights reserved copyright 2010
It all started in the house I grew up in Vancouver BC. I would have the same dream over and over again, so clear, as if I am living this scary movie:
I am sleeping in my room, in my bed when the door opens to my room.. It was closed before I went to bed I am thinking, I am glued to my bed, I can not move, talk, all I can do is see and feel scared. I hear it sliding towards me,I am thinking what is happening. The best way to describe it is a person dragging the weight of their own body on the ground with their arms slowly while picking up speed. Than it is at the foot of my bed, pulling over my covers over its body coming towards me slowly. Without seeing its face, I could tell its was tall as an 8-10 year old in height. It touches my feet, I never see its face but I feel its not human. Dream Over.
I wake up with a big tapping noise on my window but I refuse to open my eyes, it keeps on going, tap, tap, tap,getting louder each time. Okay now I am annoyed and I think its my sister trying to scare me, so I stop hiding underneath my covers to tell her to "stop it". The noise stops, and as you know it my bedroom door was wide open (even though I closed it before going to bed and the window is open about an inch. Now I am kind of startled.
You see I am scared of bugs so there is no way I left my window open, especially all night. Also I like my privacy so I like to have my room door closed at all times. My sister and I have our own separate rooms beside each other. My Mum, Dad and Sister claimed to have never have opened anything in my room. My cat and dog do not have opposable thumbs to unlock plus turn a door knob, let alone open a jammed sideways sliding window. So all is ruled out. It must be sleep paralysis.
This happen for years of my life, the same dream over again, more real each time. Than the night came which I would never forget, well I guess there is many but this is the one I am sharing with you all out there.
It was the summer before going into high-school, and I was having more free time hanging out with my friends, having sleep over's with my girlfriends, and my first boyfriend! So I was hardly at home and if I was at home I would be chitchatting on the phone.
You see I had so many new things going on in my life that I forgot about "what goes bump in the night".
I had a dream one of those summer nights,it was more real than before. This time I felt it touching my face my legs, the weight of it on me, but I still could not see it. I was trying to fight it off of me for the first time, I was fighting back. But it out powered me. I woke up with a big bang that morning and I was laying on my back facing the ceiling, (which I hardly do because I am a side sleeper). It felt as if I was placed like that..
When the blurriness of my eyes settled I noticed my ceiling was dirty, I looked closer to see the ceiling was covered in black chalky hand prints everywhere. I paused..what is this? Some kind of joke?? Someone took their time out to do this. This 10' by 10' box space room, was covered everywhere, like it got a bunch of high fives. Some hand prints were on the ceiling light and on the wall beside the door. But not by the window??
Anyways I ran speechless to my parents room, waking them up, I was in a panic even my pets could sense it too, I took them to my room to show them, and I demanded to know if my dad did this..
Because it was big hands, like a mans hands. He said he did not, and they believed I did that. I am a 5' tall gal and my ceilings were 10' high.
This is still to this day unsolved and my parents believe that I did that myself. I could not wash off the hand prints off, and it remind vivid for 2-3 years until my father repainted my room. We sold the house a year ago, but this thing whatever it is follows me till this day but never did that stunt again.. I hope it never does.
This is one true story I shared with you all. I wanted too because I just want to let you know that who ever it going through what I am, to not be scared or try not too show your fear. Whatever it is, it feeds off of fear, panic, whatever. It wont go away and it will probably follow you for the rest of your life like how it does to me. But you just have to learn to deal and ignore it. Its a learning experience each and every day of my life, maybe yours too, who knows maybe in 40, 50 years this can be explained, and hopefully solved.
Sent in by Shibly Sharma, all rights reserved copyright 2010
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